Erection ring: instructions on how to use it correctly

Cock Ring

Cock rings, as the name suggests, exist to maintain an erection, as well as to strengthen and help it last longer. To do this, they are worn on the base of the penis, and sometimes on the testicles.

However, few people know that in addition to this, erection rings have a number of advantages, for which it is worth trying this device at least once. We tried to understand the main issues that concern those who are just starting their acquaintance with penis rings.

Description of erection rings

First of all, we will figure out what types of erection rings exist, because , like many other sex toys, they are not limited to one model.

  • Adjustable rings

The name speaks for itself! Such toys are worn at the very base of the penis, under the balls, and have a special regulator or latch that makes it easy to remove and put them on. In addition, this type of ring can be easily customized by tightening it tighter or loosening it.

  • Stretch Rings

The most common material for these rings is soft silicone. It allows you to easily stretch the toy to put it on the penis under the scrotum. These rings are quite popular because of their ease of use, but they have a significant disadvantage: since they are a one-piece closed ring, it is important to choose the right size, otherwise the ring will not fit as tightly as you would like.

Cock ring: how to use it properly
  • Vibro rings

Vibration rings are equipped with a small motor that provides vibration. These rings are ideal for clitoral stimulation during penetrative sex. Not surprisingly, they are especially popular with women, although men also enjoy the vibration.

However, for high-quality stimulation of the clitoris with the help of such a ring, you will have to adapt – not everyone can achieve the perfect result the first time. In addition, vibro-rings are the only ones that are worn over the scrotum, and not under it.

  • Solid rings

Solid rings are suitable for more sophisticated people. They should be chosen with extreme caution, since they are often quite strong and made of stainless steel, so if the ring is too small, it can cause damage to the erect organ.

How safe are erection rings

Many are afraid to use erection rings, not daring to put foreign objects on their penis. However, to avoid any trouble with erection rings, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules.

Cock Ring Instructions for Use

First, you need to choose the right size. The ring should fit snugly around the penis, but not so tight that it becomes numb. If you are trying out a ring for the first time, it is better to opt for stretchable silicone or adjustable rings.

Secondly, do not keep the ring for more than twenty minutes. Using the ring for too long can cause serious damage, so if you feel pain or numbness, you should remove the ring immediately.

In addition, remember that before using the ring, it is best to put your pubic area in order so that later you do not experience discomfort from hair clinging to the ring – especially if it is metal or with a special latch. Also, to make the ring easier to put on, it is worth adding a little lubrication.

When choosing the right ring, make sure that it is not made from a material to which you are allergic, otherwise you will have to deal with unpleasant consequences. It is not recommended to use erection rings if you have problems with blood clotting. And in case you are going to use the ring to combat erectile dysfunction, you should first consult with a specialist about possible side effects.

Cock ring: how to use it properly

And finally, not remember that after each use, the cock ring, like other sex toys, must be thoroughly washed to get rid of bacteria and avoid the risk of contracting STDs.

Benefits of using a cock ring

  • Improve erections

Cock rings help increase and strengthen erections, and they also make them last much longer. But do not count on miracles – the penis will definitely not increase twice. At least if you use the ring in a safe way. Otherwise, you may experience not the most pleasant consequences in the form of a swollen penis.

  • Helps in the fight against erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a disease in which the occurrence and maintenance of an erection for sexual intercourse is difficult or even completely impossible. Unfortunately, a fairly large number of men are faced with such a problem, whether it is an isolated case due to an excess of alcohol in the blood or due to any medical indications. But if an erection, however weak, is possible, erectile rings can be a good help to strengthen and maintain it, due to the fact that they slow down the outflow of blood from an erect member.

The erection ring: how to use it properly
  • Enhance sensations

Among other things, erection rings increase sensitivity by slowing down blood flow, as mentioned above. And this means that the sensations from masturbation, oral or vaginal sex will be several times brighter, as well as the resulting orgasms. And don't forget about safety – pleasure is, of course, good, but if the ring starts to hurt, you should not try to finish, ignoring it.

  • Contribute to clitoral stimulation

We are talking about vibro-rings, which perform a dual function – they help to make an erection stronger, and also give pleasure to a partner by stimulating the clitoris. By the way, if necessary, a girl can use such a ring alone, simply by putting it on her fingers.

  • Supplement the sensations

In addition to stimulating the clitoris, the vibro-ring can be used in masturbation time to enhance the sensations, if you put it on your hand. In this case, you need to act carefully and gently, do not press too hard. After all, this is not the intended purpose of vibro-rings, and when used this way, they can cling to pubic hair.

  • Heavenly blowjobs

The erection ring can also be worn during a blowjob, and not only by putting it on the base of the penis. Another way to use the ring is to put it on the tongue while caressing the cock along the shaft.

The erection ring: how to use it properly
  • Allows you to explore new erogenous zones

Of course, we are talking about vibro-rings, which are again used for other purposes. An erection ring with vibration turned on on your fingers will become an excellent conductor through the body of your partner. Vibration instead of normal touch will allow you to discover the most unexpected sensitive places that both of you did not even suspect!

  • Anal games

It may sound strange, but in fact, wearing an erection ring during anal caress will increase sensitivity and pleasurable sensations several times. It's worth trying at least once!

What kind of rings are there?

Vibrating rings for men differ:

  • in size. In this case, a man needs to measure the diameter of the base of a non-erect penis with a soft tape. Divide the resulting number by 3.14 and remember the result with which to go to the sex shop. However, it is worth bothering with dimensions when the device is made of durable material. With silicone or rubber it is easier;

According to the material. There are:

  • metal, glass, hard plastic. It is for them that you need to know the exact sizes;
Cock ring: how to use it properly
  • leather or imitation leather. They have clasps, which is good, because the diameter can be adjusted, and bad, because it cannot be recommended for those who do not shave their hair;
  • rubber, silicone, latex. Elastic, easy to use. However, they stretch a little over time, this should be taken into account when buying;

With nozzles and vibrating:

  • more expensive devices that give pleasure to both parties. But it is better to use for those who have experience;

According to the method of putting on:

  • on the head, base of the penis, testicles, penis with testicles, scrotum;< /li>

By attachment method:

  • straps, rivets, Velcro, simple donning;


  • the most elementary is a round wheel; it may have growths, pimples, antennae, figurines, luminous eyes.
  • to make life more fun – butt plug, vibrations, remote control;
  • if possible, take off and put on: either only in an erect state or, conversely, in the absence of an erection;
Cock ring: how to use it properly


  • men claim that the wider the fixture, the more effective it is.

There is another type that is no longer quite a ring – a lasso. It really looks like him, thin and elastic. Suitable for those who do not want to bother with the size, as everything can be adjusted. And for those who do not want to focus on one thing – the lasso is tightened on the base of the penis and scrotum.

In general, where fantasy and desire rush today. In addition, the grip force is also regulated by the owner. Of the shortcomings – as mentioned above, the thicker, the stronger the sensations. But the taste, as you know, is not worth looking for comrades. Unlike the main types of rings, it is worn with maximum erection.

How it works

An erection is possible because the penis has cavernous bodies that, when aroused, fill with blood, which increases the size and hardness. The device compresses the base of the penis and causes the blood to stay in the body longer. This allows you to delay the time of ejaculation and increase the duration of sexual intercourse, as well as the frequency and strength of friction, which adds to the pleasure of the partner.

When used

At the very beginning, rings were used for medical purposes – to treat erectile dysfunction. They perfectly coped with the problem of insufficiently strong erection and premature ejaculation. Although it did not help men suffering from complete impotence.

Cock ring: how to use it properly

Subsequently, they noticed that it helps not only where there are problems, and not only to the strong half. To increase the duration of sexual intercourse, they are also used by healthy men. And additional stimulation of the clitoris and other erogenous zones attracted women. So the rings became not only medical assistants, but also erotic toys that increase the pleasure of sex.

As always, the industry did not accelerate for a long time, and soon an impressive number of varieties of erection rings appeared. Shapes and colors have been added, materials have diversified, additions have appeared – vibration, butt plugs and more.

Now in the sex shop you can find a huge variety of erectile rings, which differ not only in materials and accessories, but also in price. The gap is from 100 rubles to 7 million.

Gif erection ring

The $120,000 thing is, of course, exclusive. Made of gold in the shape of a cobra, it weighs more than half a kilogram. Quite a royal souvenir – for the price, quality, grandeur of forms.

How to use it?

There are no particular difficulties, only the rule is – the cheaper, the easier. It is better to start with the most ordinary thin silicone or rubber, there will be no problems with it. Put on before sexual intercourse, seizing the moment when the member is not yet in full combat readiness.

If there is a desire to prolong a pleasant process, then already in a state of full erection. But then you need a ring that stretches very well or has a clasp, otherwise unpleasant sensations cannot be avoided. Metallic and other hard ones are worn on the penis while at rest.

Manufacturers give varying advice on when to put the device on when using a condom. Some advise him first, and then the gum. Others, on the contrary, put the ring on top.

It depends on the shape and complexity of the device. You will have to read the instructions, or act on your own. And remember that any fasteners can easily damage the protection.

Similarly, advice varies on whether to use additional lubricant. If it’s simple, then it’s not necessary, but if there is any doubt that everything will go smoothly, let an assistant come into play. It is better to use a special water-based lubricant. Anything else is highly discouraged, as the consequences are unpredictable.

Hair is what interferes with the normal use of the ring. If they get in the wrong place, unpleasant sensations are guaranteed.

Cork ring : instructions on how to use it correctly

If the ejaculation was too weak or, on the contrary, strong, it means that the vessels were squeezed. It's all about changing to a looser size or not fastening too much.

If it is necessary to increase the erection, you need to wear it on the base of the penis, but if you increase the time of sexual intercourse – on the scrotum. In this case, the device interferes with the retraction of the testicles, which affects the duration of the erection. The two-ring option is also viable.

Knurled rings, like nozzles, are more needed by women, they help stimulate the clitoris and vagina, provoking orgasm.

Rules for safe use

Like any device, an erection ring needs to be used wisely:

  • before use, wash with running water and soap or an antibacterial agent. The same procedure is recommended to be carried out after use. Do not wash with boiling water or an alcohol-containing solution;
  • suppliers strongly recommend that the device be used individually, not transferred to the wrong hands. To avoid infections and other troubles;
  • there are different options for the allowed time of use – from 10 to 60 minutes. Practitioners say that optimally – 20-30. A very important rule to ensure safety;
  • never fall asleep with it;
  • do not use alcohol or psychotropic drugs before use;
Cock ring: how to use it properly
  • do not continue use if pain, coldness, numbness or other discomfort occurs;
  • when the ring is put on, the penis becomes purple, this is normal. But if it becomes purple or, conversely, pale, remove it immediately;
  • when using a lasso, it is better to have scissors nearby;
  • carefully apply to those who have diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, who takes blood thinners. It is better to consult a doctor;
  • do not use in case of depression or taking antidepressants. The device does not affect the increase in excitation;
  • see a doctor if erection does not stop after removing the ring for more than 4 hours;
  • some nozzles must be powdered with talc to avoid scuffs;
  • never be used for anal sex, as it can slip off the penis and remain inside the partner;
  • if there is a vibroelement, it is removed before washing;
  • pay close attention to your feelings. If there is pain or something unpleasant, remove immediately. Most likely it turned out to be the wrong size and squeezed the vessels too much;
  • strange as it sounds, it is not recommended to create homemade rings, because the owner’s safety is at the lowest level here.

< figure class="fulwidth-img"> Cock ring: instructions on how to use

Following these simple rules will allow you to use the device without problems and troubles. Violation leads to unfortunate consequences.

What bad can happen?

If used correctly, nothing. But in medical practice, everything happens. There were also horror stories about erection rings.

The worst thing that can happen is the loss of a fighter. In the truest sense of the word. The fact is that the ring compresses the outflow of blood, and if this matter is delayed, then various troubles happen, up to the amputation of the penis.

What else can be:

  • priapism (an erection that does not go away, not associated with arousal);
  • swelling of the veins, which can lead to hematomas;
  • allergy to the material from which the sexual assistant is made;
  • < li>increased risk of thrombosis, vascular problems;

  • stagnation of blood in case of frequent use;
  • infection and inflammation;
  • prostatitis as a result of the above problems.< /li>
Cock ring: how to use it properly

All this can be successfully avoided if you follow the instructions exactly, do not drink alcohol and do not delay the time the penis is in the erection ring.

Feedback on the use of various rings

Reviews are mostly written by women. It is understandable, the effect of the ring is aimed at meeting women's needs. Men derive moral bliss from the fact that they have been able to for so long and so much. What attracts women most of all in this device?

As it turned out, cool bells and whistles are not a guarantee of pleasure. Sometimes some add-ons slip off unpleasantly, or are generally inconveniently located, which does not cause delight.

But simple ones with a relief are extremely popular with ladies, because they disturb the most pleasant places, quickly leading to a better orgasm.


Cock ring: how to use it properly

One more addition turned out to be amazing – the backlight. Not only men, but also women like to see the process. And here exactly that space is illuminated and in such a way that the mystery increases and the imagination is excited.
More dense material is already strongly liked by men, as it creates additional sensations.

The simpler the better. So the users of rings with vibrating bullets decided. If it just sticks out, it's not aesthetically pleasing, but it's cheap, reliable and practical. But with beautiful ones it turns out to be a hassle.

It turns out that in order to wash, you need to remove the bullet. So if it’s simple, it’s easy to do it, if it’s fancy, you have to pick it out for a long time and with a special tool, which is inconvenient.

As for vibrations, point vibrations (with the help of protrusions, reliefs) are much more likely to bring you to orgasm than continuous mechanical ones.

The erection ring: instructions on how to use it correctly

Researchers have identified more than 80% of men who are satisfied with the result . The erection ring is the solution to the question of how to prolong an erection. 30% use rings with attachments and vibrators not for themselves, but for the pleasure of their partner. Thus, when used correctly, it helps in solving problems in the sexual sphere, enhances sensations and pleases partners.