Alexander Nikulin (Road to the Battletoad): biography of a blogger and bodybuilder

Alexander Nikulin (Road to the Battletoad): biography of a blogger and bodybuilder

Does it make sense to dissemble that you swing only “in nature”, if it is clear to specialists that it was not without protein and other pharmaceutical additives? This is why passionate debates flare up on bodybuilder blogs because subscribers do not believe in the possibility of making a cool muscle relief exclusively on natural products. Alexander Nikulin, known to fans under the nickname “Road to the Battletoad”, does not lie to his fans, and details what he adds to his diet.

Alexander Nikulin ( Road to the Battletoad: biography of a blogger and bodybuilder

Not only the winner of prestigious competitions among bodybuilders-bloggers, but also a successful blogger, consultant and analyst himself – Alexander enjoys great prestige among those who turned to him thanks to his honesty and open disclosure of his methods.

Official data

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  • Last name, first name: Nikulin Alexander;
  • Place of birth: Luhansk;
  • Year of birth: 1990;
  • Zodiac sign according to Eastern calendar: White Horse (element of the year metal);
  • Height and weight: 179 cm, about 88 kg;
  • Education: higher, graduate of VNU. V. I. Dahl;
  • Occupation: bodybuilder, blogger, owner of youtube, Instagram and VK blogs “Road to the Battletoad”;
  • Marital status, children: married to Natalia Nikulina; no children.
  • What is known about his life, activities on the Internet, sports achievements

    Sasha Nikulin was born, apparently, in Lugansk, because in his official VK information it is recorded about the secondary school: “He studied at the Lugansk city school No. 9.” Then there was a university – a young man studied there at the Faculty of Computer Technologies (also taken from the official data of his VK account).

    Alexander Nikulin (Road to the Battletoad): biography blogger and bodybuilder

    Alexander Nikulin started blogging seriously around 2016: do not be surprised that the youtube channel “Road to the Battletoad” was registered in May 2018 – the guy's first account was blocked.

    Alexander Nikulin

    From his story about the decision to open a channel on YouTube: “My girlfriend wanted to blog on the Internet: she wanted, she wanted, and nothing came of it. I thought, maybe I should try? I went outside, took a walk, took a selfie video, posted it on the network. And then he shot another story … and the next day he had two hundred thousand views! This video was a success because the guy honestly told the camera: “I decided to take pharma!” – and without hesitation shared with the audience the details of bodybuilding in relation to the use of additional substances.

    Alexander Nikulin (Road to the Battletoad): blogger and bodybuilder biography

    “Fatty piece of shit – that's who I was then!” – the athlete “Road to the Battletoad” confessed with a laugh in an interview for “Fitmania”. Hard, exhausting workouts; testing different drugs and an honest story about the merits of some and the shortcomings of others; monitoring progress with fixation of muscle volume and weight – he has achieved stunning success in a few years. The result of work on himself was not long in coming: in 2019, at the NBC Grand Prix Russia, Alexander Nikulin took second place, losing only to Fedor Rombak.

    Road to the Battletoad

    Fans of the bodybuilder, along with congratulations to the idol, wrote to him: “You are the best, you had to win!” But the bodybuilder is honest not only in revealing ways to pump out a gorgeous body, he frankly admitted his mistakes in the competition. More precisely, he messed up before the competition: “I talked with Rombak about what he was doing wrong. I came to the conclusion: I poured a lot of water, and simply did not convey the form to the stage. At first I was upset, but now I understand my fault, and I promise that next time I will perform more worthily and will not let you down!The bodybuilder tells not only about supplements, but also about the features of the diet, which are useful and give the right “exhaust” for drying and recomposing the body. Not only “Geneticclub” and “Somatex” a real jock is alive! Here is an example of a breakfast menu, a man happily shares the secrets of a proper diet with fellow athletes: ten-protein scrambled eggs, coleslaw and cucumber salad (seasoned with linseed oil). Lunch: potatoes with fish or chicken meat, mushrooms and asparagus, for dessert – cottage cheese pancakes, kiwi.

    Alexander Nikulin (Road to the Battletoad)

    Nikulin was asked why he prefers chicken over beef: beef is rich in creatine, and you don’t need to spend extra on creatine when using it. The athlete conducted a test, ate beef cutlets, and delivered a verdict: there are no obvious advantages in favor of beef, it is better to alternate it with chicken. The bodybuilder shared that when he has meat gathering, the monotonous food gets boring, and you need to combine products: when gaining mass, a good appetite is important! Buckwheat, sometimes lean pork, mushrooms, cottage cheese, testicles: “This is how we live!” – Alexander completes the description of the menu with humor.

    Alexander Nikulin (Road to the Battletoad): blogger and bodybuilder biography

    Personal life

    “By the way, I got married! Admire my chosen one, ”Sasha Nikulin shared on the network in 2019. The bodybuilder's fans congratulated him on registering his marriage, only they had known the beauty by sight for a long time! Natalya Fedorova often appeared in the photo next to her future husband, and it was clear to everyone long before she received official status that young people were crazy about each other, and that the wedding was a pure formality. Natalia is an athlete, model, appears on the covers of glossy magazines.

    Alexander Nikulin with his wife NatashaAlexander Nikulin with his wife Natasha

    Alexander loves Natasha, spoils her with gifts: there is a suspicion that the snow-white Nissan Beetle, presented to her in 2019, is Nikulin's present. The wife is attentive to her husband's activities on the Internet and in sports, she attended the NBC competition in 2019, where Sasha Nikulin took 2nd place. And then she proudly posted a joint photo on her Instagram account, and signed it: “Here we are.” Of course, they performed together, because the support of a loved one adds to the chances of winning!

    Alexander Nikulin (Road to the Battletoad): blogger and bodybuilder biography

    Interesting facts

    1. Alexander Nikulin honestly admits what can be harvested only on Smith's power machine. “There is an old shoulder injury – because of it, the shoulder“ shoots ”and throws me out of these exercises for six months,” according to Alexander on Instagram.
    2. “To hell with training programs! I work on a certain muscle group until I see the result, ”from the Road to the Battletoad story about the training system. But Nikulin clarifies that you should not get hung up on one part of the body – you need to alternate exercises.
    3. Without constant stress, the body will not change and grow – this is what the bodybuilder thinks. From his words: “What progress can you dream of if you train once or twice a week? The body must be surprised and given loads every day!”
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