6 Reasons Girls Won't Date Guys


Yes, courtship is a tough game. Everything can go smoothly, like clockwork, but all it takes is one wrong action or word, and suddenly everything falls apart. Of course, every woman has her own list of things that she finds repulsive. But a group of psychologists from the University of Western Sydney conducted a series of studies and compiled a generalized list of what girls find unacceptable. These are the things that make ladies not continue a relationship with a guy. Here are some of them.

1. Sending a photo of your member

You did everything right and now you are at the stage of dating when the girl is ready to go on a date, after which you may have sex. So you send her this damn photo. Do you really think she wants to see your penis or does it turn her on? Most girls stop contact after that.

2. Comparison with other girls

Even if you tell her that she is not like the others, better than the rest, or, God forbid, that all “your former ones” were bitches, but she is not like that, you do not compliment the girl. In this way you show that you hate the entire female sex. To insult the appearance or personality of another woman in the presence of your girlfriend, whom you then compliment, is disgusting.

3. Uncleanliness

Dirty hands, unwashed body and hair, wrinkled clothes can scare anyone away. It's not the sexy kind of casual sloppiness that is skillfully achieved with a certain amount of skill. A person who frankly does not care about himself is unpleasant. The same applies to your apartment and bedding when you invite a lady to your place. Most likely, a friend, having suppressed an attack of nausea, will try to escape very quickly.

4. Smell

Women are much more sensitive to smells than men, and if they smell something that does not look clean and fresh, it will repel them. It doesn't matter if you smell like sweat, Chinese food, garbage, machine oil or solvent, it's still unappealing. When they tell you that a shower, deodorant and a little cologne can do wonders for your sex life, take my word for it. The other extreme is when you smell like you were taking a shower of cologne. No woman can be near a man like that.

Six reasons girls won't date guys

5. “I'm all so wonderful”

Don't play the “nice guy” card by listing your strengths. This also includes stories about going to the gym regularly and boasting about material wealth. And the type who proclaims the cost of his boots, shirt and various things looks like a perfect snob.

6. Uncontrollable Anger

Getting turned on by little things is the easiest way to stay single forever. People blinded by rage are truly scary. In addition, such behavior speaks of how poorly you cope with stress, and is completely inadequate in solving interpersonal problems. No woman wants to be with a man who will turn her life into a nightmare.

TOP 5: things that scare away girls in boys

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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