What do we know about LGBT people in Russia? Why are they not loved and what is the law?

Lgbt in Russia

How does the representatives of this community live in our country? Will something change in the near future, or is Russia not yet ready for such a turn of events? A brief overview of the topic is in our article!

What is LGBT stands for?

Let's start by looking at this term and its most famous variations:

  • LGBT almost completely copies the English term LGBT. “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender” is a collective term that has been used since the last century.
  • LGBT+ or LGBTQ is, if you want, an improved version of the familiar abbreviation. Where did “+” and “Q” come from? This addition expands the scope of the term to also include pansexual, intersex, queer, etc. People who have not decided on their gender identity combine several genders or refuse to identify themselves with anyone at all.

Which term is more popular? In the English-speaking environment, it is LGBTQ that is increasingly being used, since, as we have already explained above, it characterizes all groups of people belonging to this community much more fully.

LGBTQ flag

To designate everything LGBT communities often use the same “rainbow” flag that we most often see in the media and various social networks.

Do you think that this is where it all ends? No matter how. Bisexual, transgender, queer (a collective term), lesbian, pansexual, asexual, polyamorous, etc. also have their own flag.

What do we know about LGBT people in Russia? Why are they not loved and what is the law?

Each flag carries a specific meaning, and the colors are chosen to pay tribute to absolutely every member of the LGBT community.

Some flags are very recent. Others were created a long time ago, but as such, they have not yet managed to win popularity. The rainbow flag remains the most recognizable and generally accepted at the moment.

LGBT+ propaganda in Russia

I think you know enough about the attitude towards this community on the territory of the Russian Federation. But let's still talk about this topic.

In 2013, Roskomnadzor explained that any mention of gays, lesbians, and others outside of a negative context is already propaganda.

What if we ignore legislation and censorship? What about public-level propaganda?

On Instagram, Vkontakte, Twitter and other social networks, you can find enough moralistic haters as well as those who oppose homophobia and oppression.

What do we know about LGBT people in Russia? Why they are not loved and what is the law?/> </figure><p>The term “propaganda” is interpreted in such a multifaceted way that sometimes one is surprised. Be that as it may, any article in a publication, any post by a blogger (especially a major one) on the topic of propaganda and infringement immediately gains hundreds and thousands of comments. Heated debates, getting personal and cursing someone's ancestors to the seventh generation – this is how attempts to discuss this issue calmly and reasonably end.</p><p>Speaking of blogging. It is worth noting one of the most scandalous Russian bloggers – Andrei Petrov. His clothing style and love for makeup cause a flurry of negativity among some and admiration for others. </p><p>Can his behavior be regarded as LGBT+ propaganda? Again, depending on what you understand by this term.</p><h2>LGBT Day in Russia</h2><p>May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia. On this day, activists from different parts of Russia organize street actions, pickets and marches. Of course, the scope of such events cannot be compared with gay pride parades in the United States, for example, during Pride Month in June. </p><figure class= What do we know about LGBT people in Russia? Why are they not loved and what is the law?

The history of the Russian Federation at the moment is not very rich in dates, one way or another connected with legalization, concessions and other tolerant reforms. We will talk about the laws a little later.

Why do people not like LGBT people in Russia?

Where do homophobia grow in Russia? The case is connected with the established stereotypes and standards in a society in which patriarchy reigns. Gay is perceived by most as a man deprived of masculinity. And no one really cared about female homosexuality, since women were generally deprived of any rights for a long time.

We should not forget about the church, which plays a huge role in our society.

Why did people in the West change their attitude towards the LGBT community in the last century, while Russia remained the same? Experts name two main reasons: the Iron Curtain in the Soviet era and a bunch of economic and political problems that Russians faced in the early 2000s. “It’s hard to worry about someone’s freedoms when you can’t satisfy your own basic needs,” comments Alexandra Babenko, communications manager for the LGBT group Vykhod. gays and lesbians in the media.

LGBT communities in Russia

In May 2006, a Russian interregional social movement was founded to deal with the protection of the rights and social adaptation of sexual and gender minorities. Another name is the Russian LGBT Network. The chairman is a public figure and activist Igor Kochetkov. The organization is a member of the International Association of Gays and Lesbians.

And on an unofficial level? There are many websites, blogs, channels and other associations on the territory of Russia and neighboring states designed to make life easier for the LGBT community.

We have gay clubs and themed parties. In other words, we have everything and everything. But not every member of the community decides to come out even in the circle of close people.

What do we know about LGBT people in Russia? Why they are not loved and what is the law?/> </figure><h2>LGBT rights in Russia</h2><p>“They simply do not exist,” they will tell you. And they will be, in general, right. </p><p>Representatives of non-traditional orientation do not have the opportunity to marry. And consequently, they are deprived of many accompanying privileges. </p><p>“My girlfriend and I have been together for 15 years, 5 of them in an official marriage, we concluded it in Denmark. In Europe, we are an official family, in Russia we are nothing at all, ”the revelations of one girl.</p><p>The same applies to the adoption of children – either a married couple or one person can do this.</p><h2 >LGBT law in Russia</h2><p>Let's consider the most basic laws, amendments and regulations:</p><ul><li>1993 – decriminalization of same-sex relationships;</li><li>1997 – depathologization of homosexuality; </li><li>The Federal Law of June 29, 2013 banned propaganda of homosexuality among minors;</li></ul><figure class= What are we do we know about LGBT people in Russia? Why are they not loved and what is the law?

At the beginning of 2020, Vladimir Putin emphasized that marriage is the union of a man and a woman, and the concepts of “parent 1” and “parent 2” will not be introduced in the near future.

How many LGBT people are there in Russia?

It is not possible to calculate the real number of gays, lesbians, pansexuals, asexuals and others for obvious reasons. It is highly likely that even in anonymous surveys, people hide the truth because they are afraid of persecution and condemnation. We can only feed on assumptions.

LGBT parade in Russia

In 2006, for the first time, activists made an attempt to hold a gay parade. They decided to go the legal route and even applied. The Moscow administration did not appreciate their idea.

What do we know about LGBT people in Russia? Why are they not loved and what is the law?

The applications were rejected, the activists were dispersed by the authorities and persecuted by the Orthodox-nationalist organizations. This went on for many years.

How is the situation with gay parades in Russia now?

The next parade was scheduled for June 2020. But COVID-19 confused everyone.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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