How to get acquainted with a guy on the Internet: practical tips

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The modern world — This is, after all, the world of the internet. There they meet, fall in love and sometimes even get married after that. And it’s also a freer space than real life, so it’s not shameful for a girl to take the initiative. But how does it happen to meet a guy on the Internet? Many of the fair sex are asking this question, wondering if there are any rules or in this case everything is quite free? And these are really important questions that need to be answered.

Where do acquaintances take place?

It is perhaps difficult to name any one place, because there are actually several of them. And each deserves special attention.

First — these are social networks. Today, every person, not necessarily even a young one, certainly has his own page. Finding someone nice and interesting there is as easy as shelling pears: just go to the pages of friends and their friends to find some kind of candidate. This method is especially suitable for those who are initially set up only for communication. In addition, social networks provide a great chance for shy people who, even online, cannot bring themselves to leave a message to a stranger. It is enough for them to write a comment to one or two entries — after that, it is quite possible to count on at least a response comment, which brings up a conversation, or even a certain sympathy, especially if the girl took the side of the guy in the dispute. There is no need to flood and be aggressive, even when it comes to protecting a young person — no one likes brawlers, this is important to remember.

At the same time, one must also be aware that even a friend of a friend may not be a completely sane person, so it never hurts to be careful.

Dating Sites — that's the second thing that comes to mind. And they take second place simply because many people are quite skeptical about them. But still, despite the skepticism, the number of people who have found their destiny in this way is only growing.

meet a guy

In addition, if you compare the option with social networks, it has a lot of advantages — for example, you don’t have to worry about the fact that the young man you like is busy or not disposed to communicate. In either of these two options, it simply would not be on the site where people meet.

Equally important — on such resources, people fill out questionnaires to make it easier for them to find a person with whom they have something in common. And it really helps. Although you can dig into life history on social networks, dating sites still provide more pinpoint information. For example, in any profile there is a paragraph about the purpose of acquaintance — and it requires attention, since not everyone comes for eternal love, someone just wants to have fun.

Mobile Apps — also a great way to meet a guy. But here it is important to consider that they are just originally designed for easy dating and sex without commitment. The most popular is Tinder — and it works great. And it's quite simple: you install the application, set the search radius — and that's all, you can view the applicants and like those who liked. A mutual like makes it possible to start a conversation, which, according to statistics, often ends with a personal meeting and a very pleasant pastime. In addition, thanks to the search radius, you can almost immediately make an appointment. However, the question of whether Tinder is worth looking for eternal love remains open, at least because few people do it.

How to meet a guy online: practical tips

How to get a guy interested online

Also, I must say, an interesting question with not the most unambiguous answer. In the end, if offline he can evaluate the outfit and appearance, then online it is much more difficult. But there are tactics and methods that experienced girls use. It all depends on which method was used. But in any case, you need to attract a young man with interesting information about yourself so that meeting a guy on the Internet ends with something significant.

This means that both the profile on the social network and the profile on the dating site and in the mobile application must contain personal information about what kind of music the girl likes, what she does in her free time, how she prefers to relax, and the like. Among other things, this approach will allow you to get acquainted not just with some abstract guy, but with one who shares these interests and hobbies. Otherwise, why all this?

At the same time, absolutely personal information, for example, about a specific place of residence (district, street, etc.), does not need to be reported to anyone. Such frankness — definitely superfluous and will only lead to the fact that you will find yourself in a dangerous situation. This is hardly what girls expect from online dating.

How to meet a guy online: practical tips

At the same time, psychologists recommend not to drag out the network part of the acquaintance, but, on the contrary, quickly turn it off and move on to the real part. They explain it very simply: Internet — just a dating tool, nothing more. And that is how it should be viewed. Chatted for a while — it is necessary to meet, because it may well turn out that a person in network communication (where you can think about the answer, write more interesting, etc.) and a person in real life — they are totally different people. And the sooner a girl gets to know a real person, the better, because otherwise she risks becoming attached to an online image without the opportunity to know and love someone who, under other circumstances, could become her destiny.

A few more tips

It is very important to understand that meeting a guy on the Internet can become both entertainment and something more serious, so do not lie and write obviously false things about yourself. That is, if a girl has not even flown on a plane, she definitely does not need to paint a hundred perfect parachute jumps in colors, otherwise it may turn out to be uncomfortable later.

How to meet a guy online: practical tips

Acquaintance went well, and the couple is going to meet? This is great news to tell your friends! And with details — where exactly the young man invited, what time and what the girl would wear. So, just in case.

What to write to a guy on the Internet? How to ASK FOR A DATE?

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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