Sandbox for adults or how to get acquainted on the beach

There are a lot of places to meet. But the most honest place is the beach. This is such a fine sieve for everyone that only a select few find a partner there. Moreover, this is just the case when you can dig into the sand and quietly dig holes in it if there are problems with the appearance.

“Stick, stick cucumber, it turned out little man”

The difficulty in dating on the beach lies primarily in appearance. People on the shore are naked, you can see absolutely everything, down to the size of the primary sexual characteristics. So surprises in pants and bras are out of the question. But this is not the main thing. Although it has its own hierarchy of importance. The problem lies in the beauty of the body. No, of course, there are no comrades for the taste and color. Some people like plump ones, some people like thin ones.

But, nevertheless, 80% will choose a template body: strong, healthy, harmonious. So, before you go to the beach, you should spend the winter in the gym. A skinny kukusik or a swollen mamzel will obviously be in flight. So long before the beach season, you need to put a lot of effort into constructing your body. Moreover, at the same time, women wear a minimum of cosmetics, or even none at all. And this is also an important factor.

Object selection

Before you start a tackle, you need to take a closer look: the object may well be busy, because people rarely come to the sea in splendid isolation. What surrounds a person is evaluated: an empty deck chair, another towel, the presence of things under the sunbather's head. It may well turn out that the beloved of the object is currently surfing or running away for something. Having assessed the loneliness of a person and your own viability, you can proceed.

Tactics and strategy

So the object is selected. You need to think carefully about the action plan. Only an idiot will brazenly plop next to you. Outdoor ball games next to the “victim” are also not ice. And all because there is a risk of showering sand. And this is very unpleasant. Yes, you can hit the top of your head with a ball, and this, in addition to trouble, also promises a refusal to meet.

The exit is simple and banal. These can be requests for help in spreading cream, looking after things and a jar of a cocktail or juice, and many other ways. The main thing is to strike up a conversation.

“Anything will do in the household…”

First you need to find out if there is a free place nearby. Having received the answer, you need to ask permission to sit on the patch. And, yes, remember about the appearance. There is nothing sexier than drops on a naked torso. It doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman.

Having settled down nearby, you should pause, and then start doing something unusual: dig a tunnel in the sand with concentration or build a castle. The girl in any way will pay attention and be interested. And then you can ask for something, for example, to serve “whoa that shell.”

Especially arrogant and self-confident weirdos can immediately get down to business and ask for cream. This, of course, is very tactless, but for some reason the scheme continues to work and practically does not give up its positions.

Sandbox for adults or how to get acquainted on the beach

For dating on the beach you will need a cooler bag. After all, it will contain soft drinks. And this is a great help in sand dating. What should be there? Popular pina colada. All the girls love her. So you can play Gandalf and treat the girl.

Further, you can ask mamzel to look after things when a person goes for a swim. A good, innocent, non-burdening request. Usually they don't. Just do not go to sea like a dolphin, missing for half an hour. The girl also came not only to fry.

When you return, you can get a little insolent. Yes, ask for cream. Touching a naked body, and even with drops of water, will make the lady experience ambiguous sensations. Indeed, behind such manipulations lies the eroticism of the process. Well, if a little bit of sympathy arose, then the lady will do everything with a slight sexual touch. Well, and right there you can start a casual conversation about a light night storm, the beauty of the sea and the burning of sand. But to crawl under the skin with stupid questions, such as whether she is alone or not is incorrect.

Sandbox for adults or how to get to know each other on the beach

“Ready, set, go…”

Beach — not a place for long reflections. Here you need to act quickly. Otherwise, the risk of losing a stranger is very high. There is no guarantee that tomorrow the girl will be in the same place again. Therefore, if you managed to start a conversation, and the lady easily supports it, you need to take the bull by the horns and make an appointment. “Skewer for cognac” is very commonplace. So you have to work hard and come up with a more original invitation. Just not a meeting in the room. This may offend the counterpart. Although, and this option is possible, all people are different. If the lady is about to leave the beach, an escort should be offered immediately. Especially if she reacted sluggishly to an invitation for an evening walk. So you can find out where she stopped.

And most importantly, it is important to be a gentleman to the last string of cowards. Nobody canceled gallantry and politeness.

Holiday romance – how to meet on vacation | SHTUKENSIA

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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