15 life hacks to make traveling around the USA even more enjoyable

Where in America you can ride the subway for free, how to get inexpensive tickets to a Broadway musical, from which observation deck it is more convenient to enjoy the views of New York – little tricks from traveler Nadezhda Vasilyeva, which will not be written about in guidebooks.

15 life hacks on how to make a trip in the USA it’s even nicer

15 life hacks to make traveling around the USA even more enjoyable

Nadezhda Vasilyeva Writer of the Internet portal “VKino”. When traveling, she loves to explore new cultures, meet interesting people and look for unusual little-known attractions.

If you are going to go on an unforgettable trip across the ocean to the United States of America, then be prepared for the fact that it will not happen without problems. The USA is a country for which you cannot be fully prepared. You will remember your first trip there forever. Like all the subsequent ones.

There are two main rules that will prevent you from wasting your savings and, perhaps, save you from unwanted adventures: you need to be cunning and sociable! In the States, you will have to learn to find a common language with any person (fans of racist jokes and ardent patriots of the Motherland will have a hard time), because even electronic gadgets sometimes let you down, and the locals always know the right path. In the USA there are great people who love to chat and help you in difficult situations. But nevertheless, you must always be on your guard!

There are general tips that will be useful to any tourist conquering the USA:

  • If you are planning to visit an amusement park or famous attractions (Statue of Liberty, Washington Monument, Rockefeller Center), then it is more convenient and cheaper to buy entrance tickets tickets online.
  • Don't forget to use a great resource like CouchSurfing. In the USA, this is a chance to save on accommodation, meet and communicate with interesting people, and get to know the city from a side that is inaccessible to an ordinary tourist staying at a hotel. Anything can happen when you travel, including leaving you without a roof over your head. In this case, you can use emergency couchsurfing.
  • If you travel on regular buses (such as Greyhound), use night flights: you will save precious time and some money.
  • Beware of annoying seagulls circling on coast. They are not just accustomed to people, but literally attack visitors basking in the sun, stealing their food, things from their bags and anything that was left unattended.

These are more or less known and obvious things. I would also like to share some life hacks, very useful and acquired through experience. However, keep in mind that some of them require special courage.

— 1 —

On any trip, you need to know where you can buy food, some medicines or other necessary things (for example, an umbrella). Remember: the pharmacy in the States has absolutely everything! This is the most necessary and important store where you will find a bottle of water, a set of plasters, a guidebook or a city map, and in the sunny states you will also need a hat.

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15 life hacks, how to do traveling around the USA is even more enjoyable

Lepidoptorologic beauty*/flickr.com

Be careful with subways in the USA. Each city has its own rules and difficulties. For example, in the New York subway, many people manage to walk like a hare. There are no controllers on the trains. If you pass without paying, it is unlikely that anyone will run after you.

In Washington, on the contrary, everything is very strict. The capital, after all. When you enter the metro, you buy a ticket from station to station; its cost depends on your destination. You must save your ticket until you exit the metro – otherwise you will not be able to pass through the turnstile.

In Baltimore, Maryland, things are much simpler. No one checks tickets; there are often no controllers at the turnstiles, so you don’t even have to buy a ticket.

— 3 —

New York and the capital Washington are a must-see city for every first-time visitor to the United States. And for those who like to go to museums, there is very good news! In Washington, all museums are free, and in New York, many of them, for example the Metropolitan Museum of Art or MOMA, can be accessed for mere pennies: at the checkout, say that you want to make a donation as a foreigner (donation), and you can pay at least 1 dollar!

— 4 —

If you come to the US capital and want to admire a beautiful view of the city, but tickets to the observation tower on the monument There is nothing left for Washington – don't despair! On the territory of Arlington Cemetery, from the hill near the Robert E. Lee mansion, you will have an incredible panorama of all of Washington, and completely free!

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15 life hacks to make traveling around the USA even more enjoyable

Deirdre Hayes/flickr.com

For lovers of musicals, there is a great life hack on how to buy tickets to expensive performances at a reasonable price. Every day, early in the morning, starting at seven o’clock, a huge line forms at the doors of famous theaters on Broadway, wanting to buy tickets to any performance for just 30 dollars! Believe me, this is a fair price, considering that tickets usually start at $80. The only negative: you need to come as early as possible to take a place at the front of the line, since the number of tickets is limited.

— 6 —

Any guide to New York will strongly recommend you visit the observation deck. And this is truly an unforgettable sight. The view of the city from the 100th floor of the building will take your breath away and make your knees shake. But don't rush to the Empire State Building, New York's most popular observation deck. The view from the roof of Rockefeller Center will be a hundred times more incredible!

Firstly, there are two observation decks in Rockefeller Center, and one of them has access to the very roof of the building. Secondly, there is no grid or any obstacles that interfere with viewing. Unfortunately, there is a high net stretched over the Empire State Building, which will somewhat spoil your impressions and beautiful photographs.

Both buildings are the same in height. But at Rockefeller Center there is a slightly shorter line and a slightly cheaper ticket. And watching the Empire State Building glow with lights is much more pleasant, since the top of Rockefeller Center is not particularly illuminated.

— 7 —

Arriving in New York, everyone immediately rushes to Times Square. For city residents, this is the main square, as important as Palace Square in St. Petersburg or Red Square in Moscow. But not in terms of beauty, of course. Keep in mind that Times Square is not open 24/7! It is closed for several hours, approximately from four to seven in the morning. And yes, there is Wi-Fi.

— 8 —

If you don't want to limit yourself to just the eastern part of the US and plan to head west , then adventures invariably await you there. Las Vegas, a city that never sleeps, where life is in full swing at night, is not as simple as it seems. The casino is very strict with the rules: you will be allowed to the gaming tables only if you have a passport and are over 21 years old. And nothing else. And any attempts at fraud can be suppressed quite harshly.

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Remember: the Bellagio fountains are not open all the time. Just imagine how much electricity would be wasted! Study the schedule on the Internet when the fountains turn on to catch this wonderful spectacle.

— 10 —

You don't need a car to visit the Grand Canyon. Tours are organized there every day from Las Vegas. You will also visit the Hoover Dam, drive along the mysterious Route 66, and, of course, a delicious lunch will be included in the price! But it’s better to book your tour online in advance, otherwise there may not be any seats available.

— 11 —

If fate has brought you to Los Angeles, keep in mind that often for guests of hostels and hotels, tickets to amusement parks (and there are many of them) and for various tours can cost much less than if you purchase them on the spot at the box office. Be sure to ask at the reception.

— 12 —

Los Angeles is a city for people with a car. And nothing else! If you can't rent a car, then most of the attractions will be difficult for you to reach: they are all very far from each other.

For example, Mulholland Drive will definitely be inaccessible to you, since it is a long serpentine line, crammed with celebrity houses, where there is no pedestrian path. So either rent a car or meet one of the tour guides. If the circumstances are right, you can arrange private excursions for a small fee, and in some cases even for free. Believe me, there are a lot of former compatriots or people simply sympathetic to Russia.

— 13 —

For those who like to visit places familiar from famous TV series or films, it will be useful to know that the house of the sisters from the TV series “Charmed” is not in San Francisco, but in Los Angeles! Like many other sets for famous Hollywood films.

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15 life hacks to make traveling around the USA even more enjoyable

Robert Cross/flickr.com

San Francisco is a city you simply can't miss when exploring the West Coast of America. And one of the main attractions (and quite exotic) is the cable tram that runs through the central part of the city. I must say that the cost of traveling on it is quite high, but there is one trick. It has seating and standing areas. Even standing places will provide you with incredible emotions and unforgettable views. Don't be like the locals for whom San Francisco is just a city where they live.

There is a controller on the tram who checks the availability of tickets or collects “tribute” for tickets from careless tourists. But tourists are just tourists because they are allowed to pretend to be stupid. Therefore, you can safely jump on a tram at a stop, standing up to enjoy the views, and when the controller approaches, jump off and change to another one (their speed is low). Or explain to the controller that you didn’t know about the toll and you should get off at the next stop. He will not forcefully hold you back and force you to pay. The main thing is to be bold and insolent.

— 15 —

Many people go to California for the breathtaking view of the Golden Gate Bridge. And, unfortunately, not everyone realizes that the climate in San Francisco is almost the same as in St. Petersburg. And thick fog is an integral part of life in this city. Be sure to check the weather, seize the happy moment when sudden climatic changes are not expected, and run to enjoy the magnificent spectacle. It's worth it.

Travelling America will undoubtedly change you and leave you with many impressions. Perhaps you will find your favorite place in New York or be enchanted by one of the cozy cafes in San Francisco, meet amazing people or meet old friends. Don't waste your time on this. If you decide to visit the USA, then go for at least a month. Take plenty of camera batteries and be prepared for amazing twists of fate. Traveling around the USA is always interesting and unpredictable.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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