Metro Goldwyn Mayer is preparing a series based on the RoboCop universe. This will be a prequel without RoboCop himself

He will reveal an unexpected side to a familiar villain.

Metro Goldwyn Mayer is preparing a series based on the RoboCop universe. It will be a prequel without RoboCop himself

Screenwriter Edward Neumeier, known for the film RoboCop, spoke in an interview with MovieHole about an unexpected new project in this universe. We are talking about a prequel that will tell how Omni Consumer Products Corporation and its vice president Dick Jones got their power.

According to MovieHole, it will be something like the TV series “Gotham”, which will take place in Delta City. And Neumeier himself added that the series “will have all the cool attributes of the RoboCop films, with the exception of RoboCop himself.” He is working on the script with his colleagues Dave Parkin and Robert Gibbs.

As the screenwriter notes, they want to explore many themes in the story that they think will be important in the Detroit of the future (which served as the prototype Delta City: business, technology, Silicon Valley, big corporations, cops. I'm interested in working with the image of young Dick Jones. The film portrays him as a true corporate predator, but who's to say he was bad from the start?

This will be the story of how Richard Jones became Dick Jones, the rise of OCP and how a future where the corporation owns everything.

Edward Neumeier

The project has not yet been approved – enthusiasts will need to come up with a plot and shoot a pilot episode, get approval from Metro Goldwyn Mayer, enlist the support of sponsors – and then, probably, the show will end up on television.

Would you like to watch such a series? Share your opinion in the comments.

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