PAUL PUNCH: biography of the singer

“If you can, then why not?” – this is how Pusha Boginich defines his style, outrageous appearance, causing answers to questions during an interview. Fans of the singer PAUL PUNSH are in a rush: in early June, their idol will perform in Moscow at Punk Rupor. Breaking all the stereotypes “messenger” of the new wave of punk rock, this guy with pink hair is a bright representative of alternative music. The musician actively performs, leads social media. networks, dreams of a Grammy Award and a stadium concert: he is gaining popularity so rapidly that it is possible that his dreams will come true soon.

PAUL PUNCH: biography of the singer

Official data

  • Name and surname: Pusha Boginich;
  • Creative pseudonym: PAUL PUNCH;< /li>
  • Place of birth: Russian Federation, Murmansk;
  • Birthday: April 10;
  • Zodiac sign: Aries;
  • Occupation: singer, songwriter;
  • Marital status, children: single, no children.

Until great popularity

The year of birth of Paul Punch is unknown, the singer is approximately 20 years old. Also, the name and surname (Pusha Boginich), with which he is registered in the social network, raise doubts. networks. He was born and grew up to the age of 14 in Murmansk – this information was announced by the guy in an interview. “I don’t remember myself not living in music,” his words about when he began to get involved in this business. As a teenager, he listened to Metallica, Nightwish, Cockroaches, Slot: “In general, any rock at that time,” his words again.

PAUL PUNCHE: biography of a singer

Music school (guitar), performances at bike festivals and in a school band, then studying at a university in the jazz and variety department: he is not really self-taught. Outwardly, he began to express himself at the same time, as a teenager:

“Of course, my parents didn’t like it too much, but I did what I could: chains, sneakers, eyes,” make up also appeared in him at that time. Stereotypes, according to Paul Punch, are the lot of boring people, and a creative person has the right to look the way he wants.

The path to the stars

Paul Punch as a creative person at the beginning of the summer of 2021 has great potential. His popularity has been growing for more than a year, a full-fledged album “SASNYE STORIES” and several official clips have been released. Those who are horrified at first by the appearance of the guy, after talking and listening to his songs, change their minds: he is a professional singer, takes a large range, music and lyrics – everything is done correctly. But most of all, sincerity attracts in his work: “Because I sing as I live!” – from his interview.

PAUL PUNCHE: singer's biography

Outwardly, the singer is very different even from very daring stars. About hair: it came out by accident, I liked it and was left as a permanent attribute. Paul Punch decided to dye his hair in the colors of Santa Claus (white and red), and came out pink. He is defiantly bright, non-standard: “I like to surprise people and myself! I want to prove that the world can be interesting, and stereotypes – they are so smeared in fact. Inviting fans to a concert in the summer of 2021, he promises to do a big tour around the country: “We will get high, we will rest to the fullest – I promise!”

PAUL PUNCH: biography of the singer

Interesting facts

  1. When asked about his work, Paul Punch answered in an interview for that he divides it into spontaneous and then – bringing to perfection. He demonstrated the spontaneous process in a live broadcast on May 21 on Instagram: “Right now a track was born in my head, you already want to sing it!”
  2. About the tour: most of all he wants to visit his native Murmansk, where he has not been for a long time (“Cry in the places of childhood”), and go to Belgorod. About the second city – in his words: “There were a lot of problems there because of the appearance. I want to gather there a hall of free people like me.”
  3. “I love to be in the public eye! I try to constantly make a fuss, and social. networks help a lot in this,” Paul Punch said about activity there. But at the same time, he remarks: “I make content there often, but on a light vibe. I don’t live in the House, I can afford a break if I’m not in the mood.”
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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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