How to find a husband in a big city: where to look

How to find a husband in a big city

How to find a husband in a big city?

Stop looking for him.


That's right. Some girls are looking for a husband downright aggressively.

Husband! Husband! Husband!

Serious intentions! Very serious intentions!

On the first date, start asking him about the kids and the house by the sea.

On the second date, start to blow his mind.

On the third date … Oops , but he never existed!

Knowing what you want from life is wonderful. To persevere towards your goal, demolishing all obstacles on the way is commendable.

But your new friend didn't seem to sign up for a serious relationship.

He just decided to go on a date with the woman he liked.

That's the problem with many girls. They exude such strong vibrations of despair that the men get scared and run into the sunset.

More than anything in the world, men value their freedom.

Normal, they apply to both marriage and serious relationships.

But not when they are grabbed by the throat.

Even if all your girlfriends are already married, stop fussing over the calendar and counting down the days to your twenty, thirty, forty, seventy, etc. anniversary.

With such a desperate approach, there is a high risk of falling into a toxic relationship – “but not alone!”

Determine your desires

What kind of man would you like to see as your husband?

Write down his characteristics in as much detail as possible. Focus on what's really important to you—not to your mom, not to your girlfriends, or anyone else. Not social attitudes, not images from movies, but your real desires and needs.

How to find a husband in a big city: where is it better to look for

Now pay attention to those qualities that are unacceptable to you. Think about why you broke up with your ex. Remember, thanks to what personal qualities your acquaintance settled forever in the friend zone.

Competently prioritize.

Don't lower your bar just for fear of being alone. Are you looking for a worthy husband or just some kind of creature with a penis?

Have you drawn up a portrait of your ideal husband?

Well done.

Now answer honestly to yourself the question – a do you match this man?

A “goal-oriented man who knows what he wants from life” is unlikely to be fascinated by a lady whose only hobbies are lying on a bed surrounded by a laptop and pizza crumbs.

Do you really think that an “active and energetic man” will agree to sit next to you 24 hours a day, so as not to inflame your jealousy?

Start with yourself. And only then start looking for a “husband”.

Find a husband in the big city

Learn to communicate with men

Be beautiful not enough. If all you can give is a body, then you will not attract a husband.

A partner for one night – please.

But why would someone take you to the registry office and take an oath of allegiance, if there are a lot of beautiful girls around who do not require this, but in sex they can give even more, what are you?

Seduction is an art. It is a game somewhat similar to chess. One wrong move and you lose.

More ease. Less imposition. Do not cling to a man and do not run after him.

Initially, most men are not set up for a serious relationship. They see a beautiful woman and start wanting her. Just want.

When a man sees a sexy girl, he doesn't think about how good a wedding dress would look on her. He does not plan to have children from her and meet her old age by the fireplace.

Accept this fact and use it to your advantage. Attract with the promise of sex, and hold with emotions that will blow his mind.

Where can I find a husband?

How to find a husband in a big city? Stop trying to ring every poor guy who dares to ask you out.

Work on your appearance and thinking.

How to find a husband in a big city: where is the best place to look

A then you can start taking action and practice your flirting and seduction skills.

But where is the best place to do it?

  • Airport

Well, quite romantic. People at airports are usually either terribly tired and battered by life, or are in anticipation of a pleasant trip. If you are not a timid girl, talk to the guy you like. Just make sure his companion isn't around anywhere.

If you're not ready to take the first step, at least take your eyes off your phone and look around. Smile and make eye contact with pretty strangers. Such light flirting does not oblige you to anything, but it lets the man know that you can be approached.

  • Courses and lectures

Language courses, dancing and etc. Anything will do. Even if there is no one suitable in your group, you will make new acquaintances. And those new acquaintances might have nice single friends/brothers/colleagues, etc.

How to find a husband in a big city: where to look

Besides, a girl who has a lot of hobbies and doesn't use her phone for days on end is very sexy. She has a lot to talk about, and she won’t write to you every minute – she’s too interested in being alone.

  • Gym

A good reason to finally fulfill a promise , given to yourself on December 31 of some shaggy year.

Ask the guy to show you how to use this or that machine. Or put your eyes on the coach right away.

Possible risks: if a guy hasn’t been able to move away from the mirror for half an hour, forget about him. It is unlikely that you will interest him more than his own reflection.

  • Shop

The most ordinary store. Either improvise – offer your help to the guy, obviously shocked by the huge assortment of food, or shoot your eyes and smile sweetly.

Possible risks: if the guy tries in vain to choose “beautiful spinach”, he may be doing a special task. A special assignment given to him by his girlfriend.

  • Park

Some men say (jokingly or not – it is not clear) that they specifically get dogs to get acquainted with girls. Shall we check?

How to find a husband in a big city: where to look
  • Among friends

One of the safest methods of finding a second half. Since you communicate with more or less adequate people, it is likely that they prefer to communicate with the same personalities. Therefore, the risk of running into an inadequate person is much lower than when meeting someone “outside”.

Therefore, if you are fed up with loneliness, forget about the habit of refusing any social activity. Someone's friend's birthday? I'm in. Second cousin's wedding? I'm leaving.

Surprisingly, if you sit at home and do nothing, then the situation in your personal life does not change.

  • Dating apps

How to find a husband in a big city if you don't have time for language classes and a gym? Install one of the dating apps.

Yes, they are used by perverts, idiots and just plain unattractive rabble. But they are also used by normal, adequate men who respect women and are ready to start a serious relationship in the future.

Tinder and others like them are used by people of all ages and professions. The main thing is to learn how to filter out the rabble from normal guys.

Possible risks: in fact, as when meeting live. But, as they say, those who do not take risks drink champagne only at other people's weddings.

Choose crowded and safe places to meet. Don't feel guilty about refusing a failed hubby a second date. Date more men and improve your flirting skills.

How to find a husband in a big city: where to look best
  • Bar

Did we already say that you need to get out of the house more often and accept invitations from friends? And in the bar you can meet a worthy man who will later become your husband. True, if he literally falls at your feet, it is unlikely that you will have a conversation.

  • Cafe

A cozy and calm atmosphere is conducive to intimate conversations. Take a break from fragrant croissants and pancakes from time to time and look around.

Croissants are wonderful. Especially when you have someone to share them with.

< i> Where to get acquainted with the worthy man? 4 useful tips

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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