Dimensions of the female vagina and genitals

cut fruit and measuring tape

When it comes to the genitals, it can be difficult to know if everything is in order. In the end, there may simply be no one to discuss such a delicate issue with. Therefore, many girls often wonder if their labia are of normal size. We propose to figure out together what is considered the norm.

Average length and width

Unfortunately, not many large-scale studies have been conducted on this topic, so we have to be content with the results of two relatively small studies in 2005 and 2014, which state that the average data for the labia are as follows: the outer labia is approximately 12 cm long (right or left, there is not much difference).

But the size of the inner labia has some differences. So the left small lip on average reaches 10 cm in length and up to 6.4 cm in width, and the right one up to 10 cm in length and up to as much as 7 cm in width.

Although these data can be used to give at least a rough idea of ​​the dimensions, they should not be taken as the ultimate truth. If only because these studies do not take into account the difference in the length of the right and left labia, and in different women, as a rule, it can be observed. Remember that you, we are all very asymmetrical creatures. In addition, the above studies do not take into account the age factor, which is also important.

What you really need to know is that regardless of the size of your labia, if you experience pain or discomfort in them, or if they just become too sensitive, the chances are that you have developed lip hypertrophy. This is commonly referred to as enlarged labia.

Measurements of the female vagina and genitals

This thing is very unpleasant, because it can make banal water procedures difficult and even painful and, among other things, increases the chance of developing an infection. In that case, the best thing to do is — seek professional help from a doctor.

The most common forms of the labia

When people talk about the appearance of the female vagina, as a rule, they mean exactly the appearance of the labia, and often namely the fleshy outer lips, which are otherwise called the labia majora.

The labia of each woman differ in their shape. Although it should be noted that experts distinguish certain types of labia. But even this does not mean that two women with the same «type» as if absolutely identical in appearance labia. They are all individual, so we can only identify common features. If you're wondering what type yours are, it's time to arm yourself with a mirror and do your own research.

  • Asymmetric labia

This type includes the vagina, which, as the name implies, has asymmetrical labia minora. One of them can be longer, thinner or, conversely, thicker. And that's completely normal. Asymmetric labia minora — quite common.

Measurements of the female vagina and genitals
  • Arcuate labia majora

Perhaps the most perfect description for this type of labia — inverted horseshoe. You should not worry, it does not bring misfortune at all, as some superstitions may claim. The only possible discomfort — these are small labia sticking out from under the outer ones. But this moment is also purely individual.

  • Prominent labia minora

Quite often, the labia minora are much longer than the outer labia and literally peek out from behind them. This difference in length can be either palpable and distinct, or barely noticeable.

  • Prominent labia majora

If more noticeable and protruding forward you have large labia, they can create a feeling that the lips are hanging, but you should not worry about this. This form of the labia is also considered very common. As a rule, the outer labia themselves are plump and fleshy.

  • Long hanging labia minora

It may seem that we have already described this kind, but in fact there is a slight difference between protruding and hanging labia minora. Because they justify their name to the fullest! This type of inner labia is so long that it can hang down well below your labia majora, sometimes even to the point where overly long skin folds can protrude from your underwear.

Female vagina and genital area measurements
  • Long hanging labia majora

Well, the situation here is similar to what we wrote above. Such labia are no longer as fleshy and plump as «outstanding». On the contrary, they look rather thin and very soft. And, as in the case of the labia minora, in some cases they can also fall out of the panties, remaining hanging like that. The main minus — this leaves the labia minora often unprotected.

  • Small, open labia

The outer labia is small, close to the pubis and this seems to be slightly parted to the sides, due to which a view of the inner labia may open.

  • Small, closed labia

Everything is the same, but the large labia are brought together tightly enough to cover the inner ones. Most often, this type of labia is shown in adult films, although, to tell the truth, it is not so common in life.

  • Visible inner lips

< p> This happens if the large and small labia are the same size. In this case, when viewed from above, the inner labia will look well between the outer ones.

Female vagina and genital area measurements

Should the labia be the same color as the rest of the skin

Most often, the labia, both external and internal, have a darker shade compared to the rest of the skin. But this is not at all a mandatory rule for everyone, since some women may have a soft pink tint, while others have a more brownish or reddish skin tone.

Note also that when aroused, it can change the color of your clitoris and inner labia: they usually become darker due to the large influx of blood to this area. As soon as you come, or the excitement just subsides, the color of the clitoris and labia minora will return to normal again.

Some people, for some reason, are convinced that shaving significantly changes the color of the skin of the labia. This is not true. After all, when you shave your legs, the skin in these areas does not get darker or lighter either. The only difference is that the shaved area is no longer covered with hair.

Usually the change in skin pigmentation of the labia skin — this is not a cause for concern. But if it is accompanied by other symptoms, you should consult a specialist.

Female vagina and genital area measurements

Among the warning signs to look out for: an unusual color stays on the skin for more than two days; labia swollen; your vagina has acquired an uncharacteristic smell for her; small spots of a different color appeared on the labia.

Your vagina differs from the others not only in the labia

You have no idea how unique your vagina really is. Clitoris, pubic hair, smell — it all adds up to the unique look of your vulva.

The clitoris. A small, pearl-like organ usually hidden under a skin pouch — hood. It is located in the upper part of the vagina at the intersection of the labia minora and, like the labia, can vary in size from woman to woman.

Pubic hair. They appear on the body during puberty, when testosterone levels rise sharply in the body. But the type of hair itself varies from person to person: they can be thick or sparse, cover only the pubic area, or grow over the entire vulva. Such things depend on your personal level of hormones in the body.

Female vagina and genitals

Smell. Each vagina also has its own smell, which depends both on the state of your hormones and on your diet. In addition, the smell may become worse during menstruation or after going to the gym, but in such cases the tone returns to normal either after the end of menstruation or after taking a shower. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor.

Pimples. The appearance of small pimples on the labia is a fairly common phenomenon, which can be caused by both ingrown hairs, swollen veins, and a completely harmless cyst. These pimples usually go away within a week or so. If they persist for a long time and are accompanied by itching, burning, and other unusual symptoms, you should consult a doctor to rule out the risk of contracting an STD.

VAGINA SIZE and NUMBER OF PARTNERS: is there a connection? Scientific facts from a sexologist

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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