Female bisexuality: norm or pathology. Is it worth trying?

Female bisexuality

The opportunity for a woman to have sex, both with a partner of the same sex and the opposite in sexology, is referred to as female bisexuality. Such a phenomenon occurs not only among representatives of mankind, but also in the natural world, in the absence of males. The difference between people and the animal world is that the former start such relationships of their own free will, but animals only as a last resort.

Scientists conducted studies that showed that most women on earth — bisexual girls. Just not everyone can recognize this fact in favor of morality and morality. The only factor holding back women is the negative attitude of others towards people of non-traditional orientation. Who knows, perhaps if humanity were tolerant, then the ladies would not be shy about their desires.

What is the reason for the appearance of bisexuality

Of all the women interviewed, only 30% of women admitted that they are bisexual. This figure is growing rapidly, scientists assure that in a few decades there will be more such ladies in society. Why do women decide to take such a step and what is the main reason? There is a fashion for non-traditional relationships in the modern world. Basically, famous people declare their orientation, their fans are ready to imitate them. Experts told why bisexuality occurs:

  • Good relationship between friends. As a rule, girls who do not have a life partner become bisexual. However, they have a close friend who can support in any difficult situation. For such ladies, any sad relationship with a man is a kind of impetus.
  • They begin to complain to a close friend, and suddenly both realize that they are very comfortable together. But same-sex relationships do not always have a successful outcome, as a rule, friends eventually stop communicating and try to completely forget about this “misunderstanding”.
  • Aversion to the male sex. Elementary resentment and a long absence of a loved one often cause a bisexual inclination. As a rule, a woman begins to look for flaws in men and, most interestingly, she finds many clues, because of which she does not want to have anything to do with them.
  • Experiments in female love quickly end as soon as one of the ladies has an attractive friend on the way.
  • The desire to be different. Female bisexuality often begins with the words – I don’t want to be like everyone else! This behavior is inherent in young girls who strive to stand out among their peers. Such relationships quickly end, as soon as the girl grows up. And this is not strange – every woman dreams of a normal family, a loved one and children.

How to check yourself?

In order to find out how much female sympathy is stronger than normal relationships, it is important to analyze your feelings. Bisexuality is not only a sexual interest in a person of the same sex, it is also an irresistible desire to create a family, care. That is, you must endure the entire spectrum of sensations that is available in a relationship with a partner of the opposite sex.

Female bisexuality: norm or pathology. Is it worth trying?

If you are sometimes attracted to girls, but you do not consider the prospect of a serious relationship, then you have the first signs of female bisexuality. But you shouldn't call yourself bisexual.

Bisexuals are obsessed with sex

There is an opinion that bisexuals have sex more often because they like both men and women. However, in life everything is different, bisexualism has nothing to do with promiscuity in sexual life. Do not think that such people enjoy excessive sex and constant lust.

Each person decides how he feels about intimate relationships. People with the prefix “bi” are no exception, they are also able to manage their own level of sexual activity.

Upbringing as one of the factors in the manifestation of bisexuality

The gender of the child from the first year of life acquires a psychological orientation. If the family expected the birth of a girl, and a boy was born, then the person will strive to show feminine qualities. Not always, but such situations do occur.

Female bisexuality: norm or pathology. Is it worth trying?

If the mother takes an active “male position” in raising a child, then the girl will begin to acquire the features of the stronger sex. Accordingly, with growing up, such a person will choose for himself a gentle and affectionate partner, different from the “evil” mother. This is where female bisexuality comes in.

Worth a try?

There is a theory according to which a woman who is very jealous of her lover for a certain young lady would love to have sex with her. Given the fact that this theory was told by a man, then there is no point in believing it completely.

He proved that the desire of a woman to have sex with a partner of the same sex for many is not a pathology, but rather the norm. Although in our time, many things, even the most obscene, can be considered the norm. It all depends on the preferences of the person. Try it or not – of course you decide, the main thing is to think it over well, so as not to regret it later.

#5 — TYPES OF BISEXUALITY. How BIs build relationships. Real stories.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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