The guy started dating another: what to do in a difficult situation

a guy is dating someone else

How long and intensively meetings with another girl take place, whether the guy was in a relationship or was in free flight. For some girls, all this is not important, because pain, bewilderment and jealousy merge into a hellish cocktail and begin to corrode from the inside. Conflicting feelings are normal if a guy starts dating someone else. But feelings often make it difficult to understand how to act in this situation.

If feelings have long cooled down — let go

It is not uncommon for a couple to break up, but their communication as friends continues. Moreover, sometimes such relationships acquire a rather dangerous direction in the eyes of a girl. The point is that the guy is perceived as property and no one intends to share his attention with another applicant.

Playing the role of a dog in the hay is an extremely tedious and thankless task. Most importantly, it does not bring joy to anyone. Therefore, if a love relationship ended a long time ago, you need to let go and stop holding around yourself what is no longer needed.

After parting, the guy may have remained a good friend who is always ready to help. But to consider such signs of attention as an attempt to renew relations is not prudent. Yes, there are times when a couple reunites after a breakup. However, until this happened, the guy had the status of “just a friend” and no obligations forcing him to sacrifice his personal life for the whim of another.

Sailed and quit

Were in a relationship or met, but the guy started dating someone else and left. The situation is also far from new. Most often, if a girl wants to return, the guy is advised to show him himself in all his glory, to “put pressure” on sentimental memories and try to bring him to a frank conversation. But the only right thing to do would be to step aside and let him do whatever he wants with his life.

This option is the only true one, because if you think logically, then the guy left for a reason. It means that for some reason the girl became at least not interesting, or maybe she did everything with her behavior to turn the guy away from herself. What will she achieve if she insists on continuing to communicate? That's right, irritation and desire to send away. So there is no need to return. In the end, the guy is not a brainless calf on a string – where they pulled him there and went. The other person's choice should be respected.

The guy started dating someone else: what to do in a difficult situation

If resentment burns from the inside and you want terrible and fierce revenge, there is one proven way. You need to take care of yourself, do what is interesting, live happily. You can warm yourself up with the thought that the ex-boyfriend will someday find out what a clever and beautiful woman he lost. Even if he never finds out about it, it will be enough that life has become quite interesting and happy without him.

Bed to bed

Immediately after the breakup, the guy found another? That's who you can definitely sympathize with because this is his chosen one, well, a little to himself. Most often, such relationships have no future and exceptions only confirm the rule. Usually such connections appear for several reasons: fear of loneliness, out of revenge, and so that the “boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend” realizes what treasure she has lost (the girls are just sticking around).

Whatever the motives of the act, the result is one — bitter disappointment and loss of useful time. It will also spoil the life and self-esteem of another girl. Therefore, the correct course of action is again only one – to forget and score.

No mercy for the traitor!

Is it already beginning to seem that all the advice boils down to letting everything take its course? But no! There is one case when it is possible and necessary to act very decisively and quickly. This is the case when a guy started dating another without ending his previous relationship. Generally simple and trite changes. Oh, such a bastard should have no excuses and no mercy.

Sometimes grief experts recommend finding out how far the relationship has gone, how long the meetings have been. Another would be advised to check how deep he penetrates into it and at what angle. It doesn't matter. The very fact that a man, while in a relationship, began dating another is important. What can be done here?

The guy started dating someone else: what to do in a difficult situation

It's funny, but you need to find out if the relationship really takes place. And then for many, sex is not a reason to get acquainted, and 5 years of “civil marriage” is not a reason to consider yourself married. True, it is better to find out this before a rival appears on the horizon.

The second question that needs to be decided is whether there is a desire to continue any relationship with this subject. If a guy tries to influence the result of these thoughts, he begins to put pressure on pity and hide behind the fact that he was generally seduced and he has nothing to do with it – do not succumb to provocations.

Further act in accordance with your desires. If you want to keep it for yourself, put forward stringent demands to end the relationship and not repeat this again. If there is a conviction that it is better to leave, cut all the ends and never return to this issue.

YOU BREAKED UP AND A MAN STARTED Dating ANOTHER ONE ? Why and what to do? Q&A # 3

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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