Brother for brother: funny, wolf, with the meaning of AUV quotes

meme with wolves

Brutal boys solve many important issues, it seems that any girl dreams of such a cool guy. Their life is filled with meaning, they try to live by special concepts. We prepared a list of quotes that boys will definitely like.

77 AUF quotes for cool boys about wolves and life

  • It's not I don't have a girl, it's not a single girl who doesn't have me .
  • A brother will leave his brother as soon as the class bell rings.
  • Muti business, the wolf will wait for the wolf.
  • If you suddenly need me, then I’m where I was until you needed me.
  • If suddenly the wolf fell silent, then don’t take it into your head interrupt him.
  • Break your fear, otherwise it will break you.
  • More pain is better than cigarettes and alcohol.
  • Better act beautifully than talk language.
  • Turn off your mobile, do not go to social networks, and you will soon find out how many true friends you have in your life.
  • If you chase two hares, you won't get the fish out of the pond.
  • A brother will never become impudent, even if he is allowed a lot.
  • This world is arranged in such a way that it lives well the one who hits, but does not hit back.
  • If the kid said, then he will do it, if suddenly he didn’t, then he was joking!
  • If they don’t knock on the door, then I I won't open it.
  • There are definitely people in the world who need us the way we are.
  • Are you talking like you have a spare jaw hidden away?
  • Time is not just time, it's just time.
wolf meme
  • Love is when it's quiet, loudly they can only betray.
  • Free cheese for that and free cheese.
  • Life is far from being as beautiful as it is portrayed to us. Sometimes even your best friend won't want to share a beer with you.
  • I'm not afraid of being stabbed in the back, I'm afraid if it turns out to be my back.
  • If you want to live well, learn to live.< /li>
  • Loud is much louder than quiet.
  • It doesn't matter to me who is against me, only who is around matters.
  • My sport starts from the moment when I go out for a beer. And that's where it ends.
  • It's better to fall once than ten times.
  • I'd rather have a light beer in my glass than a dark future in my life.
  • A wolf cannot do wrong, just as actions do not have a wolf.
  • Life can be compared to a heavy backpack filled with beer, the more you empty the bottles, the easier it is to go.
  • If you experience problems along the way, maybe you're just fat and it's hard for you to walk.
  • No matter how you feed the wolf, he won't leave the sheep alone anyway.
  • The enemy is not on the other side, the enemy is the one who betrays you from this side.
  • The wolf cannot boast of the same strength as the lion and the tiger, but he does not jump through the hoop in the circus either.
  • This world consists of a huge number of sheep and single instances of wolves.
  • I like the wolf is proud and moderately cautious.
  • I wish everyone to have a friend, not each other.
  • Remember this, otherwise you will forget.
  • If a neighbor often visits you for salt, it means she's interested in your pepper.
  • Even when you've been eaten, you have two options.
wolf meme
  • Don't be nervous, besides nerve cells, molars are also not self-healing.
  • In this life, each of us is either a wolf or not a wolf!
  • It is the duty of every real man to wash his messages and socks on time.
  • I am one of those people who are able to endure for a long time, and then endure so much more -be patient.
  • Only a ram should run after sheep, I'd rather run again for beer.
  • Wolves always graze next to sheep.
  • Let every girl have a zest, it is important not to instead of a brain.
  • Each battery has only one minus and only one plus.
  • It's only on the outside that I seem carefree. And inside I have … beer.
  • Nothing will protect your teeth better than respect for my person.
  • Often the cross that you put on a person becomes his only plus.
  • Appreciate the bros who will not tell more than necessary.
  • Brothers are those people who never threw their .
  • Every boy thinks he's stronger than a girl, but everyone has one that keeps them awake at night.
  • A brother isn't always a friend, but a friend is always brother.
  • The best prevention from injury is to stay away from our lads.
  • The kid is not a cactus, he needs to drink.
  • I don’t have a gun and a tank, but there is a lad who is with me even to heaven, even to hell.
  • The wolf chooses sheep not those who are not lucky, but only the weak.
  • If you've done the deed, you can be sure that the deed is done.
  • If you don't want to be in the wolf pack, get ready to become their food.
  • If you haven't seen something, it means blind.
  • A real wolf doesn't wear a scarf, it's like tucking socks into his underpants.
wolf meme
  • If you don't want to look for the exit, always keep it in sight.
  • If you think a wolf can't smile, then you just haven't met real wolves.
  • Dry your tears, real wolves can't cry. It doesn't suit them to look like people.
  • A wolf will not flinch if a dog barks nearby.
  • Many people know me, but only a few know what I am.
  • Do not try to forgive traitors, where once, there is a second.
  • Blood is not the same liquid that veins flow, but what a brother will give for a brother.
  • Anyone can upset a wolf, but not everyone will have time to ask for forgiveness.
  • Not everyone who shakes hands is your friend.
  • The best lesson for a kid is the army or prison.
  • I'm strong, but that doesn't mean I don't get hurt.
  • If even the air touches my son, I will cut you on belts.
  • Only a dog will not betray, and a car.
  • I am young, but I have rich experience and wise thoughts.

The modern wolf is no longer a predator

Now the concept of brutal, wolf (often flashes in memes) has a slightly different meaning. But it still characterizes those representatives of the stronger sex who enjoy great prestige among men and the attention of girls. Why are the so-called “lone wolves” so popular and why is this type of man especially attractive to women?

A real kid, a wolf, a beast (call it what you want) is a rude, arrogant, stern type, from which an attractive masculine strength emanates. And it's not about looks. This is a whole range of internal qualities, which is reflected in how a man looks.

Wolf must know his worth and exude self-confidence. Already after the first few minutes of talking with him, you can conclude whether he belongs to those who are not afraid of problems. His self-confidence should not be like a “macho syndrome” and be in tandem with vanity. Such a guy has a magic key to all doors.

He has the ability to keep his nerves under control. You can say that a lot here depends on genetics and natural conditions, but this is not entirely true. This way of thinking often characterizes men who simply do not want to work on their personality and strive for self-improvement.

Patience is a virtue worth fighting for. Fists or profanity will not solve anything, but only hurt yourself. He is smart and does not allow himself to be provoked. This is what distinguishes “wolf” from “jackal” — a manifestation of angelic patience.

He does not ignore the problem and wait for it to disappear or resolve itself. This applies to both professional and personal lives, where constructive conversation and the art of compromise characterize the winners.

A sense of responsibility often draws the line between an immature subgenus and a real wolf, capable of answering for the consequences of his actions, whatever they may be. Of course, every guy wants to be considered smart, trustworthy, able to soberly assess the situation, but after all, one mistake and its consequences should not affect the reputation at all.

Being a mature strong guy and pretending to be one are completely different things. An exuberant ego is not at all a sign that a person is in control of his life and his emotions. Making fun of other people, especially those who are weaker, is definitely not a determining factor. A real wolf respects people, regardless of their social status or gender.

It looks ridiculous when men try to force themselves into confident alpha males. Self-confidence, arrogance and disrespect for the opinions of others is not maturity, but rather a signal that a man feels threatened and is not honest with himself. The key is to find a balance between what you want and what is within your capabilities.

In this collection you will find the coolest statuses for real guys who proudly call themselves wolves. There are quotes for every occasion and every mood.


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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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