Just Lera: biography, personal life, songs

Just Lera : biography, personal life, songs

“The time for the pompous is running out,” says the headline of an article about the producer and head of the Belarusian music company Kaufman Label Alexander Roznichenko (material from the medusa.io resource). While other connoisseurs of the promotion of young talents arrange large-scale television shows, conduct high-profile castings, Man Kaufman (as Alexander is also called) is looking for new wards calmly and without much fuss. He once said that a competent producer is like an experienced mushroom picker: in a dense forest among plain russula and poisonous grebes, after a long search, he recognizes a valuable mushroom.

Prosto Lera: biography, personal life, songs

Alexander recently had three “Mushrooms” in the “purse” of the label: these are Tim Belorussky, Lipa, Garik Pogorelov. And in the fall of 2019, the Kaufman Label company added another personality to the treasury of talents – a girl with the mysterious nickname “Prosto Lera”. Before the fans of the label's already famous singers had time to recover from the success of their idols, this singer just unleashed some amazing songs on them, and according to rumors, her album will be released soon. The snippet for the clip (most likely it will be a clip) “To the fullest” promises to be a big surprise – the manner of performance and musical accompaniment are very unusual.

Known official data

  • Location birth: Minsk, Republic of Belarus;
  • Year of birth 2001. Presumably at the beginning of summer;
  • Creative nickname: Prosto Lera;
  • Type of activity: singer;
  • Performance style: lyrics;
  • Cooperates with: Belarusian music label “Kaufman Label”;
  • Marital status: single, no children.

What can you learn about her in terms of biography

Every day, one of the experienced or novice producers tries to light a new “star” in the music world, and then spin it into a full-fledged star – Alexander Roznichenko has already succeeded three times, but he does not slow down: It’s just Lera, according to the music critics, confidently stood on a par with the rest of the label's singers. Her first tracks immediately “blew up” Internet music platforms, each snippet for the upcoming single causes a stir and a bunch of impatient posts on her social networks. Prosto Lera has never been interviewed yet, she doesn’t tell anything about herself either on Instagram or on VK. Yes, and all her accounts are no older than six months, and on some resources (for example, on facebook) she cannot be found at all.

Singer Prosto Lera, her biography and songs.https://www.instagram.com/prostolera___/

What to do if there is no free access to any detailed information about the childhood and life of a musician before fame? An already proven method is to scour the artist's social networks in the hope of finding revelations about the past. True, some manage to “keep the intrigue” and not tell anything about themselves – Lera is one of these (we will call her that, since we don’t know her true name). By the way, most likely, this is her real name – simple and unsophisticated, well, really – Just Lera! So, the girl responds with deathly silence to requests to tell at least something about herself, which come from fans on her social networks. But sometimes the singer begins to be frank, and at such moments she nevertheless tells interesting details about herself.

Just Lera: biography, personal life, songs

For example, on Instagram, she said that she began to sing at an early age: “I have been singing for as long as I can remember, but I didn’t consider it something special. And even more so, I did not perceive it as a promising ability. Maybe she went to a music school, or to a vocal class – there is no information about this. Having matured a little, Lera just suddenly found in singing, which before that was like a regular pastime, a saving outlet. “When I grew up, very unpleasant events covered me, and it was more than once or twice – a bunch of everything, not too good, fell on me with a heavy mass. She often found herself completely alone, and began to talk to herself, and then slowly sing, ”- a fragment from her post on Instagram.

Just Lera: biography, personal life, songs

What happened in the life of Just Lera when she was a teenager: there is not even a hint about this anywhere – neither on Instagram, nor on VK. Left without parents? It is unlikely, because now she definitely lives at least with her mother. Moreover, her relationship with her mother, apparently, is excellent, and the atmosphere at home is beautiful – Lera has a series of photographs where her mother captured in the kitchen, there is also a postscript: “I asked my mother to take a picture.” A clean kitchen with good furniture, bright and spacious – not a palace, but quite a decent room, all the boxes, saucepans, cups are arranged in a strict order. Tall refrigerator and (oh my God!) on the refrigerator – a huge soft toy!

The way to great music

How did the girl Lera, who likes to sing in an undertone when she is lonely or sad, get into the Kaufman label? The company periodically makes casting announcements – this information can be easily found in their official Instagram account or on the VK page. In the spring of 2019, according to information on the Internet, another casting was held, but it is not a fact that small, “spotted” auditions are not held between such events. One way or another, in mid-November, a track appeared on YouTube, and the next day – the clip “Strongly”, the performer is listed as “Prosto Lera”, the company that made the release – yes, she is the one, “Kaufman Label”. An interesting detail: on her Instagram, Lera posted a photo taken obviously during the filming of the video, and the date is visible there – the ninth of November! That is, the work before the release of the track and video was carried out for more than a day or two, they shot the video with skill and care.

Prosto Lera: biography, personal life, songs

A big surprise dropped on the Internet from an already well-known label had the effect of a suddenly exploding bomb: in just a few hours, the number of views and likes of this video approached half a million. And on November 22, in her Instagram feed, the girl posted photos with the management of Kaufman Label (the photo, apparently, was taken in the company’s office) and wrote: “So I became the official artist of this music label!” Immediately, the already existing army of fans got acquainted with the snippet for the single “Empty Mirrors”, where in the comment it was announced: “The track will be released in early December.”

Just Lera: biography, personal life, songs

According to Prosto Lera, for the first time she got on the big stage in Ryazan – she has a fragment of this concert on social networks. Here is how the girl later described this exciting moment: “Until the last moment, I could not believe that this was happening to me! On wadded legs, with sweaty palms, I went on stage and performed “Strongly” for the first time live in front of an audience (sorry if it was not perfect). She realized at that moment, according to her, that the stage is the meaning of life, and that she wants to continue to sing and perform! “I dream of going on stage often, making cool music, feeling the energy of the audience!” – an excerpt from the same post. And from the same place: “Let's compare in a year and laugh together, as it was – a long time ago and for the first time!”

Just Lera: latest news

Everything that is printed and voiced in the media and the Internet about her can be safely called “the latest news” – after all, she has recently declared herself! But here is from the very latest:

  • The appearance of a snippet for the future single with Tima Belorusskikh “Minute of the Evening”;
  • Successful release of the track with this song; the track appeared on YouTube on the Kaufman Label channel on December 25, 2019, by the New Year the number of plays exceeded five hundred thousand;
  • The performance at “Snow Party 5” is a great achievement, because this event invites the best performers, the most popular among young people;
  • Hitting the top of the VK chart with the single “Minute of the Evening” – at the end of December Just Lera and Tim took fourth place on the chart, ahead of NILETTO and Klava Koka (what a shame for a “bearded” black label).

Prosto Lera: latest news

In early January, a fragment of a future video called “To the fullest” appeared on her Instagram. The performance style is completely different from the previous singles. Apparently, some combo of rap lyrics and chanson will come out. A modest commentary on the video from the singer: “I want here… release this song, but I do not dare. What do you advise?” Well, obviously Just Lera is flirting! Surely, work is already in full swing at Kaufman Label, and the video is about to appear on YouTube, and a full-fledged track will become available for download on all platforms. The girl is in skillful, professional hands (which is proved by the example of the other artists of the label), and she has a great future ahead of her.

About her personal life

As carefully as she herself and the management of the company hide the facts of the biography, it is also impossible to find out at least something about the personal life of the singer with the nickname “Prosto Lera”. The only thing that can be said is that she is not married, Lera has no children. Fans (especially guys) are scratching their heads whether such a dizzyingly beautiful and talented girl has at least a permanent young man. Any celebrity's career is not complete without rumors, this fate was not avoided by Just Lera: they are already whispering on the Internet that she has an affair with Tima Belorussky! No wonder they, they say, recorded a joint track about love! This is hardly true: Gossipers often mistake a purely creative relationship for something more.

Just Lera: biography, personal life , songs

Interesting facts

  1. On Instagram, Prosto Lera sometimes flashes photos where she is with a cigarette. And there is also a photo with a glass of wine, and a comment from her: “When he said what a healthy lifestyle!” Is it true that Lera smokes, or is it just a moment of outrageousness – it's hard to say.
  2. Where Lera got a tattoo for herself (and she told Instagram subscribers about it) is unknown, but the piercing can be seen: on the face, on the nose. In one of her fan communities, you can even find a video where she is getting this piercing in the salon.
  3. There is a suspicion that Prosto Lera is the owner of the dog. The data is inaccurate, but there are several photos in her Instagram feed where the girl is hugging a huge formidable dog. And a sweet comment: “We are made to be together, but so far from the stars… You are one of them, and I am just a dog.”
  4. From an appeal to the fans: “The past year was very stressful – I got a tattoo, lost my passport, dyed my hair blonde, and a lot of other interesting things happened,” the change in hair color is really noticeable in her photo, it's just that Lera is now a bright blonde blonde.
  5. And her fan group on social networks is not one, not two, but much more. Only on Instagram at the beginning of 2020, there are at least seven of her fan pages!
  6. “The song turned out to be very warm and very real,” said Tim Belorussky about feat with Prosto Leroy after the release of the single “Minute evenings.” In anticipation of new albums from both artists, Tima and Lera's fans are wondering: “Are they going after the pop nineties and rap zero to return?”
  7. I can’t believe that Lera secretly didn’t dream of becoming famous in her childhood – everyone a talented person dreams of realizing his abilities. Now she talks about her current state: “Hooray, this is all for real! Happiness can, it turns out, be eaten with big spoons!”
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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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