What attracts men to women and what repels them?

What kind of girls do guys like

How many men, so many preferences. And what kind of girls guys like, it depends on personal tastes. Someone likes tall and thin, someone likes curvaceous, no matter how tall. One thing is known for sure – men like those young ladies with whom it is easy and calm.

Sympathy between the opposite sex begins even before communication. Men carefully examine women, admire their external beauty, hair, clothes. And already in the process of communication they understand whether they like the lady or not.

What appearance attracts

All representatives of the stronger sex at any age admire their appearance first, because they love with their eyes. Men are attracted to a woman by her manners, habits, behavior, speech. The things guys look for the most are:

  1. Great skin.
  2. Shining eyes, color doesn't matter.
  3. Manicure.
  4. A moderate amount of makeup on the face.
  5. Long well-groomed hair.
  6. Natural.
  7. White-toothed smile.

In addition to all of the above, the ability to combine jewelry with clothes is also of great importance. The smell is also important, even if the lady does not wear perfume. The aroma of clean skin attracts, so you need to monitor body hygiene. And lovers of toilet water should stick to moderation, otherwise, if you pour half a bottle of water on yourself, you can push the man away.

What kind of appearance do men like? Let's find out!

At the expense of the figure is a moot point. Once upon a time, several centuries ago, men paid attention to obese women. On a subconscious level, they evaluated the lady of the heart as a future wife and mother of their children, and fullness meant health. Accordingly, a healthy woman could give birth to good offspring without any problems.

After a while, thinness came into fashion. A slender body and a toned tummy attracts, but a skeleton covered with skin, on the contrary, repels. Yes, and hugging such a person is unpleasant, because every now and then that you have to hit her bones.

The body is considered attractive if all parts are proportional. Of course, what kind of body nature has given, this is how one should love it. But if defects are conspicuous, they can be hidden. For example, crooked legs are hidden under wide trousers or a long skirt. On too short fingers, long nails look great, they visually lengthen the fingers.

What attracts men to women and what repels them?

The bulging chest can be hidden under a jacket with a collar. If you have short legs, it is best to wear high heels and high-waisted skirts. Too long arms can be hidden by a jacket with three-quarter sleeves.

What appearance repels

Girls spend hours in front of the mirror to look attractive. They think they look beautiful, but from the outside they look terrible. A thick layer of foundation, and on top of the powder, not only causes bewilderment, but disgust. Although a man does not understand cosmetics, brown eye shadow with blue eyes and bright red lipstick scare even a dog. Such a combat color definitely causes rejection.

Silicone-filled lips, breasts and buttocks are a scourge among fashionistas. They think that it looks spectacular and beautiful, in fact, men say about such women “silicone doll”. Let nature endowed the young lady with thin lips, now this is not a problem. After all, cosmetics can visually increase the volume.

It seems to girls that with meter-long nails covered with red varnish, they look sexy. In fact, men are repulsed by this sight. Just because nails are naturally strong and grow fast, doesn't mean they need to be trimmed at the root. It is enough to keep the average length and cover them with a pleasant varnish color.

At the expense of eyelashes and eyebrows, there is a whole boom now. In all salons they build up, draw. If you increase the cilia under the classics, it looks pretty, but there are young ladies who give 3D volume.

It was in cartoons that the female patted her lush eyelashes, and the male was stunned, but in the life of men, such a broom in front of their eyes is alarming. The stronger sex also laughs when the ladies pluck their eyebrows, and then draw new ones in this place. What is the meaning is not clear.

What attracts men to women and what repels them?

The inability to wear jewelry in general causes laughter. A gold chain and cheap jewelry on one neck or gold and silver rings on one hand look ridiculous. The same can be said about the brooch on the tracksuit. Also repelled by yellow beads on a blue dress. Jewelry should be selected in accordance with the color of clothing, manicure and makeup.

Gait and posture says a lot about a woman. If she walks bent like a yoke, with a wide step, like a soldier, and swings her arms strongly, there can be no talk of any attractiveness. I admire the smooth gait of the panther before the jump. When a young lady gently steps along the road, slightly swaying her hips, her back is straight, her gait is confident, then hundreds of male eyes are fixed on her.

There are girls who allow themselves to swear and spit in the presence of the opposite sex. They think it's cool and modern, in fact, they cause a feeling of disgust. And if, in addition, they drink beer and smoke like men, this is generally a nightmare, there is nothing to talk about.

Strong and loud laughter, similar to the neighing of a donkey, scares away a man faster than an invasion of spiders. A woman should be a mystery, respectively, and you need to laugh quietly or just smile. At the same time, laughter should be in the subject, and not over any nonsense.

There are a lot of factors that repel men in the appearance and behavior of girls. It is clear that it is impossible to please everyone, but if you look at yourself from the outside and eliminate repulsive moments, you can like most guys. The most important thing that they appreciate is naturalness and femininity.

What attracts men to women and what repels them?

What kind of character attracts

After a man is fascinated by the appearance of a girl, he begins to look for ways to get to know her better. And here he already draws attention to her character. It is by the behavior of the chosen one that one can judge whether the relationship will be in the future or not.

No one wants to deal with a hysterical woman who makes a scandal for any reason, even because of a plate left in the sink. The selfish motives of girls when communicating with men are felt immediately.

Some want to take possession of his property, others want to take advantage of his connections, others for some reason of their own. Yes, one can sincerely love oligarchs, but love is felt immediately, it can be seen in the eyes and in actions. Therefore, men appreciate sincerity.

Each representative of the strong sex wants to feel comfort and warmth next to a lady, and not eternal tension and scandals. To know which women attract men, you need to read their comments on men's forums or listen to their conversations on this topic in a common company. Most of all they value:

  1. Care.
  2. Devotion.
  3. Calmness.
  4. Self-confidence.
  5. Moral support.
  6. Sense of humor.
  7. Tidiness.
What attracts men to women and what repels them?/> </figure><p>Guys remain children at heart until they get old. And when the boy was offended, he seeks support from his mother. When a woman morally helps her faithful to cope with any kind of problems, he will appreciate and love her until the end of his days. And men have bad days when everything falls out of hand, nothing works out, confusion at work. Gentle hands and kind words of a companion will help restore peace of mind. </p><p>The sexuality of a woman is very attractive to the opposite sex. Absolute sincerity and emancipation in bed is a delight. If she is a lover of experimenting and changing positions in one sexual intercourse, she will definitely not be bored with her, and sex will turn into a journey through the valley of pleasure. </p><p>Mind is always appreciated in young ladies. If she is well-read, witty, can carry on any intellectual conversation, she is priceless. Especially when she manages to smooth over awkward moments with a good joke. And she did not allow conflict, and established a balance – killing two birds with one stone. </p><p>Moderate modesty in girls is now brought to the fore. Modern young ladies think that cursing in a clinic or shops is the way it should be, because the country has a matriarchy. In fact, from the outside they look like vulgar bazaar women. Today, men pay attention to prudes who have eyes on the floor, cheeks blush when complimented. </p><p>The unobtrusiveness of women decorates. To attract a man even more, a lady should not bother him for any reason. And if the relationship has already reached the registry office, all the more you can’t put pressure on him with the questions “Where have you been? Who called? Where did you go? Who did you talk to? Where did you go? etc. If a woman controls every step of her chosen one from morning to evening, it suffocates him. He suffocates from such pressure and finds all sorts of reasons to avoid talking to her. </p><p>The devotion of a life partner cannot be replaced by lush eyelashes and a gorgeous body. No one wants to see a walking person next to him who enters into promiscuous sexual relations with the first person he meets. First, it is fraught with sexually transmitted diseases. Second, it's not fair. </p><figure class=What attracts men to women and what repels them?

Although everyone says “A man must”, a woman also owes a lot. Gone are the days when the husband was obliged to financially provide for the entire family, and the wife could not work. After the sexual revolution, now everyone is equal. And if the young lady demands from the missus that he bring money home, but she is not going to earn money, then let her cook food on a fire, and wash it in the river and give birth every year.

How to please a man

In pursuit of the seduction of the opposite sex, women are ready for anything, even madness. The desire to please is quite normal natural phenomenon, but do not lose your head. Trying to be beautiful, girls often dye their hair, dry it with a hairdryer, curl it with a curling iron, and all this makes the hair dull and lifeless.

They use cheap cosmetics, thereby spoiling the skin. They exhaust themselves with high heels and get vein diseases. All this only brings old age closer. And if you look closely, then men look more at a smiling girl in a T-shirt, shorts and ballet flats than at a decorated lady in high heels, who has fatigue in her eyes.

To please a man, down with all chemical effects on hair and skin. You need to start with appearance. There are a huge number of natural remedies for maintaining youth. For shine and volume of hair, you can use egg masks. For the skin, it is better to use baby creams, they moisturize well and do no harm.

Behavior also needs to be monitored. No vulgarity and vulgar expressions. If a woman does not understand the topic, then it is better to be silent and listen. When a man speaks, you can not interrupt him, this indicates a bad upbringing. If the topic of conversation is unpleasant, you can smoothly translate it into another direction. And most importantly, naturalness, that's what kind of women attract men.

What attracts men in women and what repels them?/> </figure><p>Fans of collecting girls can only be taught a lesson by inaccessibility. Such “Don Juan” can be seen immediately. When they only want to frolic in bed once, they don’t court, don’t give gifts, don’t invite them to the movies or cafes. Lovelaces immediately strive to get under the skirt and reach out to kiss. The longer you keep him at a distance, the faster he will fall in love. The instinct of the conqueror will not give him rest. </p><p>Light intrigue always attracts, so the girl should be mysterious. There is no need to immediately spray into words and tell everything about yourself. His questions about hobbies, work, life preferences must be answered unequivocally in order to arouse his interest in his person. </p><p>It is necessary to fall in love with yourself not only a potential groom, but also a legal husband. Often women make the mistake of thinking that since he got married, it means that he will not go anywhere. It will work and how. Therefore, it is necessary to nourish the interest of the spouse. Let him think that he knows everything about his wife, and in the meantime she must come up with new scenarios for family life. </p><p> For example, today she is obedient, tomorrow a passionate lover, the day after tomorrow a fairy tale, etc. The more pleasant surprises she gives, the more he will love his wife, which means he will not want to look towards other women . Accordingly, their marriage will be happy and long. </p><p>For more information on how to please a man, read our article further down the link, where we reveal the main secrets!</p><p> <iframe loading=


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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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