How does the profession of a sex coach work and what is a sex coach?

couple on the bed

Have you often met people who, at the first opportunity, tell you that they do not understand anything about sex and are completely unable to please their partner? Of course, your answer is no, but an experienced sex coach will answer that he meets such people every day. For what? To help!

A sex coach is, if translated into Russian, mentoring in sex. They help people who come to them and tell them about all the intricacies and tricks of sex, talk about its types, teach various techniques for achieving orgasm and blowjob, and much more.

History of coaching

Coaching originated in the states in the mid-80s. Its founder was a famous tennis player who realized that many people need an explanation of all the subtleties of a particular case. He began with lectures to a small audience of interested people. There he told and showed how to play tennis correctly, arranged practical exercises and checked what his students had learned.

Following him, such lectures began to be given by various businessmen, doctors and many others, including professionals in such a matter as sex. The latter gained immense popularity and distribution already in the 2000s, and this trend has also reached Russia.

How the classes are held

For those who would like to attend such classes, where a sex coach talks about all the intricacies of such an art as sex, it is worth familiarizing yourself with how the classes are held.

Where to find sex coach

For the first time, it may seem that these classes are no different from lectures: the sex coach talks, some write down, others listen. The leaders of such trainings recommend getting rid of these sensations, since in fact it is more and more like simple communication. Imagine that you are all friends here and you have nothing to be ashamed of. This will help you relax. The main thing is to understand that all of you here are connected by one goal and there is nothing shameful in such trainings.

You should not think and see a certain professor in a sex coach who tells some smart things about vaginas, butts and members. She is a woman just like you who just wants to share her knowledge in this field and help you become a goddess in bed.

All trainings begin with a standard introduction. The coach tells you about himself and then asks about you. Each of those present introduces himself and tells his own little story, from which it will become clear why he is here and what goals he pursues.

How does the profession of a sex coach work and what is a sex coach?

Next comes a short lecture, where the coach talks about the various intricacies of sex, how to give a blowjob and other things that can be useful and that every girl should know in order to give maximum pleasure to both herself and her partner. After a short break is announced, but some do without it. Here, as luck would have it.

After the break, if there was one, there is a practical part of the training. In some offices where such trainings are held, there are several rooms. They are called sitting and recumbent. In the first, the techniques and subtleties of blowjob are comprehended. And in the second, various sex techniques, ways to achieve a female orgasm, and much more. It is also worth saying that there are also such trainings where there is no practical part, so if it is important for you to learn, and not to learn something new and remember, then check right away if the training has a practical part.

How does the profession of a sex coach work and what is a sex coach?

Please note that a huge number of girls come to the training on mastering blowjob techniques, since it is very difficult to master this without practice. In order not to make mistakes, girls prefer to put themselves in the hands of professionals who monitor the implementation of various blowjob techniques and tell if something is wrong. Therefore, prepare in advance for a large number of people and mentally set yourself up if you are embarrassed that there is nothing to be afraid of, since everyone came for the same thing.

If your constraint is stronger than you, then there are individual trainings, but keep in mind that the price for them is much higher. Therefore, if funds allow, then feel free to sign up for an individual one. This way you can be sure that you are doing exactly the right thing. It is almost the same as working out in the gym with a personal trainer – he will guide you, teach you how to do the exercises correctly and follow the technique.

How to Become a Sex Coach

Not everyone can become a leader of such trainings. You must have a degree in psychology with a specialization in sexology. You must also have the practice of working as a psychologist, since only in this case you will be able to give really good advice and help those who come to you for training.

How does the profession of a sex coach work and what is a sex coach?

You can get a job in one of the training centers and become the leader of one thing, for example, helping girls learn the tricks of the female orgasm and teach them how to get it. Or open your own center and manage it, hiring others as assistants.

Despite the fact that you may know everything about sex and want to teach others about it, keep in mind that not everyone is able to teach. This is due to the individual character of the person. You may simply not be predisposed to explaining material to people and presenting it in a way that makes it memorable.

Also keep in mind that it is absolutely impossible to conduct your activities outside the center where you will work, because if you were hired by this center, you may soon be asked to leave, since it is better not to engage in amateur activities. If you are self-employed, you can teach anywhere and do as you please.

How does the profession of a sex coach work and who is a sex coach ?

Why you need it

A sex coach will be a great helper for those who cannot learn to be the best in bed on their own. Of course, you can watch the video for free and try to learn something on your own, but will such training be so effective? Of course not. No one will be able to prompt and direct you if you did something wrong. There is also a risk of harming your health, so it’s better not to study on your own.

Sex coaches help you learn all the tricks, secrets and much more about sex and additionally teach you everything you want to know.

Sex techniques! Sexologist's advice [Secrets Center]

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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