Both laughter and sin: 100 abstruse phrases that blow your mind

thoughtful girl

Do you want to add an interesting caption to your Instagram photo? Well, then this list is for you!

TOP 100

  • Everything you dream about is on the other side of fear.
  • It doesn't matter how many days are in your life, it matters how much life is in your days.
  • If you don't fail, it means you're not doing anything new.
  • A person with only one clock knows exactly what time it is. A person who has two watches is never completely sure.
  • You have to be weird to be first.
  • Don't choose people who don't choose you.
  • Man's nature is open enough for him to know something about himself, and hidden enough to leave a lot of impenetrable darkness in which he is forever groping, trying in vain to understand himself.
  • On the ship “Earth” no passengers. We are all a team.
  • To forgive is to let go of hope for a better past.
  • By reading books that everyone reads, you will think like everyone thinks.
  • Transformation is not about falling apart. Transformation is when you dive into something new.
the guy has an idea
  • Nothing is so tiring like having unfinished tasks.
  • We can only talk and think about what already exists.
  • The earth laughs with flowers.
  • The most powerful weapon on earth is it is the human soul on fire.
  • If you are in pain, it means that life wants to teach you something.
  • Trust those who seek to find the truth. Don't trust anyone who says they've found it.
  • Each person is the builder of their own future.
  • We are comfortable with those who agree with us. But we grow up surrounded by those who disagree with us.
  • Why do you prove that you are not a camel if you are not a camel?
  • If the door does not open, then it is not your door.
  • Our attitude towards people shows how we would like them to treat us.
  • It is better to love and lose than to never know love at all.
  • Love is a game in where both win.
  • When you give love, you always gain something.
  • The perfect moment will never come.
  • If you have a family that loves you , a couple of good friends, food on the table and a roof over your head, then you are already much richer than you think.
  • Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life.
  • The one who is most afraid of death is the one who is not even living now.
  • Go ahead and remember that failures cause less pain than missed opportunities.< /li>
  • The key to happiness in life is the courage to let go of what you can't change.
  • You're so focused on what you're not that you end up losing who you are. you are.
  • Love what you have before life takes it from you.
girl with phone
  • Your hard work is the dream of every unemployed person. Your naughty child is the dream of every childless person. Your little house is the dream of every homeless person. Your small capital is the dream of every debtor. Your poor health is the dream of every patient with an incurable disease. Your peace of mind, your peaceful sleep, your affordable food are the dreams of everyone who has a war in his country. Appreciate everything you have. No one knows what will happen to you tomorrow.
  • Where there is control, there is no place for magic.
  • Stop forcing things and let them just be.
  • Better to be alone than holding on to people who make you feel alone.
  • Fall in love with the process of becoming your best self.
  • Don't break your heart by placing expectations on people that they don't live up to.
  • The past version of you is now very proud of your achievements.
  • Change will come when you stop trying to destroy the past and start build the future intensely.
  • Don't give the best in yourself to those who see only the worst in you.
  • When you don't know what to choose, choose yourself and love yourself.
  • Twenty years from now, you will not lament what you did badly, but what you didn’t dare to do.
  • Never underestimate the impact you have on the lives of others with your words and actions.
  • Your heart has to go through a lot in this life. Be kind to him.
  • In order to find a place where you feel comfortable, you first need to experience a lot of inconvenience.
  • The negative reaction of others to your personal boundaries is the main reason why you need to protect these boundaries.
  • You will never miss what is meant for you.
  • Don't change just to get someone to choose you.
  • Just because you love that person doesn't mean they're right for you.
  • Be prepared for it to lose someone from your environment when you start choosing yourself.
  • Some people can no longer stay in your life because you are no longer the person they knew.
thoughtful guy
  • It's time to love yourself the way you used to love others.
  • Don't convince them Start choosing yourself
  • The right person is the one who makes you fall in love with yourself.
  • You can't change the person who considers his actions to be right.
  • People who want to stay in your life will make the effort themselves.
  • You are still worthy of love. Even if the people you met along the way managed to convince you otherwise.
  • It's okay to feel sad after making the right decision.
  • Sometimes life does not give you what you are about he asked because he knows you deserve better.
  • Will what you're worried about matter a year from now?
  • Love doesn't hurt. It hurts someone who doesn't know how to love you properly.
  • One day you will look back and you will understand why everything happened the way it happened.
  • You don't have to discount your feelings just because that someone is suffering more than you right now.
  • Learn to be alone with yourself. Only then will you understand why you choose these people – out of love or out of boredom.
  • There will always be a person who does not see your true value in you. The main thing is that this person is not yourself.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. Flowers are just as beautiful as sunsets, even though they are very different.
  • You're not doing anything wrong when you ask to be treated well.
  • Life becomes so much easier when you stop listening to people telling you to think realistically.
  • Sometimes you have to burn bridges so you won't be tempted to go back.
  • You will keep seeing the same person in different people until you won't learn your lesson.
  • Don't question your worth just because someone else can't see it in you.
  • If you don't tell people how you feel, how will they know?
  • Love yourself. Then you won't lose yourself in people who don't love you.
  • Burn, but don't burn.
thoughtful girl
  • Someday you will have to realize that not all people are ready for your love.
  • Stop being surprised at the same things.
  • When was the last time you did something Is this the first time?
  • People never forget how you made them feel.
  • You don't have to work so hard that you forget to live.
  • Love will find you when you stop looking for it.
  • Even if your progress is only visible to you, it still matters.
  • There are so many people in this world who love you. And you still focus on those who don't.
  • Sometimes you have to lose people you're not ready to lose, because that's the only way you can grow.
  • Everything for which you have to pay with your mental health, unreasonably expensive.
  • Be grateful for closed doors, canceled flights and blocked roads. They keep you from going down a path not meant for you.
  • It's okay to miss people from a distance, but not want to see them again in your life.
  • Only people who truly care about you can hear you even when you are silent.
  • The only person you should be afraid of losing is yourself.
  • Perhaps the word “forever” was not created for people, but for their memories.
  • Sometimes a storm comes into your life not to destroy it, but to clear the way for you.
  • You can't keep your heart from hurting by pretending you don't have one.
  • Avoid people, things, and places that make you fall back into the habits you've been trying to get rid of for so long.
  • You spend most of your life in your own head. Make this place comfortable for you.
  • Somewhere in this world, a stranger you were once kind to remembers you now.
  • Sometimes your heart needs time to accept what your mind has already accepted.
  • Each end is also the beginning of something new.
  • Give yourself permission to be happy.
  • You are the boss a hero in your life story.

< i>«WISE THOUGHTS» — Best Quotes, Aphorisms, Phrases about life with meaning Read by Leonid Yudin

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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