Andrei Dubovsky: biography, personal life, family

Andrey Dubovsky : biography, personal life, family

Some actors do not lose popularity until old age: they are awarded for merits in the past, they are not tired of being mentioned in the media, new biographies are written. And others live out their lives in natural poverty and oblivion, and only devoted fans remember them, enter the data into the search with bated breath and sigh with relief: “Alive, there are no reports of death.” Why is this happening? The irony of fate, or the cruelty of a society that loves arrogant, punchy personalities close to the “top”, but ignores the modest and throws them to death? A vivid example of this is the most talented Soviet and Russian actor Andrei Dubovsky. Shining at the end of the 20th century on stage and in cinema with a rare talent and brutal male beauty, he is now lonely, poor, sick, forgotten.

Official biography

  • Surname, first name , patronymic: Dubovsky, Andrey Fedorovich;
  • Date of birth: 1957, August 15;
  • Zodiac sign: Leo; according to the eastern horoscope – the Red Rooster (the element of the year is fire); patron planet Sun;
  • Education: higher; graduated from GITIS (workshop of V. A. Andreev);
  • Occupation: film actor, theater actor;
  • Marital status: single.

The beginning of creativity, gaining popularity

Unfortunately, there is no data about Andrei Dubovsky about childhood and school years either in the old media or on the Internet. You can only find the date of his birth and the fact that in 1980 he graduated from the course of Vladimir Alekseevich Andreev at GITIS. Nothing can be found about the ancestors of Andrei Fedorovich related to art: obviously not on the “parental” line, he entered, which means that he entered a prestigious theater university and studied successfully there. After graduating from GITIS, Dubovsky was hired by the Theater of the Soviet Army, where he appeared on stage for seven years. He played there a lot and fruitfully, not always the main roles, but still preserved in the memory of his devoted fans.

frame from the film "Visit to the Minotaur" (1987)frame from the film «Visit to the Minotaur» (1987)For the first time in a movie, Dubovsky starred in the film “The Band of the Seven Winds.” “I was snotty then in order to fully experience the role of Andrei, but now I constantly remember it,” someone wrote on “kino-teatr”. The role of Mukha in another TV show “Me, You and Others” was perceived by the actor’s fans with great joy, they are now complaining: “It’s a pity that the production was not digitized and died!” When Andrei appeared in Captain Blood's Odyssey, it became clear: his role is romantic heroes with a touch of tragedy. Fans of the artist specially went to the cinemas to visit the “Visit to the Minotaur” to admire him in the role of the son of Stradivarius, who, after recovering from the plague, became a fierce enemy of his father.

Illness and departure from the stage and cinema

Work in the theater. Pushkin, invitations to the cinema – everything ended abruptly when Dubovsky was 44 years old & # 8230; “Suddenly there was an explosion in my head and I was on the floor. I asked my mother to call an ambulance, but I don’t feel my face, I can’t move my arm or leg, ”he said about the stroke. It seems that he went on the mend, even returned to work, played in “The Scarlet Flower” and “The Government Inspector” & # 8230; But here's the trouble – a tremor of the hands began, he could not sit down during the play (the consequences of a stroke). He left the theater – he did not wait until they “asked to leave.”

Andrey continued to be haunted by misfortunes: barely moving around the apartment, he fell and hit his shoulder, received a complex fracture. They did an operation with the insertion of pins, a new trouble – he tripped over a stick and broke his ankle. Oblivion is not the worst thing: the actor was on the verge of poverty, and medicines after a stroke “bite” in price! He was suddenly remembered in 2019 and invited to NTV in the project “The Stars Aligned. Faded stars of the Soviet cinema”.

Andrey Dubovsky now

Andrey came out leaning on a stick, but he was so glad for the attention and communication! Without complaining about anything, he only complained that the services of a dentist are too expensive, and he needs to get his lower jaw done like that… The presenters urged the audience to help the actor: whether one of the dentists responded with a proposal to accept the artist for free – there is no information. What the handsome actor from “Secrets of Palace Coups” (his last film role) is doing now is unknown. It does not appear on the Internet – there is no computer or gadget for this. And the media are more susceptible to the young stars of Tik-Tok than to aging single artists…

Personal life

There is little information on this topic: Dubovsky, when he was filming and working in the theater, he did not shine with scandals, therefore nothing was published about him on the topic of “personal life”. There is evidence that Andrei Fedorovich was married – he won the heart of a French woman. Harmful media already wrote today that the man himself came up with this romantic story. What nonsense! Very modest, he would never pass off fantasies as reality for the sake of PR.

Andrey Dubovsky: biography, personal life, family

In the “Stars Came Together” program, he said: “Before the illness, they were also far from each other, she was there, I was here, I didn’t want to go to live with her, I wasn’t going to become a gigolo.” After a stroke, the artist put an end to family life – he did not want to be a burden in such a state. When asked about children, the actor replied: “It’s too tragic a topic that I never discuss.” It is not known whether Andrei Dubovsky has children.

Interesting facts

  1. Now the actor leads a reclusive life – of course, not of his own free will, but forcedly. In the program “The Stars Came Together” in 2019, it was mentioned that his sister comes to help him. The fact that she is doing this because of the inheritance to the apartment is clearly evil gossip.
  2. Until 1992, Andrei lived in a communal apartment in Lyalin Lane. Then he got a one-room apartment in the south of Moscow: most likely, commercial structures settled the communal apartment, which was then widely practiced.
  3. In the story for The Stars Came Together, Dubovsky said with a smile that he loved to cook before: “I didn’t cook borsch but the meat turned out delicious.” During the last public appearance, the artist was cheerful, smiling, but complained: “I grieve only about one thing – about my relatives, who will never be around.”
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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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