Types of men in relationships – psychology and character traits

Male Personality Type

The narcissistic male personality type is said to be the worst. He goes to his “rocking chair”, buys some pills, powders, and jars for half of his salary, for the remaining half – chicken breasts, buckwheat and broccoli and that's it. No gifts, no joint leisure, except for bed.

And he doesn’t want to go anywhere other than his own gym and bodybuilding competitions either. Whether business, the man – “warrior”. This one, maybe, takes care of himself, but without lowering the entire salary on the press cubes. Yes, and his income is such that it is difficult to spend everything on a rocking chair. Eh, everyone would have a warrior, but many get a sissy. What are they, the many-faced guys?

The simplest personality typology

So, in nature there are:

  • “Warriors” — success, that's his middle name. And even “successful” when first a photo is taken at someone else’s Bentley, and then a Ulysses Nardin suit and watch are rented and another 100 photos are taken in the studio, in interiors, with the obligatory husky dog ​​and the long-legged beauty. Wait, that's not even his girlfriend.

He lives with a friend's classmate, and she is a little plump bun. These guys are focused on winning and career at any cost. By the way, a “warrior” can also become a jock-daffodil if sports fall into his sphere of interests. Such comrades do not stop if some small conventions prevent them from closing the target. They are usually provided if they were able to properly “adjust” to the environment;

  • “Masters” — it is the dream of some, and the curse of others. They drag everything into the house, strive to equip the dacha, start repairs, sort out cars, and love to work with their hands. And they are stingy, and are unlikely to be spent on hours and photo shoots. Rather, they will look for a good girl among the sisters of friends and acquaintances, and so as not to go far and not waste energy.

If they get somewhere like construction or trade, everything will be fine. But various abstract spheres such as science are absolutely not the lot of the “owners”. They can run a business related to production, but they usually do not perceive marketing and other promotions in social networks;

  • The man is a holiday. This is a romantic type who is ready to climb into a girl's window at night, but most often he just drags her to another club, buys a drink, and tells jokes. In modern realities, this holiday can be not only always with one.

Rather, he “celebrates” with some, but lives with completely different ones. And there can be either a “warrior-achiever” or a fairly ordinary master;

  • Creator. Suddenly, but they can be successful, and even quite rich. The only problem is that not every lady is ready to endure the role of a muse. This will have to constantly inspire the gentleman and make sure that he is as successful in everyday life as in creativity with art.

But in nature there are also classical impoverished artists. The trouble is, if they can’t do anything but creativity. Then it turns out that all this stuff will have to be carried by the muse;

Types of men in relationships - psychology and character traits
  • home tyrant. This person realizes social ambitions in the family. Yes, he can be an ordinary manager or a school teacher, but at home his children must be built according to their height by the time their father arrives and his wife serves dinner. It doesn't matter even if she works more than him. A person firmly believes in the inviolability of social roles.

He is looking for worship, not interaction. If he makes good money, he can make a quiet woman without ambition happy. But with the upbringing of children, most likely, he will have problems;

  • Casanova. This is a male collector. These work well in sales, real estate or other areas where interaction with other people is required. And it's pretty bad, where you really need to work with your hands. However, among amateur collectors of women there are decent scientists, creative people, and artists. But the main thing is not this.

A man lives only when he conquers a new woman. When everything happens, he loses interest. Some cunning hunters manage to lasso him too, but he does not bring happiness. And who is Giacomo Casanova can be found in our article further on the link.

  • My mother's friend's son. This is an example to follow. At 17, he already had his own business, a girlfriend, an always-pressed shirt, a scholarship at the university, and crowds of fans on social networks. In the family they admire him, at work, if she is hired, they quietly dislike him. The “son's” girlfriend must adore him or they'll fail.
Types of men in relationships - psychology and character traits

These are, so to speak, archetypes. And characters can be quite ordinary.

A man's personality type is manifested in character. Certain collections of traits have been given separate names:

  • Schizoid. It is such a “thing in itself”. The character manifests itself in rather antisocial behavior. Such a guy is not interested in parties, some social events, it is useless to drag him to the cinema or theater.
  • Hysteroid. Man for show, the opposite of a schizoid. Power, women, dollars – that's all that interests him. And he loves parties, only to show his status on them. And he is respected in society. The ins and outs of such a person is a well-hidden neurosis. He constantly has to chase conformity.
  • Psychopathic. Another antisocial element. Only if you think in terms of historical figures, it would be Che Guevara, not Karl Marx. Such a person completely despises social norms, and sees only his own opinion, and the wrong ones.
  • Emotionally detached. These may be completely socialized people, but they seem to have one function “turned off”. These are empathy, empathy, and the desire to have a relationship. As a rule, this is not a deviation, just the predominance of logic over emotions.
Types of men in relationships - psychology and character traits

So what to do with all this?

Women's magazines like to write about the fact that any man can almost be subjugated with the help of sex, food, the right words of support, empathy, empathy and that elusive thing called femininity.

Actually, it's not. Of course, personality types help to better understand who is nearby, but no classification will allow you to “read a person like a book.” Success in a relationship requires intelligence, negotiation skills, and experience.

Types of men in relationships with women. What types of men are there?

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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