Why can't you ask a girl's age and what questions can't be asked to a man?


There are sensitive topics that are dangerous to touch even at the stage of a well-established relationship. Ask such a question when meeting – and your chances of continuing the novel will collapse in a way that even the ruble exchange rate has not fallen.

A mystery shrouded in darkness

Each couple decides for itself when it is ready to discuss what was “before”. Being 100% honest with your other half is truly a bold move. But if the lovers before meeting each other were in different Leagues of Debauchery, such frankness can give rise to jealousy, distrust, shock, and simply misunderstanding. A certain percentage of couples, even in the candy-bouquet period, agree that what was in the past remains there. To be honest, only truly whole individuals who do not know how to cling to the past and do not accept this in others can dare to do this. Suspicious guys and jealous girls, suspecting everyone and everything, most likely will not calm down on this and will start “digging for you” on their own (or through your mutual friends and acquaintances).

Money issue

Finding out in what area your new acquaintance works, whether he likes the job, what seems to him the most interesting in it (especially if the chosen one has a non-standard profession) is a completely harmless interest and desire to get to know the person better. But you will not be able to hide behind such a plausible pretext if, before you have time to make an order in a restaurant, you begin to find out how much the interlocutor earns per year, per month, per week and per hour. If a guy or girl wants to share this information, it will happen naturally and naturally as the dialogue develops.

The desire to avoid answering does not necessarily indicate that the satellite is sitting on the neck of their parents, playing computer games or watching TV shows for days (although we cannot rule out such an outcome, unfortunately). It is possible that your counterpart is quite a wealthy person, but he believes that he has much more significant and interesting qualities than his fat wallet. In fairness, it is worth noting that such a chosen one is preferable than an unobtrusive braggart, flaunting his wealth. First, no one likes people who don't shut up. Secondly, perhaps all this bravado is a blatant lie and they just want to seduce you. Thirdly, perhaps your new acquaintance or acquaintance simply has nothing to brag about, except for a bank account. And it's good if it's really hard earned money.

Why you shouldn't ask girls' age and what questions you shouldn't ask men ?


Don't ask for options. Height and weight is a sensitive topic for many guys and girls. Even if you think that petiteness for a woman is very cute, your girlfriend may not agree with you. Oddly enough, many of the fair sex are complex because of their short stature. There can be many reasons for this – stupid jokes of “friends”, the departure of an ex-boyfriend for a long-legged model, or your own ideas about the ideal appearance.

Never joke about kilograms and centimeters. Too tall, too short, too thin or overweight – millions of people around the world suffer from dissatisfaction with the numbers on the scales, the size of clothes and the length of the limbs. This is a very intimate topic that only a narrow circle of people are allowed to joke about (with the permission of the object of the jokes).

Ask any very tall guy how many witticisms and stupid questions he receives daily. Most likely he will roll his eyes, smile sadly or laugh hysterically. Self-confident comedians greatly overestimate the uniqueness of their humorous attempts.

If you really like the height of your lover or the shape of your chosen one, just make a neat compliment. Based on the response, you will understand whether it is worth touching on this topic in any way in the future.

Blood ties

Unfortunately, not all of us are lucky to be born into a loving family in which harmony reigns . For all of us, childhood was the happiest period of our lives. If you're just getting started, don't delve into this topic.

Why you shouldn't ask girls' age and what questions you shouldn't ask men ?

Being in a long-term relationship, people usually know everything about the partner, his relatives and stupid things that he did in the eleventh grade. Some already knew the parents, siblings, and pet cats of their love interest. You looked at, it seems, three hundred childhood and youthful photographs of your beloved girl, which her mother showed you, wiping away a tear. Harmony, openness and idyll. Not a family, but a picture from a juice box.

Unfortunately, such family relationships are more of a rarity than a pattern. If your partner stubbornly avoids talking about parents and other relatives, in no case put pressure on him. Offer your help, support and assure your loved one that you respect his opinion and are ready to accept it, and also (if necessary) are ready to listen without condemnation and reproaches.

Unnecessary foreplay

Questions like “can I kiss you?”, “can I take your hand?” and so on – an absolute waste of vocal cords. While you're both in a romantic mood, let these little things happen naturally, without too much controversy and analysis.

Of course, you shouldn't ask such a question to a stranger on the subway. Or a young man who walks arm in arm with his wife. Is fraught with physical injury.

Friend List

Never criticize your partner's social circle. Except in special cases, when a group of friends seriously threatens the well-being of your object of passion, third-party interference is inappropriate and guaranteed to provoke a scandal. Imagine that your best friend, who has been by your side since childhood and helped in difficult situations, will begin to “blame” your new girlfriend and put ultimatums “me or him”. Do you like this psychological pirouette? Hardly.

Why you shouldn't ask a girl's age and what questions you shouldn't ask a man ?


Questions with self-deprecating overtones, in response to which you expect a wave of compliments and praise (for example, the typical female “Am I fat?”) Is one of the most annoying things on light.

Even the most benevolent and loving person will one day get tired of monotonously convincing you of your attractiveness.

If you are not satisfied with your appearance, financial situation and so on, get off your ass and take care of yourself.

Begging for love

“Do you miss me?”, “Do you love me?” and others like them. Remember the cartoon “Shrek 2”? During a trip to the Far Far Away Kingdom, the donkey constantly pestered his fellow travelers with the questions “Have we arrived yet? Have you arrived now? And now?”.

So. When you ask for the hundredth time in a day if your girlfriend misses you, if your boyfriend loves you, from the outside you look like an annoying chatty donkey. Not sexy, right?

Private space

Remember, at whatever stage of the relationship you are, you have no right to demand social network passwords or a phone unlock code from your significant other.

If you are one of those couples who calmly give each other access to all their accounts – from Facebook to Pornhub – let me sincerely be happy for you.

Why you shouldn't ask a girl's age and what questions you shouldn't ask a man ?

If your partner is categorically against such openness and does not allow you to read your correspondence, put up with it and learn to trust him.

Secretly take his phone, guess the password and try to scan the fingerprint finger while its owner (phone and finger) is sleeping is the worst possible solution to the problem.

Sign up with a psychologist and find out where the legs of your pathological jealousy grow from (if you are jealous from scratch).

< p>Cut the toxic relationship and move on (if your claims are more than justified).

< /p>

Don't ask these questions in a relationship. Women's issues that kill relationships. Growth Phase

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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