How to start a relationship with a guy and where to find him?


Every girl dreams of dating a guy from high school. But understanding how to start a relationship with a guy is not so easy. Amid the turmoil of life, you still need to try to find your boyfriend. There is pressure from all sides, everyone is interested in their personal lives. For example, when parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts or friends start asking if the girl has a boyfriend.

Or in teenage films they show couples kissing, hugging. And there is an impression that life has failed, since there is no boyfriend. Every girl uses different ways to attract her first boyfriend. Here are the most common ways to do this:

Start dating an old friend

This is an option that works very well for many girls. If the first boyfriend is a friend, then there is a feeling of comfort and security next to him. But as the friendship turns into a relationship, there is a feeling of fluttering butterflies in the stomach and excitement. There is something really positive about being in a relationship with someone you can trust.

Be sexually available

There is always a price to pay when a girl becomes sexually active.

  • Avoid pregnancy.
  • Checking for STDs.
  • Damage to her reputation.
  • The difference is how she views herself.

It's crazy to be sexually active in the hope of starting a relationship with a guy. No doubt this will attract attention, but there is a risk that the relationship will not last long. And most likely the guy will tell his friends about it. And you can still end up alone with all the complexities and self-doubts that come with making a really big mistake.

Trying to find a guy online

High school girls should never try to find a guy online the Internet. Online dating sites and even social networking sites provide an environment for perverts and scoundrels, and it's not always possible to recognize them from a photo. Too many teenage girls have been harassed and victimized when they try to find a boyfriend online.

How to start a relationship with a guy and where to find him?

It's better to leave online dating to those who have enough life experience to detect problems and avoid them. Colleges, universities, high schools and other educational institutions provide many opportunities to meet a guy. You just need to develop self-confidence, plus being able to talk is a really important life skill.

Making friends and looking forward to meeting the perfect guy

This is the best option for girls who want to start a relationship with guy. Need to make friends. And there are many options for this. Life is much more interesting when there are a bunch of people who are happy to meet you. You don't have to feel unloved or lonely. Sooner or later, you can definitely meet Mr. Perfect among new friends. Or thanks to new friends.

Take risks

It's important to protect yourself here. Taking risks for a guy when you're still young is pointless. There is a risk that there will be more problems due to unwise decisions. You need to know what is right and wrong, what trouble looks like and not make stupid mistakes.

  • Not getting drunk is not the way to look grown up.
How to start a relationship with a guy and where to find it?
  • Don't take drugs, it's bad.
  • Don't show your cleavage, it's not so attractive.
  • Don't mess with a loser, that's won't change it.

Read the signs

Many girls know if a guy likes them or not. The guy shows his sympathy when he compliments, spends a lot of time around and sometimes flirts. Reading the signs can save you from heartache and unrequited love.

Invite a guy on a date

If the guy shows all the signs of sympathy, and the girl feels it too, then she can invite him on a date herself.

How to start a relationship with a guy and where to find him?

You don't have to be a guy, you have to be a modern girl and take matters into your own hands.

Agree to date anyone who asks

Some guys think they have the right to pressure a girl just because she agreed to go to the movies, to the beach, or to dinner. And some guys are just boring losers. You have to be smart enough to identify the worst guys and avoid them. Don't make the mistake of agreeing to go on dates more often with people who make you feel uncomfortable. It's important to be able to say no.

Enjoy life while waiting for a guy

You can participate in sports events, scientific groups or amateur circles. It's important to make your life as interesting and enjoyable as possible.

This will help you meet more people, and thereby increase your chances of meeting someone. It will also give you an excuse to strike up a conversation with a guy you like.

How to start a relationship with a guy and where can I find him?

If this doesn't work, remember that it's not the girl's fault, because you can always find someone else. You can't necessarily meet your soul mate right away and get hung up on thinking of ways to find a guy and start a relationship with him, but you can make friends and have fun in the process. Enjoy life and wait as long as it takes to meet the right guy.

The path you choose to meet can have long-term consequences. Before making any decisions, you need to think through each option.

The best selection of verified places to find a guy in an article.

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How to start a relationship with a man? Find out where to start a new relationship with a man!

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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