How to recognize a lie

Do you want to understand people as well as Dr. Lightman? Sit back and watch TricksHelper's video on how to catch a liar red-handed.

How to recognize a lie

Just think about it: each of us is lied to from 10 to 200 times a day! We pay in the same coin – we tell lies on average four times a day. Of course, we are not talking about deception bordering on betrayal, although… People lie about little things. “You know, I can’t help you – I’m very busy,” “Your new haircut suits you so well!”, “Boss, I’m almost finished with the project,” and so on and so forth.

Be vigilant, friends. But remember, according to psychologists, lying is an integral part of communication, sometimes even useful.

Like the video if you know how to recognize a lie better than a polygraph.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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