Evgeny Shitov: biography of a psychotherapist

Evgeny Shitov : biography of a psychotherapist

For twenty years now, this magic doctor has been helping those in need get rid of alcohol addiction and neurosis, conducting online lectures on phobias, fears, family difficulties, and organizing hypnosis sessions. Evgeny Alexandrovich Shitov is a person with great authority in the field of Russian medicine, because he is a certified specialist in psychiatry, the doctor has a long successful practice and a huge army of grateful patients. “Rebirth” is the name of his official website, which details Shitov's work in medical institutions in Ryazan and on the Internet.

Evgeny Shitov: biography of a psychotherapistphoto https://vk.com/evgendoktor

Do you want to break the shackles of the “green snake” and become completely independent of alcohol? Do you suffer from nightmares, get incomprehensible anxieties, do you want to constantly enjoy life? Is there a desire to fix something in a relationship, to live in love and harmony with loved ones? Anyone who gives a positive answer to these questions is a direct road to a specialist in these and similar problems, Evgeny Shitov. The inhabitants of Ryazan are truly happy people, because this magic doctor works in their city. And for those who seek help from a doctor on the Internet, watch his lectures and hypnosis sessions, it is very interesting to learn more about their idol in terms of biography.

Official data

  • Surname , name, patronymic: Shitov, Evgeny Alexandrovich;
  • Place of birth: USSR (now the Russian Federation), Ryazan;
  • Date of birth: 1975, September 9;< /li>
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo; according to the eastern calendar – the Blue Rabbit (element of the year tree); patron planet Mercury;
  • Higher education; Graduate of the Ryazan State Medical University. academician I.P. Pavlov;
  • Academic degree and title: associate professor (specialty — “Psychiatry”), candidate of medical sciences;
  • Occupation: psychiatrist, narcologist , psychotherapist;
  • Marital status, children: married, wife – Tatyana Shitova (nee Sokolova); has a son and a daughter.

What is known about the life and work of Dr. Shitov

Born and grew up in Ryazan, attended the city school number 17, after school he entered the Ryazan State Medical School. University named after Academician Pavlov – such meager information can be obtained on the Internet about the psychotherapist Yevgeny Shitov. In 2007, the young physician defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Children's psychological trauma: the impact on the clinic and the dynamics of alcohol dependence” – this is how the path of a talented doctor-practitioner to big medicine continued.

Evgeny Shitov: biography of a psychotherapist

To be convinced of the high professionalism of Evgeny Aleksandrovich, it is necessary to list where he studied, except for RyazGU. He has a list of serious diplomas and certificates in his educational “baggage”, and the effectiveness of the knowledge gained is confirmed by tens of thousands of reviews from grateful patients.

  • Refresher courses at the Moscow Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. There, Shitov studied in three areas: therapy of parts of the personality and psychological conflicts, body-oriented psychotherapy, classical hypnosis;
  • “Clinical transpersonal psychotherapy, the method of E. G. Gordeeva”: listened to two courses of 196 hours;
  • “Regressive hypnotherapy with the study of psychological trauma – the method of Vladimir Makulov”: distance learning completed.

About classical hypnosis: Shitov's teacher is Vitaly Grigoryevich Yevtushenko, a follower and successor of another well-known personality in medicine, Dr. Dovzhenko (the one who successfully cured hundreds of thousands of people from alcohol addiction). In addition to big names in the list of mentors, Evgeny Shitov has gained vast experience in personal psychotherapy over 20 years of active practice: “This is an indispensable factor in terms of the efficiency of the doctor’s work and in terms of patient safety,” according to Evgeny Aleksandrovich. He knows from his own experience how psychotherapy and psychology can not only help people, but also radically change their fate in a positive way.

Evgeny Shitov YouTube channelYoutube channel

Evgeny Shitov successfully works in Ryazan, he carries out his main activities at the Center for Psychology and Hypnosis. You can sign up for a session of collective hypnosis, where a group undergoes a course of hypnotherapy for five sessions. Those who are skeptical about the effectiveness of Shitov's methods can try his methods on themselves for free – for this, it is enough to find his trial hypnosis sessions on YouTube. Yevgeny Shitov also has a free online psychotherapy course on YouTube, where the doctor talks about the methods of science in an accessible way, helps to get rid of experiences, and understand internal conflicts.

Does stress affect the heart? How can an alcoholic get rid of a bad habit and stop killing himself? Feelings: joy, grief, anger – why are they needed? How to get rid of social programming? These are some of the popular topics that Yevgeny Shitov discusses on his youtube channel, new stories appear there and on VK, facebook appear every day. The psychotherapist tells the material in an unusually simple and interesting way. In addition to social networks, the doctor maintains a channel on Yandex Zen. In light of the unpleasant events of the spring of 2020, he is trying to help readers get rid of panic attacks and look positively into the future.

Evgeny Shitov: a biography of a psychotherapist

Here are some examples of testimonials on the work of Evgeny Shitov from grateful patients.

“I came to you after four psychologists! A worn-out boot, no one needs it, an ugly loser – that's how I felt. After your sessions, she screamed like a beluga – it was so great to feel like a person!”

“I remember: when entering a university, I ran away from my parents, from myself. And then I came to you: the first experience of communicating with a psychologist, and so successful. Today I myself received a diploma in psychology in order to join good activities, to help people.”

“I was on a smooth-reboot with Evgeny Shitov. Already the third lesson – cool and interesting! Personally, during the sessions, I felt many new facets of my self.”

“I watch your hypnosis fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” and fall asleep in the 12th minute! I recommend it to everyone, because the effect is magical!”

Private life

Yevgeny Alexandrovich in the information on the VK resource in the column “Marital status” indicates that he is married. But to find at least some information about the personal life of a psychotherapist, you have to work hard. Social networks – as always in this matter to help! The doctor's wife is Tatyana Shitova, she is a professional psychologist, a graduate of Derzhavin TSU. The Shitovs have two children, a son and a daughter. The son of Evgeny Aleksandrovich is already an adult boy, his daughter turned three years old in 2020.

Evgeny Shitov with his wifeEvgeny Shitov with his wife

Evgeny Alexandrovich does not seek to flaunt his family life, he does not even like to post photos of children in his accounts, but in the feeds of his wife Tatyana you can find many photos with their son and daughter. Looking at the happy and calm faces of Tatyana and the children, one can say for sure: Dr. Shitov's family life was a success, mutual understanding and love reign in his house. Tatyana has information in her VK account that she and her husband were fond of social dancing and visited the Black & White”.

Interesting facts

Evgeny Shitov: biography of a psychotherapistphoto https://www.instagram.com/evgendoktor/

  1. The four-legged friend of the Corgi breed, designated in Dr. Shitov's posts as “a therapy dog ​​with ten years of experience “- here is another full-fledged member of his family.
  2. Margosha (that's the name of the corgi) is a frequent guest in all social networks of Evgeny Aleksandrovich. Incredibly cute, he constantly receives a portion of likes and admiring posts from the owner's fans.
  3. In VK, Dr. Shitov has a series of incredibly beautiful landscapes. Is he also an artist? It turns out that it was Eugenia's wife who once went to a training in right-brained drawing, and these works are her authorship.
  4. He has Instagram, but this resource is not very popular – there are only about two dozen posts. And life on Facebook, YouTube and VK is full of life: new interesting materials appear every day, photos are published, live broadcasts are conducted.
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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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