Evgenia Talanina: biography of the model

Evgenia Talanina : model biography

A beautiful girl from Nizhny Novgorod who adored tattoos and dreamed of traveling the whole world: Evgenia Talanina could not even imagine that these two facts would become decisive in her career as a model. She literally burst into the modeling business in 2017: a delicate face with regular features, a body untouched by plastic surgeons (a rarity!), beautiful tattoos all over her body. Zhenya is in great demand as a nude model among photographers and stylists, she receives invitations to different countries for video and photo shoots every day.

Official biography

  • Surname , name: Talanina, Evgenia;
  • Nicknames known on the Internet: Evgenia Talanina, Jane Fays;
  • Place of birth: Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Date of birth: August 6, 1998;
  • Zodiac sign: Leo; according to the eastern horoscope – the Yellow Tiger (element of the year earth); patron planet Sun;
  • Occupation: nude model, tattoo-model;
  • Marital status, children: single, no children.

Her life before modeling

She was born in the city, which is located four hours drive from Moscow – in Nizhny Novgorod. She graduated from high school, got a job in a restaurant as a manager – this is how you can simply describe the childhood and youth of the beautiful model Evgenia Talanina. Weekend or vacation trips to grandma's village, visits to a friend's tattoo studio… From adolescence, Zhenya had a special relationship with tattoos – she dreamed of getting at least one for herself from the age of 14, begged her mother “to give permission for a single session of pain” – in her words from Instagram.

Evgenia Talanina: biography of the modelhttps://www.instagram.com/janefays/

Mom, of course, did not allow! “I was already working and could afford to spend money on a dream. Everything was decided in one moment: I called Katya, said that I would come to her now, and in the evening I already had a tattoo on my shoulder blade! – the girl's dream came true after a few years. Katya is the same friend with whom Zhenya was friends before her modeling career, and who made her first tattoo and then the rest (on Zhenya's Instagram, she is designated as kekskat). Mom, having learned about such self-will, did not talk to her daughter for a week, but the start of “tattoo mania” was given, and Zhenya's road to the modeling world was outlined with the first tattoo.

Starting work as a model, the path to success

Tattoos, which Evgenia literally plunged into (she admitted in one long post on Instagram), really played a decisive role in her journey to the modeling Olympus, to the pages of magazines and Internet resources. “Is it time for you to star in commercials?” Katya asked her friend when Evgenia once again came to her. No sooner said than done: an advertisement for a tattoo parlor, where Zhenya adorned her body many times, flew to the Internet, and… “I naturally closed my eyes, then opened them – and became famous! The offers just rained down one after another!” – then the brilliant model told in an interview.

Nude style model, tattoo-model Evgeniya Talanina, her biography and activities.

Her dream came true – to travel the world. And not just travel, but meet interesting people, shoot with professional photographers, shine on the pages of magazines. Zhenya’s career began to develop so rapidly that she sometimes (according to her) shook her head and thought: “God, it’s me, and so quickly achieved what I dreamed of?” At the beginning of 2020, Evgenia Talanina became a highly sought-after model in her genre, her busy schedule for the spring was scheduled by the day. She planned to visit:

  • Prague 1st and 2nd March;
  • then three days – Berlin;
  • from March 7th to 10th – Munich;
  • four days were given to Düsseldorf and Cologne;
  • end of March – Paris.

Alas, Zhenya's plans, like those of many active media personalities, fell through in March 2020… But in early June, the model announced on her official accounts that she was opening the summer photography season, with visits to St. Petersburg and Moscow already planned.

Personal life

At the end of 2019, giving an interview for the St. Petersburg “Art-Avtograf”, Evgenia shared a little about her heart affairs. “There was a young man, but it’s so difficult to combine personal life and work, which requires constant moving and a lot of time,” she said. Whether the girl has a boyfriend now is not known.

Evgenia Talanina: biography of the model

Interesting facts

  1. Zhenya admitted that she does not exhaust herself with diets, she just likes to eat little and mostly light food: snacks, salads, vegetables (she especially loves them). About the attitude to alcohol – a quote from VK: “I'm not fond of it, but the steak is much tastier with a glass of red.”
  2. In an interview for Dk Photo Project, Yevgenia Talanina advised novice models: “Set a goal and indicate the time in which you want to achieve it. Achieved the goal – plan twice as much as the previous achievement! This is the only way to get significant progress.”
  3. The girl moves beautifully, knows how to dance. She said about her musical preferences: “I am the most ordinary music lover. At one time I was fond of techno. In principle, I like any music, except for chanson.”
  4. She urges her young colleagues not to make the mistake of which she almost became a victim: “Don't relax! Don't start thinking after significant success that you are top. There will always be someone better than the coolest perfection. If you lift your head, competitors will quickly overtake you.”
  5. In 2017, at the very beginning of Evgenia Talanina’s career, her interview was published on the PlayboyRussia resource. When asked about her hobbies, she replied: “They say that I cook well.” And to the question about the dream, she answered: “To be realized as a model and open your own restaurant.”
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