Why do women love big men?

Why women love big men

The question of why women love big men is of interest to many has a completely logical explanation. According to Professor George Yancey, a sociologist at the University of North Texas, it is easy to explain the gender stereotypes of humanity.

Which men women like — strong, brave, who can protect their women. So the traditional expectation of a large man is directly related to the desire of the weaker sex to appear more feminine and to be behind your man like behind a stone wall.

So a massive man looks even more dominant. His view of a woman from above only enhances the effect of significance, strength and power.

Higher – lower

All the same sociologists, thanks to surveys and studies, came to the conclusion that more than 50% women prefer to see a man next to them 10-15 centimeters taller than themselves. And, it turns out, this is due not only to the female desire to wear heels and, wearing new louboutins, not to tower over her husband. And again, a man towering over a woman guarantees the best degree of protection.

By the way, tall men attract not only women's views. According to the same scientists, even leading positions in companies most often go to tall men. This is due to the increased level of self-esteem of tall men.

Science background

Back in 1958, a team of British scientists from the National Center for the Study of Child Development conceived an amazing large-scale experiment. To do this, thousands of voluntary participants in the study were under observation. The data began to be analyzed in 2000, when the volunteers were 42 years old.

The findings about why women love big men were surprising. Men whose height exceeded 183 cm became fathers more often than their undersized opponents.

attractiveness of big men

There was also a great sexual attractiveness of tall men. This has been embedded in the subconscious of a woman since primitive times – the larger the male, the more prey he will bring.

Further, scientists did come to an amazing discovery. It turns out that humanity is growing rapidly. And only over the last fifty years, the average height of people has increased by 8 cm. And we continue to grow further. Accordingly, at a subconscious level, a tall man is perceived as more progressive and, accordingly, successful.

This completely coincides with the true female desire to get the most perfect male as a partner. The same statistic says that “thummy-basketball” alliances are the strongest.

Why do women like big men?

Dose of love per centimeter of growth

Adhering to certain stereotypes, Western society also welcomes couples in which the spouse is taller than the spouse. Let's take, for example, the happy marriages of star Jennifer Aniston (157 cm) and actor Brad Pitt (175 cm) index 1.10. The same for world football star David Beckham (183 cm) and his wife Victoria (168 cm) – index 1 ,09.

The strange word “index” appeared here. And it was introduced into the real assessment of the success of marriage by Polish anthropologists. They determined that the height ratio of a married couple is more important for a happy marriage than the financial well-being of the couple. According to his research, in order for the union to be long and successful, the husband must be at least 1.09 cm taller than his wife

However, like every rule, there are exceptions. For example, Nicole Kidman, with her 180 cm, lived happily with Tom Cruise, who is 10 centimeters shorter than her. Or life partner Cameron Diaz – Benjamin Madden. Height difference 6 cm in her favor.

Why do women like big men?

Pros in family life

Remembering that higher representatives of the stronger sex more often become fathers, one should not forget that a big and strong husband and dad are capable of more family exploits than his petty opponent. He will be able to carry his beloved in his arms without any problems, and in the truest sense of the word.

He will not be afraid that the furniture in the house needs to be rearranged and will effortlessly bring from the shopping center a huge number of packages that his wife purchased there. As for the banal protection from hooligans, then there is nothing to talk about at all. It is hard to imagine that daredevil who dares to attack the companion of a tall and stately man.

Why do women like big men?

It's just beautiful

If you put aside all scientific research and experiments, you can simply notice that a couple where a delicate and fragile girl of short stature is embracing her tall companion , from the side it looks much more attractive and beautiful than a couple where a tall girl motherly hugs her frail companion.

So women can reach out to a big man just on a subconscious level. After all, it is so nice when behind the broad shoulders of a loved one you can hide from a gust of wind. And to hide from all the troubles of the Big Life Ocean.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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