7 things women do for men

surprised girl on a red background

Women — strange people, to which only they do not go for the sake of men. They endure pain, spend money, strength, nerves, in order to later hear the unintelligible «but something has changed?». But, despite the fact that men stubbornly refuse to pay attention to these victims, women still stubbornly continue to go on feats in the name of beauty and love, in order to hear one day the cherished words of love and gratitude. So what are women ready for for men?


Think ladies do it for themselves? Ha, ha, and again ha. Yes, once on a desert island, any representative of the fair sex would have abandoned this business, and not because there is no razor or wax on the island, but simply because she is lazy. In addition, epilation of the body is painful and far from cheap. And where did a lot of jokes come from about the fact that the number of unshaven parts of the legs decreases with the length of the skirt? natural beauty — don't believe. Well, only if you don't look in the morning as if you were not pulled out of bed, but straight from the Miss World pageant.

Most of Eve's daughters in the morning resemble, at best, a hungry ghoul, but at worst… Better not imagine. Yes, and men can rarely see that there is a lot of makeup on the face, well, only if it does not fall off in pieces. Well, judging by the statements of some individuals, they are sincerely sure that most women have blue eyelids and burgundy lips by nature.

Wear uncomfortable clothes

And heels. Skirts in which you can neither bend over, nor sit down, nor climb stairs. Dresses, in which you can neither breathe in nor exhale, bright things, which are generally a strategically dangerous object.

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Corrective underwear, which, in the manner of a corset, squeezes all the insides and makes you regret that very piece of cake. Who in their right mind would wear this for themselves? And about shoes with heels a separate conversation. Especially about boats. Women even have their own classification of shoes, among which stilettos take pride of place, being called “shoes in which you can only sit.” And the convenience of women's wardrobe can be judged by numerous comedies, where men have to transform into ladies: one can watch them endlessly trying to hobble about in heels.


Have you heard one of these phrases: «oh, my purse is so heavy, help me carry it», «I'm so stupid, I didn't know that you need to turn on the hair dryer to make it work&#187 ;, «help me assemble a stool, I don't understand these screws at all»? And just don't say you believe.

Girls are not as simple as they seem — it’s just a natural mechanism, if you don’t find yourself next to a man, a woman will climb over a three-meter fence, and drag home a huge bag of groceries, and assemble furniture, and even without tools, replacing them, for example, with a kitchen knife. But, as soon as a potential boyfriend appears on the horizon, the girl immediately turns into a delicate flower who cannot hold anything heavier than a phone in her hands. It may not be the most pleasant thing to pretend to be dumber than you are, but you will do anything for the sake of a man.

Pushes his interests into the background

Well, that is, he sacrifices his interests for the sake of the faithful: he leaves a prestigious university, goes to some wilderness, lives in the same apartment with his mother-in-law.

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And for what? Everything is like in a song: there would be a nice one nearby. The truth to himself constantly repeats like a mantra the phrase «with a sweet paradise and in a hut» and compares himself with the heroic wife of the Decembrist. But deep down she hopes that her beloved will appreciate her feat for the benefit of family happiness. But it is worth noting that most men really appreciate such feats, especially cohabitation with their beloved mother, because every son understands that a mother is always at least careful about her daughter-in-law.

They give birth to children

To give birth to a husband of an heir, as many women believe — the highest expression of love. Nine months of physical and psychological suffering, mood swings, swelling, toxicosis and other delights of pregnancy. Then 12 hours of childbirth, then sleepless nights, the crisis of three years, and then school, transitional age and again sleepless nights. Do you think it will get easier after 18? Nothing like that, everything is just beginning. Where is your father at this time? At best, during the weekend he takes the child to play. Well, in general, only after giving birth to a child, a woman can understand what kind of torment a man experiences with a temperature of 37.2.

Lose weight

A man is absolutely sure of his beauty, even if, because of his beer belly, he does not see his own legs. A woman is always striving for perfection. Even if for this you have to deny yourself a piece of your favorite cake and go for a run at six in the morning. And all for the sake of hearing that she is “not fat, but normal.” Although it would be preferable to say that she is very thin. If a woman were to do this for herself, then in a week she would abandon such a regimen.

7 things women do for men

And these are just a few of the things women do. This is what women are ready for for the sake of men.

But what a loving man is ready for for a girl, read in our article further on the link.

Sex with an oligarch: what a woman is ready for for love? Nastya Rybka and Alex Leslie | Growth Phase (18+)

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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