“The Blair Witch Project” is back: Lionsgate is going to revive the franchise

This can be either a new film or a large series based on the cult original.

«The Blair Witch Project

Famous journalist and insider Jeff Snyder said on Twitter that the Lionsgate judge is preparing a new project on the horror film “The Blair Witch Project”.

It seems that Lionsgate is ready to go into the woods again for another BLAIR WITCH project, because good IP never really dies in the streaming age.

Jeff Snyder

The first film in the series, titled “The Witch” from Blair: Coursework from the Other World” was published back in 1999. This is a low-budget horror film, which was shot with amateur cameras in the form of a documentary.

The film tells the story of three college students who get lost and disappear without a trace in the woods of Maryland. filming his course project about the local legend – the Blair Witch.

The film lacks special effects, scenes of violence and musical accompaniment, but this did not stop it from becoming one of the creepiest horror films, which even Stephen King noted.

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