Types of girls in relationships: the psychology of the fair sex

Types of girls

In order to find your soul mate and not regret it after the wedding, you need to know how a girl will behave in different situations. Knowing the main psychological types of girls, we will learn to predict their actions. The advice of professional psychologists and life stories will help us with this.

What does a woman need?

Men want to find a woman with whom they will be pleased, comfortable and happy. Girls learned to disguise their character at the first stages of dating, knowing what the stronger sex wants. But how to find out the real personality traits, her psychotype? Before us always appears a nice, sensitive, weak and shy person. It seems that there will be no troubles in life with her.

She doesn't make a fuss for no reason, she doesn't deprive her of hidden savings, she doesn't get hysterical in public, she doesn't ask to remove all the girls she doesn't know from her phone, she doesn't get stubborn. Build intrigues, intrigues, swear with your parents, etc. it's not about her.

But now, there was an exchange of rings under Mendelssohn, and the sweetheart turns into (a vixen, a bitch, a snake, etc., each has its own version). How could this happen. Well, it wasn't the demon that got into her. It's simple, she became herself, the one she was, she just took off her mask. For free men, we suggest considering the nuances that indicate the psychotype of a woman.

A woman is a manipulator

Polls show that most girls manipulate men solely out of good intentions. It is natural for a woman to think about the family nest. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arises, she begins to create comfort and warmth. Where did it start?

In ancient times, when a man went out to get food, a woman stayed at home, cooked food, looked after the fire. She laid out a place for him to sleep from animal hair, made dishes from bones. But the “Breadwinner” might not return. Hunting trips often ended in the death of the getter.

For this reason, there was a “deficit” of men, and therefore there was a struggle for them. In addition, returning from hunting, he could go to a neighbor and choose to live with her. As a result, becoming lonely, a fragile woman could not provide herself with food. Fearing for her life, the methods by which she kept her benefactor and intercessor near her appeared in her brain.

For this, the woman obeyed her husband, cooked edible food, arranged home comfort, and took care of the man. This is where the masking began. Millennia later, the skill of masking one's feelings has been firmly formed in the subconscious. It would seem that now there is no need for this, because men do not go hunting.

Types of girls in relationships: the psychology of the fair sex < /figure>

But, according to statistics, there is still a shortage of men, one of the reasons is murderous habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs). And there are more men who are dependent on them than the fairer sex. Also, the stronger sex is more frivolous about their health: they lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat unhealthy food.

Do not forget that the harmful and dangerous industries are mostly men. And the last factor that reduces the number of men is wars, although there have been fewer of them lately.

Every girl wants to find personal happiness, and she is in search of someone who will give her this opportunity. And now she, in the role of a “huntress”, is looking for her “victim”, and having found a suitable option, she clings to him with all her might. At the same time, she does not pay attention to minor flaws, because after the registry office she hopes to correct them and bring her man to her ideal.

Men are fundamentally different from women in this respect. In most cases, a man needs freedom. And women initially provide such an opportunity: if you want to relax with friends – go, if you want to eat – hot first and second on the table, dirty things – they are not there, everything is washed and ironed, cleanliness and order in the house – the floors are washed, there is no dust. On this, the man relaxes, he sees the ideal future wife.

Types of girls in relationships: the psychology of the fair sex

And if we add women's tricks to this: she listens carefully, agrees in everything, takes care of herself, jokes in the company of friends and tells what a wonderful man you are. But, let's admit to ourselves that such ideal women do not exist, from the word in general.

It's almost like winning the jackpot in the lottery, many play, one wins. Here is the same situation. You can assure everyone how lucky you are and pulled out a lucky ticket, but the truth is that your chosen one corrects the winning numbers in the right direction.

How to avoid falling into a trap and not fall for all the female tricks? To do this, you need to know the main types of girls.

Homemade Klusha

One of the most beloved types in men, although not everyone talks about it publicly. This type of women tries to make the life of the household as comfortable as possible. The house becomes a role model for others. Everywhere is clean and tidy. There are only healthy products in the refrigerator. She cooks amazing dishes: rich soups, amazing meatballs, airy purees. A man's wardrobe is always clean and ironed.

Types of girls in relationships: the psychology of the fair sex < /figure>

Whenever you come home, you won't see the mess. Everything will be in its place. The house will be clean and tidy.

But, this type has some drawbacks. It’s hard for her to cope with electrical engineering, and if a breakdown occurs, she won’t even call the master, because she has you, for whom she does so much, even if he understands, repairs, repairs, and does men’s work. You will rarely see your lady driving, only if she really needs to go somewhere, and then she will rather call a taxi, because driving does not bring her pleasure.

So, if you recognize your woman in this psychotype , you can safely call you a happy person. And minor flaws are more than covered by all her efforts and perfect harmony in the house. The purpose of her life is to live for you. But you should pay your attention to some nuances.

History from life. “The couple has been happily married for over 10 years. The relationship in the family is just perfect. My wife is a housewife and spends all her time at home. Therefore, in the evening, an amazingly delicious hot dinner awaits her husband, it is almost impossible to find dust in the house.

And everything would be fine, but the wife is a very loving woman, and while her husband shows off at work with a delicious self in front of colleagues, she makes love with her lover. At the same time, she did not feel a sense of shame, such is her nature. Well, whatever, the spouse did not guess sometimes showed him a slight jealousy with questions: why was he late at work?

Types of girls in relationships: the psychology of the fair sex

Don't think that all home wives are like that, most do not even think about treason. But sometimes for a trustworthy check, you can come home outside of the schedule.

Pretty doll

You probably already guessed which girls belong to this type. They look chic, wear fashionable clothes, always with make-up and stylish manicures, after which the smell of fashionable perfume remains in the elevator for a long time. She definitely has an Instagram profile with a bunch of her own photos.

She spends her time very enthusiastically: daily viewing articles about new fashion trends, and in order to see them live, she goes on a trip to boutiques and a fashion salon. After that, tired visits various spas. In companies with friends, they can endlessly admire their chosen one.

But, the type has its drawbacks, or rather, it is almost one – there is no intellectual development. It is not for nothing that so many jokes have been written about this type of woman:

Pretty woman calls a taxi:
— Alo — is that a taxi? I've been waiting 20 minutes for your ORANGE car!
Taxi operator:
— Girl, a BLUE OPEL has been waiting for you for 20 minutes…

Girl types in a relationship: the psychology of the fair sex

Such girls are not interested in developing intellectually: between a documentary and a melodrama, she will choose a melodrama; between an interesting article and an article about makeup, he will choose … I think you yourself know the answer.

Such a girl can be taken with you to high society, but on one condition that, if possible, she simply kept silent. And if she already spoke, then the on-duty phrases, like: “terrible weather”, “you look great”, etc.

And yet this type is very popular, but among certain men. They are chosen, either by men who are at the same intellectual level, or who need a pretty wife by status, or “daddies” with a bunch of servants and who need only appearance.

Your boyfriend

Quite often you can meet a married couple in which the wife is more like a man. This can be seen from her behavior, although outwardly similarity is also not uncommon. This type of women pays almost no attention to their appearance.

She has no need to look elegant and feminine. A man is never reproached for the lack of new women's outfits, jewelry and other things. She will not care if she goes out without makeup. With pleasure, she will watch football with her husband in the evening with chips and beer. everything suits a man in this regard.

Girl types in relationships: the psychology of the fair sex

But with her man, she behaves like a friend. She doesn’t care what her husband looks like: what he is wearing, how he smells. Q: Where is dinner? – calmly answer – cook it yourself, or let's order pizza. The same will apply to cleaning the house, not to mention laundry. Relationships in families like best friends. You don't ask your friend to wash your socks or your shirt, do you? So here too.

This is probably the only type that does not try to manipulate. Because her behavior is caused by the male chromosomes that dominate her. She is not given by nature to do women's affairs. It is easier for her to fix the furniture and drive a nail into the wall than to clean up the apartment.

She understands cars and loves to be behind the wheel. Therefore, before you go to the registry office, imagine your best friend in a wedding dress – how do you like such a wife? Especially if you plan to have more children. Wouldn't two dads be too many for a child?

For more information about certain types of women with whom it is difficult to start a family, we read in our article further down the link.

He will enter the burning hut

It is difficult for this type to hide their vocations behind a mask. Sometimes a man confuses her frantic energy with an overestimated libido, temperament. Thunder Baba will definitely protect his family, that's all right. But what if you solve your problems yourself? She won't let you, because she considers herself the head of the family.

Types of girls in relationships: the psychology of the fair sex

The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that with her excessive “love” she destroys the relationship that was before. She doesn't care about the opinions of others. If you recognize similar traits in your woman, decide whether to continue the relationship with her or not.

Some initially look for such a partner in life, because she can go to the authorities and demand to increase your salary, and she will take a mortgage on an apartment if necessary, and she will not hesitate to sue the offender. If you are your own boss, then this type of girl will definitely not suit you.


Intellectuals are not those women who follow fashion trends, for them a comfortable sweater and jeans are a casual style of clothing, and some things can be worn almost to holes. And do not rely on cohabitation with this type of order in the house, and even more so for delicious breakfasts and dinners. For them, knowledge, scientific work, etc. are more important. So seeing her interest in everything scientific, be prepared to serve yourself.

How to recognize a smart girl in her on a first date if she came in a chic dress and has a pleasant conversation? Ask a few questions about culinary abilities, find out what dishes and how she likes to cook, if you yourself have cooked at least once, you will immediately understand inconsistencies in the story.

Types of girls in relationships: the psychology of the fair sex

Better yet, visit her. And take a closer look at the situation in the apartment: what books are on the shelves, is it clean. If her stories do not correspond with reality, it is better to let the girl go to the same smart as herself.

A true woman

There is also a so-called universal type. It combines all of the above. With this woman, you are guaranteed both order in the house and a delicious dinner. Help you choose a tie. She is not ashamed to take with her to the company of friends, because she will be able to support any conversation.

Such a wife appreciates a man as a person, and does not allow her husband to be humiliated, either to herself or to others. She looks stylish, neat and well-groomed. She devotes time not only to herself, but also to her man. Comprehensively developed. With such a woman, a man feels happy.

So we looked at the main types of girls. Now you can decide for yourself which one is more suitable for you for a long and joint life.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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