9 Signs Your Food Isn't Right for You

When the body doesn’t like the food you put into it, it gives clear signals: digestive problems arise, headaches arise, skin rashes appear, and other unpleasant consequences make themselves felt. If you find yourself with a couple of signs from our list, know: it’s time to change your diet.

9 signs your food is not right for you

1. Acne

The causes of acne, or acne, are not fully understood, but inflammatory processes on the skin clearly indicate that something is wrong with your body. One of the most plausible versions is related to diet: acne appears due to the fact that the liver cannot cope with a large amount of toxins obtained from food, and they begin to be excreted through the skin.

2. Excess weight

The body begins to gain excess weight faster due to toxins. When you eat junk food, your body increases the production of fat cells and retains water to reduce the toxic load and keep harmful substances away from your internal organs. Emotional stress causes a similar effect.

3. Cellulite

Cellulite is the accumulation of toxins, fluids, and waste products from other cells in fat cells. As a result, they increase in size and an “orange peel” appearance appears. Fat cells can accumulate harmful substances for decades, so only lifestyle changes and proper nutrition will help get rid of cellulite.

4. Headache

Headaches often appear due to intestinal dysfunction due to consumption of junk food, alcohol, medications, or under stress. Food allergies are also a common cause of headaches.

5. Sour belching or heartburn

Your stomach may not be able to cope with the digestion of food that is too fatty, heavy or spicy, and then the food, along with stomach juice, is thrown back into the esophagus.

6. Diarrhea

When your body receives toxins, it resorts to its favorite method of defense – diarrhea, which helps quickly remove all harmful substances from the body.

7. Constipation

When the body realizes that food is harmful to it, it may refuse to digest it. Then undigested food begins to accumulate and rot in some place in the digestive tract. Typically, people who eat poorly experience long periods of constipation, interrupted by short bouts of diarrhea.

8. Fatigue

The body simply cannot get enough energy from harmful foods. Therefore, people who eat improperly are constantly tired.

9. Addiction

Feeling a lack of strength and fatigue, many resort to all kinds of stimulants: coffee, cigarettes, sugar, alcohol, drugs. In this case, of course, your body does not receive real energy.

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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