Mental orgasm, braingasm and corgasm: new sexual discoveries

Mental orgasm, braingasm and corgasm

Talking openly about sex in a decent society is not accepted. This is logical, because who wants to share with others how on the last night you screamed with pleasure to the music of Bob Marley or wearing unicorn pajamas. All this is too personal, and therefore should not be made public. At the same time, a lot of time is devoted to the study of various erotic techniques. Behind closed bedroom doors, of course.

However, people are so obsessed with the fact that orgasms must be of a strictly specific type that they forget about their other types. With men, everything is clear, they have one orgasm, reliable as a rock. In women, things are a little more complicated, but also without much variety: clitoral, vaginal and G-spot orgasms.

Someone else and anal is present. And at the same time, not all ladies are capable of experiencing all these types. Sadness, nothing to say. Especially if you do not know about the existence of at least three more types of new orgasms, which are available to almost every person, regardless of age and gender.

Corgasm for real athletes

Many are accustomed to the fact that in order to achieve a sweet peak, you need to work hard not only with your body, but also with your head. Say, the whole essence of orgasm lies in the brain. However, this is not at all a reason to write off all failures as a bad fantasy or distractions. There is such a thing as corgasm. In simple words, it is the pleasure of rhythmic movements.

This phenomenon is experienced by many sports fans when, in the middle of a workout, they lose control of themselves and disconnect from reality from surging feelings. Some call it a muscle orgasm, because the brain is not involved in this process at all. It turns out that for enjoyment, it’s enough just to go to the gym and focus on classes. At the same time, it has a double benefit, whatever one may say: you can tighten up your figure well and get pleasure.

Mental orgasm, braingasm and corgasm: new sexual discoveries

Mental orgasm for intellectuals

Excitation from viewing erotic pictures and films is familiar to everyone. At the same time, sometimes no other stimulation is even needed – the brain itself comes up with seductive scenes with your participation. And here you can not limit yourself to one excitement, because fantasy can easily bring you to the peak of pleasure. This is especially good for sensitive people with a good imagination. This type of pleasure is completely opposite to the previous one, because it only involves the brain, not the body.

Detention can happen anywhere, even the most unexpected, so such lucky people try not to get too caught up in daydreaming in public places. Otherwise, it will look at least strange if you start moaning and shaking on the bus or at a meeting. If you also want to get orgasms with the power of thought alone, then for this you can work out at home in a relaxed atmosphere. Some do not need anything for this, except for vivid images in the head, while others add special breathing techniques to this. Feel free to experiment, because it doesn't require any extra gestures.

Mental orgasm, braingasm and corgasm: new sexual discoveries

Baingasm for sensitive natures

Not everyone knows what they call a pleasant sensation of goosebumps from pleasant sounds. Frisson – that's what this feeling is called. And he, too, can be the cause of erotic arousal. The triggers (reasons) for such a ticklish pleasure can be anything – the rustling of paper, a quiet whisper in your ear, bursting bubble wrap. Sometimes even going to the hairdresser can be a reason for pleasure, because many experience real bliss from manipulating their hair and touching their heads.

In any case, increased attention to some little things is another reason to think about an alternative way to relieve sexual tension. By the way, the good news for those who are almost desperate to find a way to get pleasure without intercourse is that almost everyone can experience beingasm. And for this, all you need is to find your trigger and concentrate on the sensations you get.

Was there an orgasm?

Regarding all of the above, it's safe to say that these are real ways to reach the peak of pleasure. But this is only an alternative, which for a while allows you to abstract from the lack of male or female attention. It should be understood that nothing can replace full sex, even the most modern technologies. After all, masturbation can also please guys and girls, but this does not negate the fact that it is not enough for a fulfilling sex life.

Mental orgasm, braingasm and corgasm: new sexual discoveries

Whatever never mind, but for a change, it's sometimes worth trying one of the three new orgasmic techniques. If nothing works out, it doesn’t matter, somehow you lived without them before. And if it works out, here is a help for you in moments of loneliness, which are often unsettling.

How to experience an orgasm: 8 types of orgasm and the development of erogenous zones. Relationship psychology | Growth Phase

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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