Myqeed: Music Artist Biography

Myqeed: music artist biography

“Well, are we going to break the charts?” the Myqeed singer asks his fans in the summer of 2022. Of course, it's high time!” – his fans answer and furiously like everywhere the new hit of their idol – the track “He does not love you.” A beautiful, dynamic video was shot for the single, which is no less popular on the Internet than the track. Indeed, it is high time to bring Myqeed to the top lists of all major charts! Already a young man has accumulated enough written and implemented: at least since 2018, he has been breaking into the ranks of the best Russian-speaking performers in the country, has a significantly large group of admirers.

And they write about him on serious resources for a long time, here, for example, for 2019: “Maikid is a mixture of American melancholy and Russian sadness.” At the same time, his singles were hosted by solid YouTube channels, trying to acquaint visitors with promising new products: for example, in the same 2019, the BlackBeats YouTube channel introduced its subscribers to the Myqeed song and video Pain. By the way, this single is still one of Maykid's conditional “visiting cards”, so listeners remember it well. “Sash, when will you finally go on tour?” his fans ask. Everything goes to the fact that in 2022 Alexander Pyatyshev will make the dream of his fans come true. .jpg” class=”aligncenter wp-image-9654 size-full” title=”Myqeed Music Artist Biography” alt=”Myqeed Music Artist Biography”/>

Official Details Known

  • Real name and surname: Alexander Pyatyshev;
  • Creative pseudonym used on the Internet: Myqeed (pronounced “maikid”);
  • Birthday: September 21;
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo;
  • Occupation: author of music, lyrics, performer.
  • Marital status as of mid-2022: single, no children.
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    About his life and musical career

    Absolutely nothing is known about Myqeed's family, nor about his childhood, school period. He doesn't even mention his age anywhere, only his birthday. One can only assume that the young man turns nineteen or twenty years old in 2022: the account he created in VK in 2020 looks like “myqeed17”. The place of birth is also not indicated anywhere, maybe Moscow: where he currently lives and is engaged in creativity.

    Myqeed: biography of a musical artist

    By the way, about his parents, which can be found in his profiles, specifically – only about his father. Since the singer posted this in the public domain, you can voice his sad reasoning … “Guys, don't leave your children! Every kid needs a father. It becomes so lousy if I watch someone's dad play with a child … It's lousy – because I myself have never experienced such feelings in communication with my father. I hope that in the future I will not become such a g#vnom … “

    Those who became interested in Maykid at the very start of their activities in music remember: the guy did not look quite the same as he does now! More precisely, it’s completely different: bigger in terms of weight, short haircut, there is no famous tattoo on his face, under his eye. But the style: “A mixture of American melancholy and Russian sadness” – he was already clearly outlined in his singles. Then the guy grew his hair, lost some weight, tattoos appeared (not only on the face, but also on the body – numerous and bright).

    Myqeed: Music Artist Biography

    By 2022, he is primarily known as a songwriter and master of mixing. “We know that in addition to writing singles, he is also involved in mixing,” from information about Myqeed on the Internet. And the tracks… Here are the ones that are now heard by his fans, recorded and made public online since 2018:

    • “Stay with me”,
    • “Tired”,
    • “From the movie”,
    • “If it snows in May”,
    • “One more spring”,
    • “I will die young.”

    The list does not include everything Maykid did – general, complete will be several times higher. And the last on the list is a feature with Slava Marlow, recorded for the competition at Slava in 2022. “Very strong and cool,” Myqeed fans commented on the release in this spirit.

    Myqeed: Music Artist Biography

    Latest News and Interesting Facts

    1. Due to the fact that Instagram is recognized as an extremist resource in the Russian Federation, it is logical that the resource began to work for Russians with big problems, and not everyone can now go to the Myqeed Instagram profile without certain “dancing with tambourines”. Therefore, the author and singer is slowly transferring his content to Telegram. There is not even a thousand subscribers there yet, but their number is growing very quickly every day.
    2. There is one more reason for Maykid's fans to look into Telegram more often, and even better, subscribe to his feed. In early July, a young man in Telegram voiced one idea that will be implemented there. “There are songs that, for certain reasons, will not be performed widely, but they are mixed and practically brought to mind. I’ll most likely upload them here,” according to his words from the video in Telegram.
    3. Personal life: who among the musician’s fans admits that they have never thought about this topic, were not interested in the details? Definitely not married, without children – but what kind of marriage and what kind of children at his still young (after all) age? But Myqeed is not alone, to the chagrin of the fans. A beautiful fair-haired girl – she periodically flashes in the guy’s clips, and was seen next to him in the video and in the photo of the most recent vacation – in July 2022.
    4. Another profile that is very promising for Myqeed – his tiktok. All week in mid-July 2022, Maikid's latest hit is being promoted there – this is the track “He Doesn't Love You”. “What is this if not a hit?” – subscribers reasonably ask, raising the single higher and higher in the top of the resource with likes and listening. Of course, the musician also records clips for previous songs, refreshing them in the memory of fans: a lot of the latest materials are devoted to the track “If it snows in March.”
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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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