How to understand that a guy is a virgin by external signs?

shy guy

Do you feel like your new boyfriend might be a virgin, but want to find out for sure?

The truth is, there is no there is no real way to know for sure, just as there is no medical test that can prove whether he is a virgin or not.The surest way to find out if your man is a virgin is to ask him directly.

Although if you are in a position where it is not possible to ask about it, but you really want to know, try to analyze his behavior for these 25 signs that he does not have sexual experience. Of course, our list is a joke, but isn't there some truth in every joke?

25 signs that a guy is a virgin

  • He is shy of women

Shyness towards the opposite sex is not always a sign of sexual inexperience. However, a virgin guy is very likely to feel uncomfortable around the opposite sex because he is aware of his inexperience. He will also make an effort to hide his discomfort.

  • He is awkward when touching women

Intimacy with a woman is new to him, and therefore, if you try to approach him physically, his movements will be awkward and unsteady. Therefore, he will avoid physical intimacy: you never know, suddenly you “burn” his secret in his inept embrace.

  • He avoids contact with women

If you or your girlfriends try to make physical contact with such a guy, he will be unhappy. He is probably just inexperienced and afraid to show it. But it could also be that he just has a bad experience with another woman.

  • He doesn't talk about his sexual past…

Obviously because he doesn't exist.

  • … or vice versa, he talks about his adventures incessantly
guy surrounded by girls

And the more unbelievable his stories are, the more likely he's never had sex. and impress you.

  • Get him out of the water

If you really want to make sure if he has experience with girls, try to put him in an awkward position. Flirt with him and try to seduce: by his reaction you will immediately understand whether he is still just a beginner or already experienced.

  • He is nervous

As soon as you start flirting with him, carefully follow his reaction. If he is nervous, there may be several reasons for this, including a lack of experience and an underlying fear of intimacy. But maybe he just doesn't want to rush things.

  • He avoids eye contact

If he avoids eye contact, it may mean that he is uncomfortable in front of you or perhaps he is too tense. On the other hand, he may just be too shy and doesn't want you to notice. Either way, it's still not a guarantee of his virginity.

  • He's afraid to date

If he's afraid to go on a date with you, he probably likes you a lot and is very nervous about it. It could also mean that he's not sure if the date will end in sex. If this is his first time, the idea of ​​getting into bed with you may be why he avoids intimate dates.

  • He freezes when you touch him

< figure class="fulwidth-img"> thoughtful guy

If he freezes when you touch him, it could be for several reasons besides his virginity. He may like you, and he may be nervous about the pace of the relationship. Or maybe he's just happy to be touched.

  • Maybe he's a bad kisser

There's a common myth: to tell if a guy is a virgin or not, look at how he is kissing. Lack of experience in bed is accompanied by a lack of experience in kissing. Although, of course, not always – it's still a myth.

  • He can't unbutton his bra

A hasty unhooking of a bra can easily show his level of knowledge and skills, which allows you to determine whether a man is a virgin or not. Although sometimes it only indicates that the guy took the time to learn some useful skills like this to prepare himself for losing his virginity. Either way, it's something to say about the man's experience.

  • He doesn't feel confident

Confidence in sexual matters comes with a level of knowledge. It is very easy to recognize virgins by how confident or unsure they are about how a woman's body is being treated. Although sometimes it can be a sign of a negative sexual experience in the past.

  • He knows nothing about foreplay

Studies have shown that women prefer much longer foreplay and fully enjoy the sexual act, and not just plunge into all serious. If foreplay is an optional and generally little-known thing for him, his lover is either bad or inexperienced.

guy with a book
  • An awkward foreplay

Suppose he is aware of the significance of the prelude, but is completely unable to perform it passionately and skillfully. Some virgin guys may know a thing or two about foreplay but find it hard to get it right. In such a situation, foreplay will be just awkward. If you and your boyfriend find themselves in this situation, it could mean that he is a virgin and very inexperienced.

  • He asks permission

This is a green flag for any man, but sometimes it means that he is afraid to do something because he does not know how to recognize your signals due to his lack of sexual experience. In any case, take care of a guy who respects the concept of consent, especially if he's not a virgin after all and fully understands the importance of getting a clear “yes” from you before doing anything.

  • He doesn't know where to put his hands

If he doesn't know where to put his own hands and seems a little confused, it shows he's never been in a similar situation before. This still does not guarantee that he is a virgin, but it still shows his inexperience. On the other hand, some men are just messy when making love, and there's nothing you can do about it.

  • He touches you awkwardly

Caressing a woman's body during foreplay and sex is very important. If he touches your body clumsily or too impulsively, look closely – this is probably the first time he does this.

  • He gets nervous when he sees you naked

No wonder if: a) he likes you very much or b) he has never seen a naked woman until now. Watch his reaction – it will become clear what the matter is all the same.

a girl hugs a guy
  • He treats you badly in bed

Man often boasts about that they are heroes in bed.The truth is that this is not always the case, and he may be bluffing.If you feel that your energy exceeds that of a man, this may mean that he is new to sex.

  • He moves unsteadily

The most important aspect of intercourse is knowing exactly what to do and how not to ruin the moment. If a man constantly pauses and needs you to show him how to move correctly, he has zero experience.

  • He is in too much of a hurry

Research has shown that most guys want to get into the thick of “events” as soon as possible. Experienced guys are in no hurry, they want their ladies to get maximum satisfaction. But the first sex is always fast.

  • He's ejaculating prematurely

If your boyfriend cums too fast, either he's too sensitive or he hasn't had sex in too long – maybe never.

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  • Fast orgasm
  • Do not confuse orgasm and ejaculation – even though one often accompanies the other, they are not the same thing. Orgasm occurs when the pelvic organs contract and deliver intense pleasure, and ejaculation is the release of semen. A man who has not had intercourse may have a faster orgasm.

    • He suffers from erectile dysfunction

    If he has difficulty getting and maintaining an erection, this may be because he is a virgin and has not yet mastered the matters of sex. On the other hand, it may be due to certain psychological and emotional factors. Anyway, something to think about.

    He and his virginity

    No one is born the perfect lover or the perfect lover. And we are all virgins up to a certain point in life. It `s naturally. However, many guys and girls who have not yet had time to discover sex are very complex about their lack of sexual experience. Some reach such a point of desperation that they are ready to sleep with anyone, just to get rid of their “shameful status”.

    Many guys are sure that being a virgin is much scarier than being a virgin. Like, innocence for a girl is not a disadvantage, but rather a virtue. But with guys, it's quite the opposite. Well, perhaps there is a grain of truth in this belief. In fact, female innocence has long ceased to have such a deep meaning either for the girls themselves or for the guys. Unless among especially religious people.

    Girls can also have complexes about their innocence and be afraid of the reaction of a potential partner. Men are ambiguous about this – there are those who do not care about it. There are those who dream of meeting a virgin girl and becoming a “sex guru” for her. And there are those who are ready to run as fast as they can, picking up their pants, just not to take on such responsibility. And what about the representatives of the weaker sex and their attitude towards inexperienced guys?

    In this case, options are also possible. Some women openly declare that they cannot stand virgins. They prefer to have experienced men in their bed who know how and what to do and know how to dominate. But there are also many who are turned on by the prospect of seducing a virgin. “I like the idea that I will be his first woman,” they admit. To each his own.

    In our article, we have collected the main and most obvious signs that you can become the first woman in this guy's life. They will help clarify the situation, but there is simply no guarantee that you will be right. Shyness and awkwardness may indicate that he had no experience with women. Or they can say that he really likes you and he is afraid to do something wrong and disappoint you.

    But if he constantly boasts about his adventures and tells in detail everything about his former partners, be careful. Such behavior very often indicates that a man wants to present himself in the best light (he can also lie about his income, for example). And besides, think about it – even if all his stories are true … is it worth trusting a man who behaves so ungentlemanly?

    Awkwardness in kissing and sex does not always mean inexperience either. Maybe he's just not very good at it. If you still decide to go further with him, try to gently and gently instruct him and from time to time steer the process. This way you will understand whether the game is worth the candle or not.

    How to recognize a virgin

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    Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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