Yuri Podolyaka: biography, personal life, activities

Yuriy Podolyaka : biography, personal life, activities

Yuriy Podolyaka, a blogger of Ukrainian origin in social networks, LiveJournal and YouTube, an actively published journalist, is a fairly well-known personality on the Internet. His activities are regarded in different ways: fans appreciate Yuri Ivanovich for an honest position on any issue, haters curse him and call him a traitor-“zarobitchanin” (a term coined for Ukrainian guest workers). Yury Podolyaka's productivity as a blogger is unusually high: every day he publishes works on topical issues, uploads new videos, and they immediately receive a lot of comments.

Official data

  • Last name, first name , patronymic: Podolyaka, Yuri Ivanovich;
  • Nickname under which he works on the Internet: yurasumy;
  • Place of birth: Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine), Sumy region;
  • Date of birth: 1975, February 21;
  • Zodiac sign: Pisces; according to the eastern calendar – the Blue Rabbit (element of the year tree); patron planet Neptune;
  • Education: higher, graduate of Sumy State University;
  • Occupation: journalist, blogger;
  • Marital status, children: married, has daughter and son.

Childhood and youth

Information about the place of birth of Yuri Podolyaka differs. In his biographies, the city of Sumy is indicated, but the site “Peacemaker”, known for extremist sentiments, writes that the birthplace of Yuri Ivanovich is the village of Peschanoe, Sumy region. In principle, it doesn’t matter whether Podolyak was born in a village or a city, in any case he is Ukrainian. He studied at a simple high school, as he said about himself, he was a “good boy,” according to Yuri Ivanovich. He shared with viewers on YouTube that the interest in his current activities was laid in childhood by two people – a father and a history teacher. “Father brought the right newspapers, bought the right books,” from his stories about dad.

Yuri Podolyaka: biography, personal life, activity

Haters of famous personalities often write outright lies about them, and Podolyak did not escape this fate. It is often emphasized that Yuri does not have a higher education. How is it not? It is known for sure that he entered the university after school and successfully graduated from it, he received a diploma from the Sumy State University. Interesting details in response to questions from subscribers were voiced by Yuri with a smile about student life: “From a good boy, he turned into a tear off his head: sometimes a trip to the university ended far from the academic buildings.” Another quote from his revelations: “I remember and love my student friends, regardless of our political views – this is how real male friendship should be.”

The beginning of blogging, moving to Moscow

He was prompted to demonstrate an active life position by the “Club of Young Nationalists” at school – the blogger does not hide his former hobbies and calls them with a smile “my nationalist past.” Work, marriage – this distracted him for a while from political events in the country until 2004: then Yuri took part in the first Maidan (meaning the “Orange Revolution”). “Almost everyone in Russia perceives the events of 2004 as a prelude to the events of 2014, but in fact they were completely different actions,” from his story in 2020.

Yuriy Podolyaka: biography, personal life, activities

Blog “yurasumy” Yuriy Podolyaka on LiveJournal created in 2011, but until 2014 there were no articles on “dangerous” topics in his blog. In 2013, Yuri Ivanovich, according to him, was already trying to publish articles on the topics: “Why shouldn’t what is happening now happen in Ukraine,” in his words. The activity in the media and on the Internet, which Yury Podoliaka developed at that time, was so ambiguous that the journalist managed to earn the hatred of the Ukrainian “highest echelon of power” despite the fact that he always stood for the interests of the motherland. As a result, the blogger was forced to leave Ukraine and moved to Moscow.

On YouTube, he first posted videos on different channels, without creating his own. Probably, there was no need for his own channel until 2019, because the printed works of Yuri Ivanovich were very popular. The journalist wrote not only about Ukraine, but also about the international situation, about economic news – he expounded his position on various topics equally competently and interestingly.

  • Phases of the oil war;
  • US elections;
  • Genocide of the elderly in Italy;
  • Coronavirus – where is the promised Apocalypse?

These are some of the most interesting works of Yuriy Podolyaka for 2020. A non-standard view of acute world problems, an original explanation of historical facts and events in the world – this does not always cause a positive reaction to his texts and speeches on YouTube. But he voices his point of view sincerely and honestly, for which he receives respect from his fans.

What Yury Podolyaka is doing now

He is asked this question when a journalist talks with subscribers online: they ask how he earns a living for himself and his family. Yuri Ivanovich does not hide the fact that the bulk of his income comes from blogging. Monetization on YouTube, according to his statement, occurs according to incomprehensible rules. “They cut income shamelessly, and it is not clear by what criteria they choose. Anything goes on the topic of Ukraine, but as soon as a conversation about Iran comes up, monetization is stopped, ”according to Yuri. But he still writes for YouTube what he is interested in, and then he looks at whether it will generate income or not.

Yuri Podolyaka: biography, personal life, activity

Blogger Podolyak continues his journalistic activities quite actively, he collaborates with the same publications for which he wrote before. The main thing, according to Yuri Ivanovich, in his work is sincerity. In his words: “I always choose topics that interest me. I do everything not by someone's order, but by the dictates of the soul. I don’t do anything wrong, I live honestly!” According to some reports, at the end of 2019, large companies invited Yuri as an analyst to predict investment. The journalist refused, because he was not interested in this topic.

Personal life

The blogger does not cover this topic, but it is known that Yuri Podolyaka is married, has two children, his wife is also from the Sumy region. Yuri Ivanovich, in one of the live broadcasts on YouTube, said that his eldest adult daughter still lives in Ukraine. “She made the decision herself, whether it was right or not, time will tell, but I respect her for this decision,” according to the pope. According to Yuri Ivanovich, his wife and son also live in their homeland.

Interesting facts

  1. He has a cavalryman of the Sumy Hussar Regiment in his profile picture on social networks and on YouTube. “This hussar regiment opened the 1814 victory parade in Paris!” – Yuriy says proudly and adds: “I am proud that I am a descendant of the Sumy Cossacks.”
  2. “I can understand and forgive anything, except betrayal and deception,” from the revelations of a journalist. He also adds: “Unfortunately, some regard this as a joke, and then take offense at the rejection of such actions.”
  3. Yury Ivanovich’s fans often ask him the question: “Didn’t you have a desire to start political activity?” Answer: “I will never go into politics, because I don’t believe that a politician can have an absolutely clear conscience.”
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