How to recognize a real macho: a guide to brutals

How to recognize a real macho

Every girl from childhood draws in her imagination boundless and honest love with a handsome prince. It seems to her that the chosen one must have a beautiful sonorous voice, a clean-shaven face, and luxurious hair. The character of the duke is uniquely defined – loving, loyal, reliable and caring.

With age comes the realization that in real life it is extremely difficult to meet such men. If you are lucky, and you caught the same prince in the net, love with him will soon dissolve, like all illusions about eternal love. Well, women cannot live with a supple and always smiling mumbler. Give them vivid emotions, the fire of passion and dizzying turns with intrigues.

The breed of men, popularly called “macho”, is perfect for the role of a passionate suitor. Today we will tell you how to understand that in front of you is that same fiery and full of passion gentleman.

Negligence in appearance

This does not mean that a man looks bad, he smells bad or his hair is already entangled in dreadlocks. Women are attracted by a slight indifference in appearance.

Its most striking manifestation is a three-day stubble. It doesn’t matter if he is blonde or brunette, a prickly chin gives any man brutality and character. Modern macho often grows a beard. At the same time, he does not stop watching and caring for her. Today, there are countless specialized salons and barbershops.

Let's summarize. A man must take care of himself. The negligence inherent in real machos is rather special, staged. They seem to say: “I don’t care how I look. I am confident in myself in any form. In fact, bearded men spend as much time in salons as not every fashionista spends on aiming a marathon.

What is he like — brutal man? About this in our article further on the link.


What do girls most often say when they are asked about the main male quality that attracts them more than others? Of course, we are talking about intelligence. A smart man is able to conquer absolutely any lady.

Real macho

Macho combines all the coolest qualities, so he pumps the brain as often as the press in the gym. Just imagine how sexy a man becomes if he starts discussing with a friend the fall of Henkel shares on the stock exchange with a languid look.

Women love with their ears – that's a fact. They may not understand ninety percent of what the macho says. But words like: existentialism, abstraction, marketing strategy, and so on, have an exciting effect on her.

A subtle sense of humor

It is impossible to imagine a real macho who would not know how to joke elegantly. Women blush from dirty jokes. Only a true male is able to cheer up a lady without going beyond what is permitted.

Women, unlike men, are very sensitive to sexual signals and hints from the stronger sex. Macho knows this, and actively uses his skills as a comedian. He often jokes about “below the belt” topics. But from his lips it does not sound vulgar, but sexy.

If at this moment he also winks, then the lady is almost one hundred percent caught in his net. Skillful lovers-heroes are familiar with the technique of charming the young lady, so humor flows from their lips without stopping.

How to recognize a real macho: a guide to brutals < /figure>


If you look at the macho superficially, you might think that he is attracted to absolutely all the women who are ready to go to bed with him. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion. Who is the undisputed macho right now? Of course, Antonio Banderas.

Let's remember his filmography, which created this indestructible image of a burning passionate lover. In each of them he acts as a charming lyrical hero. He tends to take care of a girl, to have long heartfelt conversations with her. These guys like to give flowers and gifts, make grand gestures. It seems like a good time for them to teach courses on how to woo a girl!

Most likely, it is for this light veil of romance that macho is so popular with women. They care little about one-time sex. A real man is always more interested in deep relationship issues. He is not indifferent to how the chosen one looks at him.

Keep the word

Macho even cooler than the boys from the area. If such a man promised something to his beloved, he will die, but he will keep his word. In the same romantic films with Banderas, we constantly see how the hero overcomes any obstacles in his path.

How to recognize a real macho: a guide to brutals

Even a fleeting conversation with some beauty, during which the macho gave the word to help, eventually ends with a real result. It doesn’t matter if his house is on fire, if his horse has fallen ill, if all the money has run out, or maybe even there is a gunshot wound – the macho will always keep his promise to the beautiful mademoiselle.

In the modern world, it is not easy for women to find such men. Feminist ideas are now ubiquitous. Girls themselves refuse the model of relationships, where the man is the head, the decision maker, the one who makes promises. For many of the fair sex, this is a real problem, because they dream of a strong man nearby.

What do women like in men? – The main qualities of a real man! [Secrets Center]

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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