The most beautiful African women – who are they?

The most beautiful African women

Generally speaking, “African” — too general term. There are many different tribes on this continent, and they differ so much from each other that it is difficult to name something pan-African. Especially in the field of female beauty. Even the skin of the peoples of Africa is different.

Basically, of course, black, but there is also light and even red. Therefore, when describing African traditions, one must remember that the descriptions do not refer to the whole of Africa, but only to individual tribes living on this continent. And each tribe has its own most beautiful African women.

Indigenous and imported beauty

The most beautiful African women – who are they?

Here it is necessary to consider two aspects – native and foreign. These are the two poles of beauty. By the time the Europeans invaded Africa, African beauty was so different from the habitual European that he didn’t even call it beauty, he just stared with his mouth open. Some traditions of local beauty have been preserved to this day. But time goes by, standards change, including beauty.

Now the most beautiful African women fit perfectly into the beauty of glossy magazines. And the whole world admires them. Because there is something! These beautiful girls are really gorgeous – with beautiful skin, an unusual cut of the eyes, a peculiarity of charm. They are popular among their people, but, with rare exceptions, live and work in other countries.

And in the tribes, old traditions are still preserved, when not glamorous cats, but completely different women are considered the most beautiful. What are they, these others?

Beautiful natives

The beauty of African women originates in social and religious traditions. According to the researchers, there is not a single decoration or line on the body that did not speak of something. Everything has a reason. Residents of the same tribe, or even neighboring ones, easily read all the patterns on the skin and jewelry. So they learn about the social status, the number of children, marriage, wealth.

The most beautiful African women - who are they?/> </figure><p>Accessories and body painting have another purpose – to ward off evil spirits. Yes, Africa still lives in close unity with nature. Although they almost never go naked now, except perhaps topless. But there is some logic here. Women of many tribes consider it very, very indecent to expose their ankles and legs, but to undress to the waist is no problem.</p><h2>Hairstyles</h2><p>For the most part, women here shave their heads. But not everywhere.</p><p>In Kenya, they wear thin braids, of which there are a great many. In Angola, a paste of red powder is applied to the hair with the addition of bark, plants, oil and cow dung. Then weave four or six braids and decorate them. An odd number, for example, three, indicates that there is a dead person in the family.</p><p>Different number of braids for women in Namibia. In childhood, they start with two, having matured, they braid as much as they want.</p><h2>Jewelry</h2><p>What a woman without jewelry! Here, African women have no competitors on any continent. There may be a minimum of clothes, but there will be so many beads, bracelets, earrings and other jewelry that it dazzles in the eyes. </p><figure class= The most beautiful African women - who are they?

And it's not just that. Each piece of jewelry or accessory has something to say. And if a woman does not wear them, she feels like a resident of a European city without documents and a mobile phone. Therefore, even in the field, beads and earrings are always worn. And on holidays, the number of decorations increases.

Jewelry made of gold is rare, mainly from what is valuable in this tribe – bones, stones, leopard fangs, and even buttons. Beads came to East Africa in the century before last, and have remained so. A funny fact is that the beads are not locally produced, but Czech. For almost a hundred years, Yabloneks has been supplying local beauties with products of its own production.

Body decoration in various ways

  • 1. Breast ironing

The attitude to beauty can be so different that one can only be surprised. In Cameroon, for example, girls' breasts are flattened with a rolling pin and coconut shells. Those get flat and saggy, but that's considered beautiful.

In another tribe, women go to great lengths to lengthen their breasts so that they reach the waist. I reached out – everything, the first beauty!

The most beautiful African women - who are they?
  • 2. Changing the shape of the head

In Central Africa, it is believed that the longer a woman's head, the more beautiful she is. The girl is subjected to deformation immediately after birth. Bandage the head with bandages so that it lengthens. To enhance the effect, planks are placed on the sides. The resulting result of the girl is complemented by an elongated hairstyle and begins to wait for her betrothed. Who has a longer skull, she will wait faster.

  • 3. Scarification

Researchers attribute this custom to skin color. In ancient times, in the absence of documents about a person, one could learn a lot, if not all, from tattoos. Almost the same customs existed in Africa. But the tattoo on black was not visible.

The natives found a way out – they began to decorate the body with scars. While healing, the scars left a visible pattern on the body. It was he who told others about social status, luck in wars, and much more.

For women, scarring plays the role of enhancing natural attractiveness. A scarified beauty is more likely to marry, and her choice will be the most successful.

The procedure, of course, is unpleasant: they cut the skin, rub the wound with ash and a plant, the wound does not heal for a long time, and when the healing process ends, a pattern appears on the skin.

The most beautiful African women - who are they?

To enhance the attractiveness, another type of scars is used, when part of the flesh is cut off, resulting in depressions in the body. Scars adorn, mainly, the upper body.

This custom pleased the Europeans. Now they decorate their bodies like that, they just call it body art, but it’s not clear what these scars want to tell the world about.

  • 4. Piercing

It plays the same ritual and decorative role. Do it in the nose, ears, genitals, lips. Piercing scares away evil spirits and attracts a partner. Again – the more, the more beautiful the young lady.

  • 5. Clay plates in the lips

This is perhaps the most famous African decoration. Who has not seen photos of beauties who have a plate in their lower lip? Yes, not small, but up to 15 cm in diameter.

The same plates are placed in another tribe, but already in the ears.

Yes, it protects against the interference of spirits, but if women did not consider it beautiful, they would not wear it. Moreover, the larger the plate, the higher the lady in status. It doesn't matter if that status is hanging in her ear or on her lower lip.

Who are the most beautiful African women?
  • 6. Neck decoration

Photos of these women also went around the world. They were even given a nickname – female giraffes. From an early age, a girl wears a brass bracelet around her neck. With age, the number of bracelets increases. Moreover, with such a natural phenomenon as the end of the neck, they do not bother, they still add it. The number of bracelets becomes larger, the weight increases (up to 4-5 kg), which leads to deformation.

As a result, the necks of local beauties become truly swan-like – unnaturally long and thin, up to 50 cm. Scientists say that for some time now a woman cannot remove such an ornament, since the neck muscles do not perform their intended functions, and the neck can simply break . However, this does not bother the lady, she wears bracelets, and the more the better, because it is immediately clear how rich and beautiful she is.

  • 7. Ornaments on the genitals

Beauty requires sacrifice, no one argues with that. Girls from South Africa who wear metal clips on their outer labia do not argue either. Such a wearer is considered more attractive than those who do not wear such jewelry.

  • 8. Skin color

Another tribe in Angola. There, women smear a mixture of fat, ocher and ashes on their bodies. The addition of the plant gives the ointment a red color. Such a woman is considered a beauty. And when her lower teeth are knocked out during the rite of growing up, there is no end to the boyfriends!

Who are the most beautiful African women?
  • 9. Sawn teeth

Some African tribes practice tooth filing. For some reason, it is believed that it is the shark grin that will be the most tempting. The man will not stand.

  • 10. Healthy teeth

Oddly enough, but the standard of African beauty is a snow-white smile! The idea of ​​an African carrying a toothbrush and paste in his pocket (if he has one) is ridiculous. And you don't need to. The locals handle the task of cleaning their teeth in their own way. They do this with what is at hand – roots or bark. And this tool – two in one – serves as both a paste and a brush.

Interested in the habit of using roots for brushing teeth, scientists found that the composition of shrubs and trees, from which the sticks for cleaning are made, includes antimicrobial drugs that prevent the development of periodontal disease and caries. That's the whole secret of a white-toothed smile.

  • 11. Bbw

If an overweight girl needs to restore her self-esteem, she needs to go to Africa! There are no men out there who don't like bbws. Fullness there, as in ancient times, is a symbol of fertility, as well as an indicator of how rich the husband or father is. The higher the status of a woman, the fuller she is, and the more men desire her. Here are some beauty tips.

  • 12. Graceful Fulani

Another standard of beauty, almost according to European standards. Women of the Fulbe people (West Africa) are tall, slender, with non-African features, a royal stature and refined manners. Their skin is not black, but red. They have always been admired not only by the local population, but also by men all over the world.

Who are the most beautiful African women?

Yes, beauty standards abound. One thing remains unchanged – women at all times, on all continents, strive to be beautiful. They want to like and be loved.

Modern most beautiful African women

Modern standards of beauty have also penetrated the African continent. African girls are no longer satisfied with the role of beauties in their homeland. They take part in fashion shows, beauty contests, etc., often speaking not even for their own country.

Having made it to the people, they leave their homeland, sometimes leaving citizenship. They lead an active lifestyle, become actresses and business women, do charity work and politics. But they remain African beauties, which the whole world knows.

It is probably not strange that among the most beautiful African women, there are those who connected their lives with Russia.

For example:

  • Beauty from Burkina Faso, Miss Africa 2004, Georgia Badil, was the girlfriend of Russian billionaire Vladislav Doronin. True, not very long, but that's not the point.
Who are the most beautiful African women?
  • The most beautiful girl from Guinea-Bissau is Cornelia Mango. Bissau is considered a Guinea because her father is from that country. And Cornelia herself was born in Astrakhan.
The most beautiful African women - who are they?
  • Perhaps the most famous beauty from Cameroon is Victoria Pierre-Marie. Since 1996 – the Russian queen of the blues. Her beautiful, sonorous voice sounds in Russian open spaces, and not only. And she differs from everyone else in her figure. As they say, its parameters are 120-100-120. Well, the criteria for beauty should not be subject to standards.
Who are the most beautiful African women?
  • Another celebrity is basketball player Katerina Keyru. Although she was born in Russia, but from a father from Sierra Leone. However, her father's homeland, distant Africa, did not seduce her, and she remained in the Russian Federation, becoming Novoseltseva.
The most beautiful African women - who are they?

Yes, every person, tribe, continent has its own canons of beauty. But there is something in common. European men who come to Africa often take African women as their girlfriends. They are not embarrassed by the difference in age, social status, religion and other separating things.

They celebrate the gracefulness of African women, passion, ability and desire to dance, and therefore, to control the body. There is no affectation and deceit, capriciousness and hypocrisy. But there is loyalty and deep respect for a man.

When asked by psychologists why they do this, no solid answer was received. Just an assumption that men are tired of arranging fights with women of the West and North for equality, they need peace, complete acceptance and natural sexuality. Maybe that's why the most beautiful women are Africans? Although we offer you a look at the girls of Asia. We are sure that there are beautiful women there too!

The most seductive women of Africa

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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