Why are profiles of kept women posted on websites?

questionnaires of kept women

Recently, people are faced with a constant rise in prices and unemployment. Therefore, everyone is looking for a way to make money by any means available. It's hard to have a good income. Therefore, women are increasingly thinking about becoming a kept woman. And more and more sites appear that host profiles of kept women.

Who are kept women?

Kept women are women who live at the expense of strangers. The peculiarity of these representatives of the fair sex is that they are not employed anywhere, and have neither passive nor active income.

Such women receive the main content from the sponsor in the form of real estate, money, gifts, business, etc. Their main duty is to satisfy the needs of a man in the sexual sphere.

The main differences between a kept woman and a married housewife are as follows:

  • she should not combine domestic services with pleasing a sponsor;
  • she has no joint property with a man (all things she has are either property or gifts);
  • a man has no obligations to a woman and vice versa (everything is purely voluntary);< /li>
  • The kept woman lives separately from her sponsor.

The most famous kept women were the following women:

  1. Catherine the First.
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Catherine the First

  1. Jeanne de Turbet.
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Jeanne de Turbet

  1. Anna Mons.
Why are profiles of kept women posted on websites ?

Anna Mons

  1. Sofia Pototskaya.
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Sofia Pototskaya

  1. Tais of Athens.
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Thais of Athens

  1. Rosamund the Fair.
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Rosamund the Fair

  1. Wallis Simpson.
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Wallis Simpson

  1. Odette de Chamdiver
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Odette de Chamdiver

Is a kept woman a way of life or a job?

Simply put, kept women — these are lovers. Only profiles on the sites they place not in search of romantic meetings, but for the sake of profit. The only difference is that a woman should be free, and a man should be rich. If we are talking about lovers, then the presence of money may not play a role.

Often, men who are looking for a kept woman are married or disappointed in love. They often have children. Often there are cases when one man keeps several women on the side at the same time. Often such sponsors look for lovers through special sites.

The relationship model in this case is as follows: a wealthy man and a young free woman. By definition, a kept woman should not be married.

Since the search for rich sponsors is gaining more and more popularity lately, many sites have been created with profiles of kept women of different ages and types. There are such women and men looking for them in every city.

Why are profiles of kept women placed on websites?

Kept women often deal only with well-to-do sponsors, which is not surprising, since the fair sex, apart from financial assistance from their lover, have no income. Therefore, when looking for a man on websites, the level of income is one of the most important indicators.

There are rare cases when a woman becomes a secret passion of a man with an average income. For example, if a person is offered two similar positions, he will naturally choose the one that pays more.

The life of a mistress on the maintenance of a man is not very easy, as many people think. Often there are sponsors for whom women are considered toys. They do whatever they want with their kept women, without caring about their interests and feelings. But there are also men who behave like noble knights.

A situation may arise when a sponsor decides to come to his passion during a period of illness, and it will be problematic to refuse him. As a result, a man can be left with nothing, and a woman without a single (often) source of income.

A kept woman is both a job and a way of life for a woman.

Why are kept women profiles placed on websites?

Firstly, she has certain functions, without which she can lose her place and income.

Secondly, they need to take care of themselves, as the years go by, beauty fades, and younger, fitter and more beautiful women breathe down the back of the head.

For these two reasons, young ladies who have found good sponsors hold on for them, satisfying all their desires (even the most non-standard ones).

Seven reasons to be a kept woman

Most often, women who do not want to work, or are simply used to living at the expense of other people, think about becoming a kept woman with a rich “daddy”. Many mutually beneficial relationships are convenient, since sponsors do not attract their kept women and do not cause a desire to associate with them later in life.

But there are times when a woman develops an emotional attachment to the caregiver, as a result of which the relationship can be complicated.< /p>

There are seven key reasons to be a kept woman:

  1. Love to get money quickly.
  2. The desire to exist comfortably, while not doing business and not working.
  3. The need to adapt in a metropolis (if we are talking about a provincial visitor to a big city).
  4. The desire for a luxurious life.
  5. Crisis situation (in life or in the whole region). Often women become kept women for a while, earning money for a specific purpose.
  6. Lack of desire for monogamy, starting a family, having children.
  7. Perception of such a life as a hobby.
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Six reasons not to be a kept woman

Visually, the life of a kept woman seems easy and beautiful, but this is not always the case.

Firstly, outwardly not very attractive men who find it difficult to find themselves often become sponsors. companion without resorting to financial assistance. Wealthy and beautiful representatives of the stronger sex often choose smart, attractive, worthy, accomplished women as companions.

Secondly, the kept woman will not be able to build a personal life while she is in the care of the sponsor. No man wants to share his woman with another.

Third, sponsors rarely agree to have a child from their mistress (and almost every woman awakens such a desire sooner or later).

Thirdly, the lack of feelings of the kept woman to the patron and vice versa. A man, wanting to relax mentally and physically in the presence of a woman, will not tolerate complaints and discontent.

Fourthly, sponsors can change their mistresses, which is considered the norm in relationships of this kind.

Fifthly, the possibility of emotional attachment and even falling in love. Often such women suffer from loneliness and lack of spiritual intimacy with anyone.

Before deciding to build such a relationship, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Moreover, when sponsorship is terminated by a man at the initiative of a woman, all gifts are most often returned.

Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

Advice to potential kept women

If, after analyzing all the pros and cons, the decision is made in favor of finding a sponsor, you should remember five important tips:

  • need to decide on the category of search for men. The most convenient and profitable will be communication with officials, politicians, businessmen and other similar persons. It should be remembered that the more profitable the party, the greater the competition. Therefore, a woman should surpass her competitors in many ways;
  • it is necessary to clearly identify the goal of building relationships – exclusively financial gain;
  • all gifts and money received from the sponsor must be immediately transferred to capital in order to the man did not have access to them after the end of the relationship;
  • you need to plan the time of “work”. If the “employment” is temporary, you must immediately end the relationship after the end of the established period;
  • you do not need to ask the sponsor for the amount and types of income.
Why are kept woman profiles posted on websites?

If you take into account and apply all these tips, then the “work” of a kept woman can become somewhat easier. Each woman chooses how she wants to live, and what status she wants to have – wife and mother or mistress. The main thing is that the choice made will bring joy and satisfaction and not leave disappointment.

Psychologist Alisa Plotnikova. The psychology of a kept woman. Consumer Relations

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Family psychologist. For 8 years I have been saving "family cells" from disintegration. I help couples regain love and understanding.

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