uTorrent for Mac gets a big update

uTorrent for Mac has received a big update

The most popular torrent client uTorrent, created at one time for Windows, has been actively adapting to Mac OS X for the last couple of years. Just this summer, uTorrent officially launched on Mac computers, getting rid of its beta status. Now the program developers are working hard to correct errors in the client’s work and on its updates.

This is, in fact, the background story, the news is that uTorent for Mac has received another update and serial number 1.1. This version offers new features and at the same time improves existing functions.

uTorrent for Mac has received a big update

Among the added features is a new dialog box in which you can select the path to save files, and the ability to specify which save the files. The path for saving files can be changed by right-clicking on the torrent file. Also, the program now supports the Growl notification system, and the uTorrent icon itself in the Dock can already signal certain events. Also in version 1.1, new privacy and directory settings are integrated, plus the developers have improved the performance of the UTP connection.

In addition, the rating limit settings (or distribution coefficient), directories for automatically adding torrents, bandwidth have been corrected, messages have been corrected, appearing after downloading torrents, HTTP support has been improved.

Download here.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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