Top most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

The most beautiful Buryats

Few would disagree that the most beautiful Russian women. And it doesn't matter what nationality they belong to – every inhabitant of our country has a unique charm and charm. However, not so long ago, polls were conducted, as a result of which it turned out that many consider the girls of Buryatia to be the most attractive.

And the reason is obvious: it is difficult not to succumb to the charm of these mysterious women with slanting eyes, in which some kind of cunning and slyness is visible. The most beautiful Buryats are the real embodiment of men's dreams of the exotic, because next to such partners you feel comfort and homely warmth.

In fact, everything is simple – every guy wants his girlfriend to be really unique. Someone goes to distant countries for this and meets local girls there. The thirst for novelty, exciting emotions, passion – this is exactly what drives many representatives of the stronger sex.

But why spend a lot of money and time on trips when real exotics can be found very close? Below is a list of the most talented, beautiful and significant natives of Buryatia, looking at whom it is difficult to restrain admiration!

Maria Shantanova

Many are familiar with this charming beauty, who is the face of many modern brands. In her childhood, she was not considered a beauty, because, according to others, she was too thin.

However, the girl's parents and grandmother always supported her and tried to ensure that she did not experience any discomfort. Maria herself admits that she was so wrapped up in love and care that she does not remember any negative moments from the time when she was just a baby.

Top of the most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

Maria Shantanova

However, years later, Maria was able to prove to everyone that she was not a “hothouse flower”. At the age of 16, she leaves for China and tries to enter the university there. She doesn't succeed right away, but that doesn't stop her from trying again next year. In the process of studying, she thinks about her own business and the future. Maria becomes a fashion designer, and is also engaged in the furniture business.

But she would not have received the title of “the most beautiful Buryat woman” if she had not ended up in the modeling business. Thanks to her sincere smile and charm, she was noticed and out of a hundred Chinese women was chosen for Nescafe advertising. In addition, she collaborated with the Watsons cosmetics network and the Elite Models modeling agency. Photos of the girl conquered thousands of men, but this does not prevent the girl from remaining faithful to her principles.

Medegma Dorzhieva

If we are talking about the attractiveness and talent of Buryat girls, then this list would be incomplete without Medegma. Stunning appearance, coupled with soulful vocals will allow any listener to plunge into a unique atmosphere. And despite the fact that the girl looks like a real star, few people know that she comes from a village.

Top of the most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

Madegma Dorjieva

All her childhood was permeated with warm memories of the sun, hay and fresh milk. The beauty's family was very friendly, and the most important thing that Madegma herself often likes to remember is the way to the hayfield. The bewitching landscapes around fascinated her so much that she constantly sang – and so the desire to become a singer arose.

A feature of the compositions performed by a talented girl is an unusual sound. She takes ancient Buryat motifs as a basis and mixes them with modern music, which results in a real masterpiece.

The girl has several honorary awards of the performer, but this is far from the entire repertoire of the singer's work. In addition, she is engaged in producing young aspiring singers. It is thanks to Madegma that most of the creators from Buryatia got the opportunity for self-realization and career growth.

Anastasia Tsydenova

Few people do not know this colorful and hot presenter from Muz-TV – Anastasia Tsydenova. She works under the pseudonym Asia and managed to be remembered by everyone as an energetic and self-confident person. What distinguished her from dozens of other TV presenters was her ability to present any situation with subtle humor.

However, many colleagues speak of the girl herself as a serious and organized person. This is not surprising, because this is the only way to gain celebrity and achieve success on television. Asia herself is proud of her origin and does not hide the fact that she is Buryat.

Top of the most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

Anastasia Tsydenova

In order to become a significant figure on TV, the girl received two higher educations at once. The first in journalism, and the second in the art of production. This allowed her to gain a foothold in her positions and often become the host of the most iconic and exciting programs.

And for the strong half of humanity, Asia has remained an inaccessible oriental beauty, who poses so enticingly on the pages of Maxim magazine. However, the popularity quickly got tired of the dazzling star, so she went into the restaurant business, which she still does not regret.

Irina Pantaeva

Fragility, tenderness, femininity – this is how this talented Buryat woman appeared before everyone. Irina Pantaeva has a very interesting pedigree, including a real shaman. Her grandfather performed various rituals in which Irina herself took part. According to the girl herself, this allowed her to strengthen the connection with her ancestors.

Her main activity is related to the creation of beautiful clothes. Irina's passion for sewing also comes from childhood. Her mother worked in the theater and prepared costumes, and since the girl herself was very tall, her mother made her clothes. The desire to look beautiful and at the same time earn money led Pantayeva to the profession of a fashion designer.

Top of the most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

Irina Pantaeva

This is not Irina's only talent, however. She participated in many beauty contests and won. That is why the ambitious Buryat woman went to Paris and achieved a meeting with Karl Lagerfeld himself in order to become a popular model.

In general, the model past of the girl can be called really dizzying, because she became one of the first Asian girls to appear on the covers of the most famous magazines. Thanks to such fame, Irina had a chance to act in films more than once. Now it is clear why the most beautiful Buryats are so popular – they always get their way!

Evgenia Shagdarova

Fortitude and steadfastness are the main features of Evgenia Shagdarova. A native of the city of Ulan-Ude, she did not dream of becoming famous until she got into the show “Top Model of Buryatia”, where she was able to win a well-deserved victory. And although the girl’s talent is visible to the naked eye in the pictures, Evgenia herself admits that it was more difficult for her to participate in the project “Top Model in Russian”.

She agreed to everything at the last moment, because for her posing in front of the camera is a fun pastime. Probably, it was her sincerity and real emotions that helped her to hold out until the very middle, after which the girl simply did not have enough strength.

Top of the most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

Evgeniya Shagdarova

However, even this defeat could not break the persistent beauty. She continued to engage in posing and photography. It was interesting for her to visit the other side of the camera in order to understand how the models feel. At the moment, the girl positions herself more as a photographer, and not as a model. She likes to constantly select atmospheric places and work out costumes and scenery. Pictures of Evgenia are warm, filled with soul, therefore they are very popular.

Anna Obozhina

A girl for whom there are no barriers – Anna Obozhina is able to conquer not only Moscow, but the whole country. The girl is brave and patient, at the age of 15 she went to the capital to prove to everyone what she is capable of. Her unique voice made many look at the Buryat girls with interest, because no one had heard such a unique sound before.

She participated in the Battle of the Choirs project and was successful, so many included her in the list of the 20 most attractive girls in Buryatia. Anna is happy with her title, but she considers the kindness and sincerity of each person to be more important qualities. Despite her outward softness, the singer is famous for her firmness and determination.

Despite the fact that the girl ended up in the scenery of the capital, she did not lose her connection with her homeland. Anya often meets with fellow countrymen, speaks to them at various events and feels happy.

Top most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

Anna Obozhina

The girl is actively involved not only in arranging and composing compositions, but also working hard on her own solo projects. She plans to develop in the path of a singer and become a real pride for her parents. There is no doubt that such a beautiful and successful girl will achieve her goal!

Arjuna Bubeeva

Looking at Arjuna Bubeeva, it becomes clear how multifaceted and diverse female beauty can be. The winner of the beauty contest “Miss Mongolian Peoples” rightfully received her crown, as she showed remarkable talent and imagination during creative competitions.

Each photo with the participation of this girl is like a special kind of art, because an unusual appearance attracts the eye. Aryuna herself is very glad that she had a chance to participate in the competition, and despite the competition, she became very friends with the rest of the participants. As the model herself says, kindness and spiritual simplicity are a feature of all Buryat women who are simply not able to take offense over trifles.

The plans for the future of the young beauty are impressive. Having received a solid cash prize and a number of specific responsibilities, she is going to participate in various charity events and help those in need.

Top of the most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

Aryuna Bubeeva

Arjun does not forget about her modeling career – participation in the filming is also present in the busy schedule of the newly-made queen. She does not deny the fact that she is flattered by male attention, but she dreams of an ideal life partner and a cozy home.

Dulma Sunrapova

Kind and gentle Dulma is a real role model. The girl has a meek disposition, but in matters of show business she feels confident and free. She was pushed to the stage from childhood. It is not surprising, because the mother of the Buryat singer worked at the House of Culture.

The girl often participated in many events, willingly performed in front of the audience, deservedly receiving a standing ovation and prizes. She thought about devoting her whole life to the career of a singer only while studying at the Faculty of Law. Jurisprudence did not attract creative nature, so Dulma was mostly on the road and defended the honor of her educational institution at various competitions.

The girl herself has quite ambitious plans for the future. She dreams of performing with her solo program in all cities of Russia. According to the beauty, people should share their culture, and the easiest way to do this is through songs.

In addition, modern technologies allow to achieve a completely unexpected effect even from traditional motifs, so this topic is very relevant. For this reason, Dulma is not going to retreat and hopes that her family will be sincerely proud of the achievements of her countrywoman.

Top of the most beautiful girls of Buryatia: the extraordinary beauty of the East

Dulma Sunrapova

What are the most beautiful Buryats really like? These are smart, sensual, able to achieve their goals, but at the same time very reliable women. They can do everything: sing, dance, pose, be good wives and mothers.

It is believed that any man will be happy next to such a life partner, so the most famous natives of Buryatia do not lack male attention. They conquer with their childish spontaneity, sincerity and unique charm. After all, whatever you say, but oriental women know how to charm men.

But still it is worth saying that beauty is a relative concept and it is different for everyone. There are no ugly people, there are only special and having their own individuality. This means only one thing – it is necessary to appreciate and respect a foreign culture, without dividing people into categories.

Also read about the most beautiful Indian women and the beauty ideals of their people.

Top of 10 the most beautiful and successful Buryat women)< /i>

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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