Alena Dubluk: biography, personal life, husband, children, photo

Alena Dubluk : biography, personal life, husband, children, photos

They certainly talk about her with enthusiasm: everything causes admiration and a desire to imitate – her voice, appearance, outfits, manner of moving in the frame. Poems are dedicated to this beautiful woman and they dream of meeting her. Her appearance on the television screen is a joy for many millions of Russian viewers, and along with positive emotions, good news is also expected from her. Let's get acquainted: this is Alena Dubluk, the host of the weather forecasts section on METEO TV and Ren-TV. On absolutely all channels, announcers change every year, but Alena can be safely called an old-timer at METEO TV: she has been successfully working there for more than ten years and has become a real “face” of the company.

Alena Dubluk is just as emotional and cheerful in life, or is her method of making weather forecasts a specially developed style, her “trick”? Is it true that after high school she had the opportunity to start a successful career as a top model, and if so, why did she choose television? It is impossible to find any information about her marital status – does the TV presenter have a spouse, children? Does Alena Dubluk suit her work, does she have a desire to move, for example, to news releases, or to political chronicles? Her fans are looking for answers to these (and not only) questions in the media and on the Internet, and a woman has a lot of them!

Life before television

The biography of the future “star” of meteorological news began in the city of Vladimir – the girl Alena was born there, where the family moved after many changes of places. Her dad was a military man, so the Dubluk family had to travel all over Russia to Vladimir, and not only. Alena has childhood memories, for example, about Hungary – the family lived there when she was two years old. She went to an ordinary high school – one of the visitors wrote in her VK that he studied with her at city school No. 47. Of the subjects, the girl liked the humanitarian ones more: she made great strides in history, literature, and foreign languages. Alena herself said that in primary school she loved to read fairy tales, and often put herself in the place of the Little Mermaid or Nastya from The Scarlet Flower.

She also went to a music school: there is no direct information about this, but this fact is confirmed in her interview on the official website of METEO TV. She said: “I dreamed of becoming a pianist, but because of my thin figure, I was often predicted a career as a ballerina.” But in fact, even then the prerequisites were visible that she would go to work on TV and become a TV presenter, here are her words: “In the lower grades, I was terribly talkative, as evidenced by the remarks in red paste in my diary.”

Alena Dubluk: biography, personal life, husband, children

When Alena grew up, her preferences in school subjects changed – now she liked geography, physics and chemistry. Her first job was the position of a chemistry laboratory assistant: the girl began working at school at the age of sixteen. She also began to read detective stories in high school, adored the works of Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. She wanted to become a translator (this is the result of excellent grades in a foreign language), and everyone around said that a tall and unusually beautiful girl was a future model. And this is not surprising: with a height of almost 180 cm, she weighed a little more than 50 kg, an excellent figure, luxurious hair, regular facial features, excellent plasticity of movements – everything in her predicted the future in a well-known modeling agency.

However, Alena entered the law faculty of the Vladimir University, which indescribably surprised others, but her parents were probably satisfied, because any father and mother want to see their children in the future in solid work. But appearance – you can’t hide it, and while studying in the second year of the institute, Alena Dubluk “lit up” as a participant in the Miss Russia 1999 contest. She did not take, unfortunately, a prize, although she absolutely deserved it, but entered the top ten finalists. Photos have been preserved on the Internet, where she is captured while participating in the competition number seven.

Alena Dubluk: biography, personal life, husband

In total, as a result, the TV presenter Dubluk currently has three higher educations: legal, public relations and advertising, and profile (television), but she was not destined to work a single day in her first specialty. It so happened that a friend told the girl some interesting news: a casting was announced on Vladimir television, they were recruiting presenters. Alena and her friend went to the competition, and the selection committee drew attention to the spectacular blonde – she was offered to record several videos with a story about the weather.

Starting work on television and further career growth

Her arrival at the casting was formalized on behalf of the modeling agency, and the girl’s candidacy was offered not as the main one, but as a fallback option – Alena Dubluk told about this quite recently in an interview with a journalist from the Arguments and Facts resource. Another of her words from the same interview: “I relied on a more textured and bright girl, but she didn’t fit for some criteria, and as a result, they gave me the coveted position.” Thus began her biography on television: a beautiful, fluent in speech, able to show herself from the best side, the girl became an employee of the Vladimir State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

 Alena Dubluk in her youth

She quickly became a prominent personality on local television: the first group of fans appeared, her weather forecasts were eagerly awaited. The directors of their native TV, seeing her success, decided to try to “promote” their well-known presenter to a higher level – they did not say anything to Alena, and without her knowledge they sent a cassette with videos to the TEFI-Region project. They probably knew that Alena would be successful, since they sent the video materials so confidently, but you can imagine the girl's surprise when she was told that she won the nomination “Best Weather Host in the Regions.”

After this victory, she willy-nilly had to think about moving to Moscow: she was invited to work at METEO TV. But she did not want to leave her native Vladimir television right away: probably, Alena did not dare to quit her previous job, because she was not yet sure that a solid future “shone” for her in the capital. Here is how she herself spoke about the situation: “I was very worried, because I didn’t want to leave Vladimir TV, I liked working there. Plus, my parents live in Vladimir, it was not a pleasant prospect to leave them either.”

Alena Dubluk Biography

Alexander Viktorovich Mitroshenkov, the owner of the Transcontinental MedioCompany holding, which includes METEO TV, helped her solve the problem. “It was Alexander Viktorovich who drew attention to me, we met and talked: according to the Moscow contract, it was impossible to work in two places at the same time, but he entered into my position and allowed me to work in Vladimir and Moscow.” But not everything was as simple as it seemed: at first, Alena Dubluk had to undergo training in the capital, it lasted several months. It took quite a long time to achieve the perfect result, because at first the girl behaved stiffly, constantly “clamped”, and then she sharply got a taste: “I began to laugh, wave my arms where necessary and not necessary,” – her words.

Her high point as a weather announcer

As the host of the weather program, she had to work first at TNT, then she was invited to Ren-TV. In addition to the “weather” broadcasts, her career list includes work for TNT in the Moscow: Instructions for Use program, where Alena talked almost daily about the life of the capital. Work on the style of presenting the material continued, because in general she is quiet in life – this girl herself said many times both in early interviews and later. The directors constantly reminded her that the program should be conducted more actively, to portray the “drive”. She tried her best: “I turned my head, waved my arms, tried to “ignite” the viewer,” from her memoirs. It happened that the director, seeing such a “drive”, clutched his head and exclaimed: “God, how terrible … We will break everything.” Host Dubluk is not at all shy about her early unsuccessful experiences of “getting brighter” and talks about it with a smile.

Ren-TV TV host Alena Dubluk

In 2013, the Ren-TV channel underwent significant changes in terms of the presentation of any material: the latest achievements in computer fields were involved in the work, this also affected weather forecasts. Alena at that time broadcast real-time weather on weekdays, from Monday to Thursday, she told viewers about the vicissitudes of the country's climate on the evening news. She became one of the first announcers on the channel, whose exits to these programs were accompanied by lightning flying around the studio, heavy rains, hurricanes and tornadoes (if these events were in the forecast). All this was done thanks to the use of the latest three-dimensional technologies and the special Orad program. With the help of this program, Alena was “placed” in three-dimensional objects with the effects of climatic phenomena, and the female announcer became even more popular with the audience thanks to the introduced innovations.

Alena Dubluk

Her working day always starts at ten in the morning – there is a meeting at Ostankino, where weather forecasters, presenters, and editors are present. But by this time, Alena should find interesting news and make her own plan of what she is going to talk about. After the meeting, she has a break, during which the presenter has time to go home: “I need to cook dinner, because I will return late in the evening.” Then work with the text begins – this, according to her, takes about an hour. Alena shared about the specifics of her work: “Sometimes it happens that in a few minutes you have to change or cut something. Suddenly, the director asks to shorten the broadcast by five minutes, and I am tormented, thinking about how to throw something away, but keep the “delicious” one.

Alena Dubluk

She admits that she still worries before going on the screen. The reasons for this are serious, according to her: “Everything happens: the understudy freezes, the “ear” (wireless earpiece) turns off, the virtual card turns off.” By the way, many do not know that the leading weather forecasters do not have a map behind their backs! “Even my mother was surprised when I told her about it after ten years of work in this field,” Alena said. In order to accurately “hit” the virtual image with her hand, she had to train on a regular map at home: “It took about two weeks of training,” Alena said. And she is still very worried, because she loves to record from the first take: “It turns out more lively, besides, I don’t like to delay anyone.”

What is Alena Dubluk doing now

It works successfully – after all, she is the most recognizable and beloved by the audience presenter on METEO TV! She also tells the fans in detail and in detail what awaits them in terms of the weather if she is stopped on the street – Alena does not have the habit of turning away from the fans or rushing to their heels at the sight of them. She already feels calm and comfortable on the screen, her style of broadcasting is lively, emotional, but at the same time professional and competent.

Alena Dubluk: biography, personal lifephoto https://www

She never had to deal with the “young people stepping on their heels” problem, even when the young woman went on maternity leave a few years ago. When her son Vanechka was only four months old, they already started calling her from work and asking: “When do you plan to return?” She stayed on maternity leave for ten months: of course, she really wanted to get back in line, but it was more important to give the baby maximum attention from the moment of his birth. Alena said: “It just seems that any girl can keep a weather forecast. It is important that there is a coincidence in terms of energy with the people who work there, and with the specifics of the work – this is exactly what happened to me, and therefore they were looking forward to me in the company after the birth of my son.

She, as a high-class professional (don't forget – Alena has three higher educations!) can objectively evaluate both her work and the level of her colleagues. She also said: “Now most of the young presenters call themselves“ generalists ”: they worked a little there, learned a little in another place, then quit again and moved to another place. But in fact, they only picked up “tops” and did not seriously plunge into the profession. Nowadays there is a tendency to consider it a plus when a person understands a little bit of everything. But my opinion is a minus, because you need to be an absolute professional in your field.”

Alena Dubluk: biography, personal life, husband, children, photo

Alena Dubluk, like any person, needs a rest, but does not tend to go on vacation often: “I appreciate the fact that my colleagues were waiting for me, they constantly asked when I would return to work after the decree. Therefore, I rarely go on vacation – I know that it will be hard for them without me. She is very correct about attention to her person, but notes: “I will definitely talk if they turn to me on the street, but I am also a living person – I may be in a bad mood, or a child is sick, or problems at home. My fans should be aware that it is not always easy for me to smile in such a situation. She says that going on TV in this case is a serious test, because you still need to be friendly and calm on the screen.

Despite the fact that Alena Dubluk has a huge experience in television, she recently began studying with a special teacher, setting up the technique and timbre of speech. The management, according to her, was extremely surprised, the question was asked: “Why, do you really need this?” The presenter explained this simply: she has a small child, and he has to read fairy tales before going to bed, or sing “Tired toys are sleeping”, and the timbre of the voice began to “go up” because of this, an adjustment is required. By the way, the Tired Toys Are Sleeping program can boast that Alena visited them in October 2018 and told little viewers how rain appears, what “air humidity” is and much more.

Alena Dubluk, host of Ren-TV channelphoto

Her future plans are to continue working as a meteorological newscaster. When asked if Alena would not like to work in “normal” news, she replied: “Before, there were thoughts that it would be great. But now I understand that there are stricter limits, other requirements for presenters. My weather forecasts are hilarious and ironic, it would be impossible to run a program like this in normal news.” The woman says that she is absolutely comfortable at the workplace where she works now: “I love the “Weather”, namely “Ren-TV”. I get tremendous pleasure from my “minutes of glory” and am grateful to the team where I am now. After all, we completely coincide in terms of energy, in the manner of presenting the material, in the vision of events.” Despite the fact that Alena Dubluk is somewhat older than the new composition of announcers on METEO TV, she is completely calm about her workplace – she is loved and appreciated in the company.

Personal life

“Behind the scenes”, household chores – their television stars either hide very carefully, or expose every minute of family life for show. Alena Dubluk has an organic balance in this regard: a woman does not hide that she has a family and a child, and at the same time “keeps intrigue”, gives her fans the opportunity to suffer and look for information themselves.

The easiest way to look for something interesting now is to visit the idol's social networks, and if you look at Alena's Instagram, you can find the answer to almost any question regarding her personal life. For example, about the fact that the leading weather news has a son, Vanya, he is still a preschooler. On Alena’s Instagram, the boy is a real “star”: here they are looking at cultural monuments, or wandering along the sea coast, or going to a museum, a zoo. Alena's family often travels together, in her social networks there are a lot of photos from different countries, where Vanya's parents visit different interesting places.

Alena Dubluk with her husband and sonAlena Dubluk with her husband and son . Photo

The most “hot” question regarding Alena's personal life, which her fans constantly ask on the Internet – is she married? Absolutely nowhere can you find official information about her marital status, for some reason she is not asked this question in an interview. You can find out the answer again from Instagram, and it will be positive – the leading Dubluk is not only the mother of a wonderful baby, but also a happy wife.

She does not directly talk about her spouse, but there are plenty of hints on the social network.

For example, next to one video about her son Vanya, who is posing against the background of a “screen” frame, she wrote: “This is what happens when parents are TV people!” We draw conclusions: Vanya's dad also works on television, but he is not a public person, otherwise they would have written about him a hundred times: “Alena Dubluk's husband.” The second hint that caught my eye during one interview: Alena was asked how often she changes her wardrobe, and she replied that she consulted with her husband about choosing clothes. The keyword “husband” was used in the sentence, so we can safely conclude that the favorite of millions of METEO TV viewers is married.

Alena Dubluk familyfamily on a walk

Another “plus” in the direction of confirming the fact that Alena is married and happy is that on her social networks, along with her son Vanya, the same man of good appearance constantly gets into the frame. He is clearly not an artist, not a host, otherwise visitors to his wife's account would have recognized him long ago. The fact that both of them do not shout at every corner about family happiness is a huge plus for them, modesty only emphasizes the positive features of people. And the last confirmation that weather forecaster Dubluk is happily married is the answer to the question “What does family mean to you?” in an interview on her native METEO TV: “This is my support and support.”

Interesting facts about the TV presenter

  1. Her son Vanechka is still small enough to make serious plans for his future profession, but he is already a very artistic boy and loves to dance. Under one of his videos on Mom’s Instagram, even someone wrote: “Timati tensed up: so that’s what you are, the future Yegor Creed!”
  2. Surely, in childhood, one natural phenomenon “provoked” the girl Alena’s desire to go to work into meteorology. It happened on the Moscow-Blagoveshchensk train, when she saw sparkling snow on the Altai Mountains from the train window in the summer.
  3. Alena actively opposes environmental pollution, and this is not surprising – after all, she is always aware of what sometimes irreversible changes occur on Earth due to the barbaric attitude towards nature. She and her husband are doing their part to protect the planet from garbage – they do not throw away old clothes, but hand them over for recycling.
  4. Her idol is Maria Sklodowska-Curie: “Probably because I adore her because she loved chemistry at school.” From literary works, she likes domestic classics (she has read The Master and Margarita many times) and biographies – from this genre she especially noted the biography of Steve Jobs.
  5. A young woman loves to travel, and any corner of the planet is unforgettable for her: “I can’t even imagine a place that I wouldn’t like.” One of the seven wonders of the world, Chichen Itza in Mexico, made her the most vivid impression of the sights she visited.
  6. Her favorite type of recreation is “walking in the park when the weather is fine, feeding the birds and eating ice cream” ( her words). In rainy weather, she also leaves the house, but she doesn’t take an umbrella with her, but puts on a raincoat with a hood.
  7. About her nutrition: the woman does not adhere to any special diets, she even complains about herself that sometimes she cannot resist and eat at night. She prefers to go in for sports in groups, she also goes to the pool.
  8. Her dream may sound trite, but Alena dreams of peace everywhere on Earth. She is completely satisfied with her life: “I would like to continue to live like now. I am absolutely satisfied with everything.”
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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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